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All tattoos appearred on your wrist.

Percy got his tattoo on his 13th birthday. He was stuffing his face full of blue cookies that his mom had made for him, when he noticed a design on his right wrist. It was an owl, a stack of books, mostly all labelled something about architecture and a building. What was it, the Parthenon? Yeah, that sounded right. He just hoped his soulmate wasn't some major nerd, the opposite of him.

Annabeth got her tattoo on her thirteenth birthday aswell. Her's appearred while she was reading. Yes, reading on her birthday. How dare you judge her! The new book was a present from her best friend Thalia. She got it and the party was over, or maybe it was still going on. She didn't know, she ran upstairs to her room and started reading. Anyways, her tattoo was a skateboard, a wave, a black horse and was that... was that a blue cookie! Who the heck likes blue cookies so much that it appears on their soulmates wrist! Oh well, she just hoped he wasn't some idiot.

Piper got her tattoo when she was 14 on the most random day possible. That was unusual. She was at her friend Thalia's house, hanging out with her friends Thalia (obviously), Annabeth, Reyna, Bianca and Hazel (who were Thalia's cousins), and Zoe (I just needed her to be alive guys, I love her so much!) Suddenly, Jason walked in the room yelling something about a special order of bricks? Okay anyways, a few minutes after he left she got a tingling sensation in her wrist. She looked down and saw a tattoo. Glasses, a lightning bolt, a stapler and a brick. she smiled to her self hoping that her suspicions were right on who it was.

Jason got his tattoo on a weird day just like Piper. He was on his way to go see his cousins Percy, Tyson, and Percy's best friend who his mother pretty much adopted. His name was Grover. How Sally took care of all of them as a single mother, Jason didn't know. Percy and Grover were both the same age as him, 13, Tyson 6. Tyson actually wasn't even her child either, he was her ex-husband's, who died at sea. Somehow, Sally ended up with him. Anyways, he was about to leave and was saying goodbye to his friends. He went to hug Piper, his longtime crush, and his wrist started to tingle. In the cab he looked at his tattoo. A feather and a ballet slipper (Piper's gonna be a dancer in this). He really hoped it was Piper. I mean both things could easily represent her, but also there's a lot of dancers, it was hard to know for certain who it was.

Grover got his tattoo on his 13th birthday, like most people do. He was now living with the Jackson's, his mother and father had both passed, and Sally took him in. He woke up to Percy's dog, Mrs. O'Leary licking his face. He pushed her off, and rolled out of bed, literally. He hit the ground hard. Percy sat on his bed laughing. Anyways, he was getting up when Percy's laughing stopped. "G-man, look at your wrist, I think I saw the tattoo." Grover looked at his wrist, sure enough, there was a tattoo. It was beautiful, It was trees and little flowers. All the petals were little pink hearts. He hoped he would find his soulmate soon, she seemed great.

Okay guys, from here on out, these are gonna be shorter, I can't spend 20 minutes on one persons tattoo, sorry.

Juniper got her tattoo on her favorite day ever, Earth Day! She went to do a nature clean up with her school group. Anyways, as she bent over to pick up trash when she saw it, her tattoo. She had been waiting a while for it, and now here it was. It was Goat horns side by side forming a heart around the earth. She also saw reed pipes. She really hoped to find her soulmate soon.

Leo got his tattoo late. He was 15 when it finally appeared. It was a flower, a moon, an island, and a dining table?! What the heck. Who loved a table so much that it appearred on their soulmates wrist? Anyways he also noted the island. written in the sand of it was the word Ogygia. That must be the name of it! He devised a plan to get to this island.
Step 1: Do something illegal causing a nation wide man-hunt for himself.
Step 2: Get a fake mustache and a fake identity
Step 3: Escape the Country by buying a plane ticket with this fake identity. The plane destination will be Ogygia.
It was a flawless plan really, and it killed two birds with one stone.

Calypso's tattoo was not at all what she had been expecting. It was a wrench, a dragon, and a flame. Seriously, A FLAME!!! Is he some fire obsessed idiot who runs around burning houses down?! She didn't know, But as long as her flowers and table were safe from his madness she was okay.

(I should not be laughing so hard at those last two) 

Frank's tattoo came in while he was at school. It was a horse, a drawing pad, and gems. He was hoping it was his friend Hazel, and it could be, but last he checked she was not a huge fan of horses, or atleast not a large enough fan for it to appear on her soulmates wrist. And besides, she was already dating Leo's cousin Sammy who lives in New Orleans which is where she used to live.

Hazel's tattoo crushed all her hopes of her soulmate being Sammy. A bow and arrows, an eagle and a maple leaf did not describe him. When she showed him her tattoo, he understood and they decided to just be best friends, she hadn't told anyone yet because she couldn't, it was the middle of summer and she was in New Orleans with no phone and no way of contacting anyone. It was just her, Sammy, the horses, and those brats that they call school girls here in New Orleans.

Will Solace was definetely not expecting his tattoo. It was a skull and a broken heart. That was the complete opposite of him. Who the he- Happy Thoughts. Atleast he would get to heal this person's broken heart.

Nico flipped out when he saw his tattoo. He started destroying the house. Bianca had to lure him into his room with happy meals and myhomagic cards. Once he was in she locked the doors and went to help Hazel clean the house. His tattoo was a sun with a smiley face and a stethescope.

(Sorry the last two are so short)

Heroes of Olympus Soulmates AU (completed)Where stories live. Discover now