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This takes place after Day 10, so a day after the last chapter. I'm too lazy to write day 10, because I have no inspiration for it. Besides, the actual hang outs after school are more exciting.

Percabeth time!

Percy POV-

"Hey Wise Girl!" I exclaimed opening the apartment door to let her in. She smiled at me.

"Hey Seaweed Brain."

"Beffffffffff!" My sister yelled, running as fast as her little legs would carry her.

"Stella!" Annabeth bent down as Stella jumped into her arms.

"I swear she love you more than she loves me," I said. Annabeth smirked.

"Who doesn't?"


"I'm not joking."

I did the mature thing and stuck my tongue out at her. She stood up off the ground, still holding Estelle, who had her arms wrapped around her neck.

"Can I come in?"

"Nope. You have to stand outside," I joked. She glared at me.

"Let me in, Seaweed Brain!" She laughed.


She tried to be sneaky and get in the small space between me and the wall, so I moved over just an inch. She put down Estelle.

"Estelle. Attack."

Stella just stood there staring at me with her adorable big eyes. I trained her well.

"I'm not allowed to attack Percy," she said, making her baby seal face for Annabeth.

"Okay. Then go inside so you don't see me kill him."

"Alright!" Estelle happily skipped inside, obeying Annabeth's orders.

"You're gonna kill me?" I asked, dramatically placing my hand over my heart.

"Yes I am. Unless you let me through."

"Nope. What's the password?"

"Percy, I hate you."

"No you don't! You love me!" I joked. Her face turned red. Then I realized what I said, I turned red too.

We stood there for a few minutes awkwardly, not saying anything and just staring at each other. Her face was about as red as mine felt.

"Percy! Annabeth! Come inside!" Mom called.

"Umm... yeah. Alright." I moved so Annabeth could get through.

"I win," she whispered and smiled proudly.


"Percy! Don't use that language when your sister's in the house!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Mom!" I whined, "I meant it like the Hoover Dam! You know, the one that holds water!"


Annabeth laughed at me. We slowly made our way into the kitchen.

"Hi Annabeth!" My mom exclaimed as she hugged her, "how have you been, sweetie?"

"I've been good Sally, thanks for asking. How have you been?"

"I've been good! Can I ask you two a favor?"

"Sure mom!"

"I have to go to work. Paul has a meeting tonight, and Grover is at Juniper's. Can you babysit Estelle and Tyson? I know it's kinda last m-"

Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now