Chapter Five

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 She's already awakening, Doctor." She whispered in horror. "In the process of giving the other information while the other waking up without any medication will kill either one!" The doctor bit the inside of his cheek in the process of consideration.

"We can't kill either, they are too special, two of the most important of this kind other than the leader. She must be awakening since she didn't get her's yet. How the hell will we give it to her when we cannot touch her nor wake her up, and we do not even have it!" He angrily told her and himself. They both looked at each other with wide eyes, both knowing plan B is about to begin.

"Unless.." She began, symbolizing with one finger a circle in the air. He nodded, they both knew it's the only way. Even though everyone would have to start fresh after the plan.


  "Jack, whenever you are with me and I wince randomly when we are in public, get me to hide somewhere as quickly as you can." He nodded, confused, but did not question me. Not the first time, definitely not the last. Ringing screeched in my ears and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Just the TV, idiot, I told myself. Eyes wide, Jack softly whispered to me. "So probably nowhere public for a while." I nodded, sad that I couldn't eat at restaurants then. Mexican food sounded good also. Then it hit me, no boxing. Jack and I would just go somewhere instead, I guess. I even had the urge to do the same thing I did to that stalker to my next opponent.

 "Hold on, gonna go to the bathroom first." I told him. Locking the door behind me, I looked in the mirror to see a change. My auburn hair was softer looking, lighter, and my skin was totally clear and smooth. Last time I checked, which was last night, I had acne all over my face like usual. My eyes were different too. They were in the middle of the two colors hazel and gray, almost like a beautiful golden color. Even my teeth seemed straighter and whiter. It was like someone gave me the best make-over while I was asleep. Distracted, I didn't understand why I saw myself drop to the floor like a rock. I was floating in front of myself. Some times you will just fall to the ground and leave your body to this place, other times your body will come with you. I just left my body.

  A floating platform seemed to be underneath my feet and pushed me through the ceiling. This was peaceful, it wasn't painful. I went past cold, wet clouds when it happened. The platform threw me up to the sky at such a fast pace I couldn't take breaths of air, which I probably wouldn't be able to anyways. The wind sliced cold blades at my face and arms, squinting didn't help a thing for seeing. I finally stopped flying forward, a small pause and then I was about to woosh back down to the ground, feet in front of me. Although, I did not brace myself for the hard platform to be underneath me when I had let myself "fall". A huge whoosh was thrown out of my mouth, all the air in my lungs escaped and I laid there on the cold platform now lifting me up even higher where there was not very much air, wheezing and gulping for air like a fish.

 The platform stopped. Hallo again, Kori. Good to see you, this was going to be your ticket to the laboratory, but you left your body and I need to tell you things. I am a voice in your head you can only speak to on times like these. You are very special, when you are back in your body once again, look in the mirror. You will be quite pleased. Your life is timed, Kori. To be exact, you have three hours left Kori. Live how you want to, because you will not be back in the normal lifestyle ever.

  The voice was as smooth as silk, obviously a female's voice. Everything she said was really random. First she was greeting me, all the sudden she was talking about a lab, then that I'm special and that my life was timed. Her voice seemed alot like charm-speaking, it almost made me want to live how I wanted to.  Still thinking and talking to myself, the platform left me falling freely.

  "Kaauir!" Messed up and weird sounding whispers of what sort-of sounded like my name was in my ear until something hard hit my cheek and stung. "Kori!" Jack's voice. I opened my eyes in fear and found I was in his lap, I remember being in the bathroom at the mirror. His lifted his palm up again, but I wrapped my hand around his wrist before getting slapped again by him. Sighing of relief, Jack scooted away from me and shook his head.

"It happened." I whispered.

"I had a feeling it did, because thirty minutes passed and before that, I heard a sound like someone fell. AN HOUR passes by and I find you out cold on the ground." His glare instantly softened, knowing it wasn't my fault.

   "W-what did it tell you? Do you know?"

    I nodded in reply. "The next time that happens to me.. She said I'd be in some sort of laboratory. I still have no freaking idea what's going on. She said three more hours." My soft voice had fear mixed into it, making Jack's arms tense up like he was about to hug me. At this moment, I'd be fine with it. Happy, to be exact. Taking a deep and slow breath, I stood up, dizzy.  Maybe a shower would help, the heat helping my tense muscles and drain away my fear for now. Jack left and I was left alone again, no voice. Just me and silence. Feeling forever alone, I grabbed three fluffy and warm towels right out of our old dryer and I picked my favorite pajamas. Yearning to get into the hot shower, I looked at the time. Don't do it..

   Did I listen to my head? God no, but I should've. An hour later, I finally turned off the hot shower and hopped onto the floor towel, about I reached the towel and wrapped it around me. I began shaking like a leaf. I ignored it as best as I could, sharp pains all over me got worse and worse until I collapsed. Good thing I locked the door. This time, I could feel my body going into the air. My outstretched hand disintegrated in front of me, into the sky and my entire body did too. What did I see? Nothing. Everything was black, but I knew I was not alone.

Guess where you are, Kori. I could feel my voice smiling. I did not answer since I had no idea how to answer back half unconscious.

The lab. Wow, your talkative.


"So we switch their lives.. So that she can get her amulet?" One of the workers asked, getting it straight of what exactly they're doing. He nodded, annoyance flashed in his eyes of the consequences after all this. They had to switch their lives for Aquamarine to get her amulet.

"Why must we switch their lives?" He raised his eyebrows at the blonde worker, she just looked at him blankly, waiting for a question. He exhaled and shook his head. "Last time I am telling you guys." He started. "We need to switch the two girls' lives so the one can get her amulet. We could do the same thing but not switch their lives, but we cannot risk having the two boys fall in love with them. We do not know what will happen, but all we know it would be nothing good. Ray, Angel, and Breeze, go contact members who know about the amulets and warn them they are not the same. Tell them everything if you want. A summary, not the entire thing!" He pointed to the blonde worker with the stupid question. "You get the day off." She squealed in excitement and ran away to her freedom. Whoever let her work here must've been dating her, because she was a terrible and idiotic scientist. 

  Beads of sweat on everyone's foreheads, they had finally finished all the tasks. All they needed to do was put the two girls on the ground. Away from the tubes of water they floated in. Two scientists leaped up to the switches, one for Anne. One for Kori. At the exact time, the two pulled the switches towards them, making the girls start to dissolve up to the tall ceiling of the room, to the sky. Their work was done, and now it was all up to the girls.

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