"What are you all doing here? Where's Hana?" Jaehyun stood there, a file and lab goggles in hand as he scanned their solemn faces.

He finally saw Jungkook, and it dawned on him.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore as he cried hard and gripped his hair tightly in his hands.

The file and goggles slipped from his hand, landing on the floor harshly breaking the frames.

Jaehyun stood there, his hands shook and looked towards Sena.

"Sena where's Hana." He softly spoke almost pleading.

When she didn't reply immediately he repeated.

"Sena! Where's my sister!" He demanded scaring the nurse a little as Sejin finally turned to Jaehyun and stood up.

"Sir you need to calm down." Sejin tried to get in between.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Where the hell is my sister Sena!?" His voice cracked, tears down streaming down his face.

She looked him in the eye, mirroring his grief. She slowly pointed to the operation room and his face fell even more.

"Tell me what happened." He demanded.

Namjoon now came to interfere.

"Jaehyun, please calm down. I'll explain it to you—"

"You guys were supposed to protect her!" Jaehyun shouted at Namjoon causing the leader to back up a little from the sudden accusation.

"—Dr Jaehyun, it was not any of the boys faults."  Sejin stepped in to calm the situation again.

Before Jaehyun could retaliate,

"It's my fault." Sena confessed looking down as all their eyes snapped to her.

"I knew Hana was trying to hide her coughing from me in fear of sending her back here. I knew how badly she wanted to see the performance and these boys were good to her, and even pretended to hide it from me so that she could fulfill her dream and I let her." She trembled as tears started to fall.

"It's not the boys fault but mine for not acting on it." She crumbled as she confessed.

Jaehyun was overcome with anger, "You're her nurse! You were supposed to watch over her!—" he rushed towards Sena aggressively, she squeezed her eyes shut in fear, but Yoongi now stood in between her, and him. His body stood tall, protecting her.

"Move out of the way." Jaehyun demanded. But Yoongi didn't back down, his glare trained on Jaehyun.

"You need to stop Jaehyun. You're a doctor and you need to stay professional or you'll lose your privileges and career." He spoke coldly.

"Hana's in there and she may not make it because of her!" Jaehyun continued to accuse Sena, pointing at her aggressively. Sejin was by Sena's side holding her tightly as she sobbed.

"Yeah and what were you going to do to her huh?! Beat her up, and have you arrested? Never to see the outcome of your sister?!" Yoongi shouted into Jaehyuns face.

That silenced him.

His face once filled with anger filled with realization and guilt.

All your efforts, lost.

Jaehyun slowly started backing away, looking down eyes glazed contemplating the words Yoongi said to him. He staggered back before collapsing against the wall opposite, holding his head in his palm.

"Y-you're right. What am I doing." He breathed out. He let anger irrationally consume him. He knew Sena only did things out of Hana's best interest and he was the same. He would do the same. He looked up to see a completely broken Sena crying her eyes out, this filled his heart with so much guilt. She didn't deserve to hear those words he said. He knew she cared for Hana as much as he did for her.

Soon the boy that stood between him and her was now in front of him, Namjoon right next to him extending their hands out.

He looked up at them confused, small sad smiles appeared on their faces.

"You're still Hana's beloved brother. We can't let anything bad happen to you too." Namjoon spoke. Yoongi mimicking his compassion in his expression.

"We need to believe in her." Yoongi spoke.

A sense of guilt continued to wash over him as tears threaten to fall from his eyes again. Hana loved these boys, and they were as compassionate as she had told him. He now realized why they meant so much to her.

He took their hands and they pulled him up.

"I'm sorry.. everyone." He spoke softly. Meeting everyone's gaze, even Sena's.

She nodded understandingly, a small tear filled smile on her face as she opened her arms.

He hugged her tightly.

"Believe in her."

Out of Time | Bts x OC |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن