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- When you and Tony argue, it's like arguing with a child.
- It's hard to get your words in, without him cutting you off.
- Most of the time, you're more serious than he is, so sometimes you have to walk away to let off some steam.
- He apologizes later after being scolded by Pepper or Rhodey.


- Steve doesn't like arguing with you.
- If you guys do argue though, it can go one of two ways.
- It can either be very quick and the problem is resolved.
- Or, one of you disagree with something and it becomes a whole other thing.
- You don't stay mad at each other for long. You both know you were both raised differently, therefore see things differently.


- You guys rarely argue.
- And if you do, it's because he's being overprotective or doesn't understand something.
- There isn't much yelling or anything like that.
- You just explain to him how you feel and he'll share his feelings.
- Then it's pretty much over.


- Arguing with Bruce is a definite no.
- There was one instance where it got a little... messy.
- So, to avoid that. You try to argue as little as possible.
- But, if you do. You both talk calmly to each other.
- And if things start to get out of hand, one of you will walk away and come back later.


- You and Bucky both tend to get hot headed when arguing.
- It consists of a bunch of screaming and aggression.
- Bucky's usually the first to calm down.
- He starts apologizing then you both end up crying.
- :/


- Arguing with Loki is the worst.
- It's hard to get your point across because you're both yelling over top of each other.
- Sometimes it can get physical.
- Sometimes it can be emotional.
- Just very toxic energy.


- You're arguments last about 20 minutes.
- In the beginning it can be a little heated.
- But, at some point one of you decide to be the bigger person.


- I wouldn't really call it arguing.
- Just two people casually having a conversation.
- You and Vision are very gentle with each other.
- So you try to keep the arguing to a minimum.


- He becomes very serious and sarcastic when you're arguing.
- It pisses you off then he gets pissed off because you are.
- But at the end, you both just end up laughing it off.


- He cries.
- He will literally cry while trying to voice his opinion.
- Then it makes you feel bad, so then you cry.
- Then you both just end up forgetting what you were even arguing about in the first place.


- You guys argue like regular couples.
- Sometimes it can get a little heated, where one of you end up yelling.
- But he mostly stays calm and collected and tries to defuse the situation quickly.


- You both will simply ignore each other.
- Which is difficult, seeing as there isn't really anywhere to go.
- Usually Gamora will force you two the talk to each other.
- Then she will get mad when she finds out the argument was over something small and stupid.


- He listens while you yell or talk.
- He'll wait for you to finish, before speaking.
- He loves you so much, he puts you first even in an argument.


- You guys don't argue.
- Arguing is avoided in your relationship.
- Sure sometimes you may disagree, but yelling and fighting is not something you both like to do.

December 9th, 2020 - 4:42 PM

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