The Meet

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Back to Percabeth! This one does not take place during the school day, but instead after school. I hope you enjoy. I based this off of one of my own cross country meets.

Mentioning's of abuse: 🔵

Percy POV-

I watched in anticipation for Annabeth to round the corner. I've seen her run, she's fast, right now, the timer was at eighteen minutes. No one had come yet, but I knew this was her time. The music blared in the background, little kids laughed and cheered. Tyson and Estelle were playing and tapping on my leg for me to join them.

"Here comes the first girl, Annabeth Chase, rounding the corner now!" The announcer called, cutting off the music. Soon, the music was back on, playing some upbeat song that I had never heard.

I watched as Annabeth rounded the corner in a full sprint by now. The finish was only 40 yards away from her. I cheered her on as she passed by me. Another girl emerged, a dangerous gleam in her eyes. I knew she wouldn't catch Annabeth, but I was still nervous. I cheered as loud as I could for her and watched as she ran through the finish line. I ran to her, shoving past the crowd.

"Great job Annabeth!" I cheered as I got near her. She looked startled to see me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, not in a rude way, but a happy tone. I hope.

"My whole family came. We wanted to cheer you on!" I exclaimed.

"Percy, the drives like an hour and a half away, you didn't have to come!" She scolded. I chuckled.

"But we wanted to." She wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Of course, Wise Girl."

She was grinning as she pulled away from me.

"Do you know if my family came?" She asked.

"I- I didn't- I didn't see them," I said. Her face fell. "But that doesn't mean that they're not here." I tried to quickly cover it up, but she knew. She knows everything.

"It's alright," she seemed to be trying to reassure herself more than me.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm used to it by now anyways." She sighed. I wrapped her in another hug. This time she flinched a bit. I knew why, I loosened my grip on her.

"You gotta tell someone," I mumbled. She chose to ignore me.


"Look! Here comes your family!" She exclaimed, letting go of me and surging forward towards them. Not gonna lie, I kinda missed her already.

"Great job sweetie!" My mom exclaimed wrapping her arms around Annabeth.She hugged her back. I saw her flinch a bit, but not much. She went through my family, giving Paul, Grover and Tyson a hug. She then got to Stella and picked her up. I ran over to my family, and we walked to cheer the rest of the team on. She continued to hold Estelle, who played with Annabeth's curls and made some weird noises. I stood in between Annabeth and Grover.

"Come on Macy!" Annabeth cheered. I clapped for the girl, but my focus never wavered from Annabeth.


The bus had returned to the school. Annabeth told me she didn't really want to go home, so I talked to my mom, and she said that Annabeth could stay for dinner and a little bit of time after, she didn't really care. I'm pretty sure she likes Annabeth more than me, but I'm fine with that.

Annabeth ran towards our car, holding her bag and trophy. She swung open the door and hopped in, taking a seat next to me.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"Hi Annabeth, you seem excited," mom teased.


"I just really like coming to your house, it's more homey than mine," Annabeth replied. I knew what she meant, my mom only knew a little bit, only that Annabeth was neglected. She didn't know about the abuse.


"Well we like when you come over, it keeps Percy from driving us crazy," My mom winked at me.

"Yeah, he does tend to do that," Grover joked. I gave him a playful shove. And he laughed, his laugh sounded so much like a goat bleat. It was hilarious.

We spent the rest of the car ride laughing. Mostly at me. But I wasn't really listening. I was too busy focusing on the tingling in my wrist. I knew what it meant, but what if she didn't want that? I wasn't gonna tell her, not yet.

When we got home, we ate dinner and spent the rest of the time playing Mario Kart. Just so you know, never play against Annabeth. She's too good.


"I better get going or else Helen's going to be angry," Annabeth said after another round. I knew what she meant. I knew the hidden meaning in those words.

"I'll drive you home, let's go," I grabbed my keys and we walked out of the house.

"When are you going to tell someone?" I asked when we were sitting in the car. She stared at me. I always asked her this, but she never answered. I figured she wouldn't.

"I- I don't know. I just don't want anyone else getting hurt. Besides, no one believes me. Helen's a high respected government worker. They won't-"

She broke down crying.

"Annabeth, it's alright. You'll be fine, but you have to tell someone," I reassured.

"Just take me home. I don't want to be in trouble." I knew the urgency of those words. I quickly started my car. I didn't want to take her back to that awful place, but she could get me to do anything. Somehow, someway, she could.

She talked to me the rest of the ride, trying to reassure me that it wasn't completely awful.


When she left, she gave me a kiss.

..on the cheek. (Haha, don't worry, they'll get together soon though.)

I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Bye Seaweed Brain. Thanks for letting me come over and coming to my meet and driving me home and-" she stopped herself. "Thanks for everything."

I smiled at her. "Bye Annabeth, call me if there's a problem, alright?"

She nodded, "I will."

By now my wrist was itching like crazy. I turned down the urge to scratch. She couldn't be around when I itched it, then she would know.

She closed the door car door and I rolled up my soulmate-side sleeve. I looked and saw why it was itching so bad. It had suddenly become more detailed. I didn't know they did that.


I hope you enjoyed! I really liked writing this part, probably because I love Percabeth. I know I didn't have a chapter about the school day itself, I may only have a few more of those.

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