The Car Shop

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Thanks for all the reads! I know it's been a while, I'm so happy to be back! Please remember to vote and comment!

This takes place on the same day as the last chapter.

Leo POV-

I was in the workshop, helping my mom fix up someone's car engine.

"Leo, pass me the wrench," my mom said, her head was nearly submerged into the hood of the car, so she was muffled. I passed her the wrench anyways.

After a while, she didn't need my help with the car, so I tinkered with some spare equipment. The phone rang.

I ran over to answer the call. I dove onto the skinny chair, let it spin around once, threw my feet up onto the desk and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Valdez's repairs?" The woman on the other end asked.

"That would be accurate!"

"My car needs a minor repair, I'm new to town and I heard that this is the best place to go. Can I have my daughter bring it over soon?"

"Yep. We can either fill out the paper work over phone or I can ask your daughter when she brings it." I felt very formal when talking over the phone, but I knew my mom wouldn't be too happy if I talked like I usually do with a customer.

"I would like to fill it out now."

We spent about ten minutes of going over the form and answering questions.

About fifteen minutes after that, a car pulled up. It was pretty fancy. It looked almost like something Zoe owned...

The passenger stepped out, and I realized why the car looked like Zoe's, the driver was Calypso, her sister, also the cuter of the two. You didn't hear that from me!

"Oh. It's you," She said as she got closer.

"It is me Chica! I missed you so much!" I forced a smile and she did the same.

"Fix the car. Just so I can get out of here."

"Alright, alright. jeez. You act like your busy!"

"I am. I'm busy trying to stay away from you."

"Thanks for that Chica," I said, I pointed to our very small waiting area. Really, it was just some plastic chairs along the wall. "You can wait there."

She rolled her eyes, but walked over and sat down.


"How much longer Repair Boy?" She asked.

"About another half hour. It would go quicker if you passed me some tools though."

She came over, clearly interested, and grabbed the tool box.

"Hand me the adjustable spanner," I said. She looked in the box clearly confused.


"That's a hammer, Sunshine."

"Well, help me! I don't know what this stuff is!" The tone of her voice had changed. It was more light and airy as opposed to her usual yell. She chuckled and bit too. Maybe she was going delusional, all the car fumes would do that to you...

And people asked why I was so nuts!

I reached my hand into the box.

"This is the adjustable spanner," I stated.

"That looks like a wrench."

"But, it's adjustable."

"You could've just said 'the wrench with the thing to help it move.'"

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