Game over.


 "What the hell just happened?!" She cried out in frustration, her fingers pulling at her short black hair.

 "Amber has ben kidnapped and Aquamarine just got shot-"

 "I KNOW THAT!!" Raising her voice threateningly, heads turned towards her red face.

 "You asked." He muttered under his breath.

 "Can we help them at all?!"

  Doors opened silently, not catching anyone's attention except for the groups in the back drinking coffee and playing Go Fish. When the doors slammed shut, that's when everyone tuned their heads towards the man with salt-and-pepper hair and brown glasses.

 "Why not send them one last message?"


 A filthy tasting rope covered my mouth, my hands tied in front of myself with matching rope, and my ankles were tied up as well. Somehow, I woke up on my knees, slouched beside a conscious Jack.  He was tied up like me, but his legs were in front of him.

 "Hgack! Wshrere ahre wshe?!"

 He lifted an eyebrow up in confusion. Oh right... My mouth was covered by rope. My bad.

 The guy we fought opened a door I didn't see, and threw someone in the room with us. She landed in front of us on her side, her glowing amber eyes watered in pain. Her tears were illuminated a glorious, light brown-orange. The girl's hair had ends longer than the rest. Her unnaturally thick eyelashes fluttered rapidly as she choked down tears. Jack's eyes were squinted at her face like she was the blinding sunshine. I knew that familiar look. I got it from many, many strangers who had seen me on television. He knew her from somewhere.

 "Jack!" Her tears left, both her eyes and mouth smiling. I knew that voice. It was the girl I had been before.

 His eyebrows were close to his eyes like he was angry. Not at her, but at his thoughts. Or did he know her? She ignored me as she untied Jack so he could move and talk again. I muffled random words, desperately trying to get her to untie me as well. A soft aqua light covered her face as she untied me also.

 "You! You're the girl I had been before all of this! What's your name?"

 "A-Anne.. And may I ask your's?"

 "Kori. I don't understand what is going on, do you?"

 I opened my mouth to tell her I was as clueless as her, but she turned to Jack.

"..Do I know you?" Jack whispered to her, regret and sympathy poured into his voice. Kori's cheery smile was wiped away, replaced with a thin line.

"You don't remember me?"

"No, I don't even know you!" His voice began to fade at the end of his sentence.

 Kori looked down and bit her bottom lip, her eyes beginning to sparkle and glimmer. Hiding her tears from us by closing her eyes, revealing that her eyelashes were even longer when she closed them, she walked to a dark corner.

 "I-She seems familiar, but I don't know a thing about her!" I had pity for the two of them. 

 An awkward pause that lasted a few seconds seemed like minutes, only our soft breathing audible. It was like eating with a group of friends, saying nothing so that everyone sat in silence, forced to listen to each other chewing food.

 "Why are your eyes glowing? Or are-"

 Hello, everyone.

Kori turned away from the wall and stood up. She snarled at the ceiling, startling both of us. "You're back."


"What's going on...?" Jack looked where Kori was glaring at.

 We have one final thing to inform you about..Maybe two.

"We?" Kori and I asked in unison.

Yes, we. We cannot tell you about anymore than these few things. To get out of this replica of Earth, you must find one final person. He is in hiding, we will have to forcefully drive him out of that hiding spot before those young men start hunting him down too. 

 "Why drive him out of safety?!" Jack murmured half to himself and the voice.

 They are planning to move around that area, but before moving there, they are going to check every perimeter around that area. They'll shoot down anything that blocks their path. Including animals.

 "What's his name?"

 Are you sure you would like to know, Anne?

 "Yes." I had an idea of who it was. Half of me hoped it was him... half of me didn't want him here. The same thing may have happened. No, would have happened to him like Jack.


 I closed my own eyes, fighting the tears. Tears won. I didn't sob, I did not dare make a sound. Droplets trickled down my cheeks slowly, making me want to wipe the tears away with my hand. I clenched my jaw, and opened my eyes slowly. "Get me out of here now. Get us out of this hell-hole now! What did we ever do? One remembers their best friend, and their best friend has no idea who that person is, heck, they barely remember their name! I don't want to meet my best friend, only to find out he doesn't know me anymore! Kori doesn't deserve this to happen to her, neither do I or Jack! O-or Shane! Get us out!"

 The eerie silence angered me even more. The long pause was the obvious answer.

 We cannot do that. Calm down, Anne. It will get better than you think. Listen. If you two girls look at each other, you'll notice your eyes are so bright they seem to glow. Walk closer towards each other until you are about thee feet away.

Kori nodded and walked towards me. Copying her movements, I noticed something odd. Her eyes went brighter and brighter the closer we got. "What the.."

 Your eyes will tell how far away you two are from each other, very helpful for when you lose each other. We'll explain that later. Make an escape plan. We believe in you.

  I sat down where I originally was, and searched around for a certain white, chalk-like rock. Finding it, I drew a large square.

 "You heard the thing. Let's make a plan."

Aquamber ^^Currently being edited^^Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu