Day 6-pt 1

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Please read below:

*Caleo continuation chap. After this chapter, will be pt. 2, then Frazel. I want something original for that, but I can't think of anything. If anyone has any ideas, I will gladly take them!!!!!*

On with the story:

Calypso POV:

I was ecstatic! I had moved in with my sister and mother this weekend, and I'd be attending Goode High with my sister this week.

She told me that she thought I'd get along great with some of her friends. I hoped it wasn't her Hunters group because I had a soulmate tattoo and I planned on finding him. Sometimes my sister bothers me. There are loads of people without tattoos, loads of possible people to date, but she chose the group that has sworn off all romance.

Anyways, I headed to school. Zoë told me that she would show me around and introduce me to a few of her friends.

I went to the office, where Zoë and I collected my schedule, there was a girl with brown choppy hair, braids and feathers were incorporated throughout. She wore zero make up. She looked nice enough.

"Callie, this is Piper, she's one of my friends," Zoë said. Piper smiled kindly.

"Hi Calypso, as she said, I'm Piper," she greeted, extending her arm for me to shake her hand. I noticed she had a tattoo with the name JASON imprinted in it. Thank gods she wasn't a huntress.

"Hi Piper!" I returned the gesture and shook her hand.

"So, I'll show you around the school. We'll probably run into a few more of my friends," Zoë said. We walked off, Piper walked next to us and we had a nice conversation.

As we walked along Zoë stopped and pointed to a boy. I was hoping she would say that she quit the hunt and found a boyfriend.

"That's Leo, he's in the friend group, but stay away from him, he's annoying," Zoë told me. Piper stifled a laugh and I gave Zoë a weird look.

"You think all boys are annoying," I replied.

"He's especially so," she groaned. He turned around, saw us and came running over.

"Hi, I'm Leo McSchnizzle!" He introduced himself, both Piper and Zoë groaned. "And who are you?"

"I'm Calypso," I stated unenthusiastically. He smiled.

"That's a beautiful name," he smiled and winked. I glared at him, he either didn't notice or didn't care. He kept on smiling.

"Well, Valdez, we're gonna keep walking, you can leave," Zoë ordered. His smile fell for a moment, and then returned.

"Alright, bye Sunshine," he smiled at me and kept walking past us.

"Don't call me sunshine!" I yelled at him, he turned around, almost tripping over his own feet, I held back a laugh, trying to keep a serious look on my face.

"Okay, Sunshine," he winked and turned around. I rolled my eyes at him, but on the inside I didn't know what I was feeling. At first I thought it was anger, but...

I didn't know what I was feeling. We kept walking down the halls. Then I saw him, Percy Jackson, talking to a girl and a guy. I supposed the guy was Grover, his best friend, he described him well. But the girl was definitely not Rachel, not the way he described her, no, this girl had curly blonde hair and grey eyes. Suddenly, whatever I was feeling around Leo was replaced by a new feeling. Definitely anger.

I couldn't help it, I surged forward, Zoë tried to hold me back, but I went up to Percy Jackson yelling at him about all the stupid things he's done. He looked confused and taken back at first, but then he saw me and his face transformed into shock and surprise. Not anger or fear, but...


Part 2 will come soon! Probably sometime this week. Thanks for reading!

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