Day 9

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Nico POV-

"Hey Nico, I'll see you later," Will said as he walked to class. It was the morning and we were just talking and goofing around, I wondered what he was talking about, I knew I would see him during lunch, in the doctor's office when I felt like going, and chemistry, but it didn't sound like he was implying that. Then I remembered, OUR MOVIE DATE IS TONIGHT!!!!

I mean... our movie date is tonight.

I walked down the halls to join my friends, Percy and Annabeth still weren't here, Grover told me what happened, I felt really bad for Annabeth. Anyways, Piper and Jason were talking to each other while Thalia teased them, Hazel and Frank were also talking, they made a very cute couple and I'm happy for my sister. Leo was flirting with Calypso, who I could tell tried to look very angry, but you could see in her eyes she wasn't. Lastly, Katie, Miranda, Travis, Connor, Grover and Juniper were talking about who knows what.

"Hey Nico, how was your time with Will?" Jason teased.

"Oh shut it."

"Never gonna. You two are so cute together!" Jason squealed. I repeat, squealed.

"You okay, Jason?" Piper asked.

"You know, I think I picked up on a few things from being at your house, like your sister's squealing disorder."

They all laughed. Silena did squeal a lot.

"So tonight's your guys' date, right?" Piper asked me. I blushed.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Aww look, he's blushing," Thalia teased.

"Shut up!" I yelled. Thalia smirked.

"Alright, I'll be quiet, we wouldn't want your boyfriend to hear." I shoved her.


The rest of the school day continued with all of my friends teasing me, Will, or both of us. At lunch, they teased us about sitting next to each other.

"What movie are you gonna go see?" Jason asked curiously.

"Hopefully a horror film, filled with blood and-"

Will cut me off, "nope."

"Then what's the point?"

"The point is to see something that doesn't involve mass murder, besides Nico, the good horror films don't come out until Halloween!"

"That's a very good point. We should wait until Halloween for a horror film."

"Yeah, you guys really should," Jason cut in, "I don't know about you guys, but that one movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas, still scars me, I mean that one guy, he's scary!"

"That movie is animated, and a children's movie?" Will seemed very confused.

"He's also afraid of Santa Claus, it's okay," I said.

"That's who I'm talking about! I mean 'he sees you when your sleeping! He knows when you're awake!' It's so creepy!" Jason yelled. Piper looked at him, probably trying to figure out her life choices.

"It is pretty creepy to think about, actually," Frank butt in.

"Yeah! See, Frank agrees with me! Anyways, Santa also put staplers in my stocking last year!" Jason cried.

"Actually, that was me." Thalia raised her hand. Jason gasped and dramatically put his hand over his heart.

"I've been betrayed by my own sister!" He exclaimed.

"Do you know how to get a new soulmate?" Piper asked.

"Join the hunt."

"No! Piper I love you! Don't leave me!"

"Yeah, Piper! Don't leave him! Who else am I gonna third wheel!" Leo cried.

"Leo, you broke up with us, remember, you don't third wheel us anymore, you moved on to Frank and Hazel," Piper pointed out.

"We will gladly give him back if you guys want him!" Hazel exclaimed. Frank nodded eagerly in agreement. Leo winked at us.

"All the couples love Leo!" He exclaimed.

"LEO!" Everyone scolded.

"We're good without him," Jason said. Leo dramatically pretended to faint, he then fell out of his chair like an idiot. Calypso laughed.

"Well. So are we," Frank said, making no attempt to help Leo up, even though he was right next to him. I somehow now approve of my sisters relationship with Frank even more.

"Well, I'm not going back to Charlie and Silena," Leo said standing up. Piper's eyes turned huge and she nodded, agreeing with him.

"How about you third wheel Will and Nico?" Thalia said, eying us evilly. I swear I have never hated Thalia so much in my life.

"No, no, we're fine, thank you," Will said.

"Ooh, I know! I'll third wheel Travis and Katie!" Leo exclaimed. Travis and Katie weren't paying attention. He jumped out of his seat, ran over to them and sat in between. He then proceeded to throw his arms over their shoulders.

"No," Katie said, knowing what was about to happen.



Leo looked disappointed, but moved on back to his seat. He looked over his shoulder sadly as if glancing in the distance.

"Goodbye Lovebirds!" He called sadly. He would make a decent actor.

"I swear we just watched a soap opera," Will whispered to me. I nodded in agreement.

Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now