Chaper 44

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If you need me ring me whenever. Love you little fairy.
Gran xxx

I saw your Gran at the supermarket and she was quite upset. I couldn't get much out of her but she said you'd been attacked. Are you okay hun? Let me know that you're okay.
Sophie xxxx
P.S Evelyn never stops talking about how cool 'Aunty Chloe' is. Please let us know you're okay Chlo.

Sophie saw your Gran who was apparently in a right state and said you'd been assaulted. Call me if you need me sweetie. I'm here for you. I mean that I'm not just saying it.
Love Eilidh x

Chlo bow,
Soph messaged me. Please let me know you're okay. If you need me to come be with you in England I can make that happen, or if some time in Spain will help. Just drop me a line sweetie.
Fi-Fi xxxx

Is everything okay. The police have been in work today asking a things about you and Evan. They wouldn't let us know what was going on. What's he's done?

I've spoken to my Gran, your aunt Aileen. I've been told what happened. It must be so traumatic for you so I'm sending you lots of love. Skye and I are really sad we won't get to see you (obviously at 12 we told Skye you weren't well and had gone home) I'd love a FaceTime once you're feeling up to it. I've got no one to talk about strictly and drag race with.
Your most favourite second cousin (at least i hope I'm your fave)
Iona xxx

I got a new phone for my 12th birthday last month, (thank you for my card and lush voucher. I got some bath bombs) my sister Iona gave me your number. I'm sorry you're sick and had to go home hope you feel better soon.
Lots of love from Skye 😊👍🏻❤️🥰

The police were on the ward today asking about Evan. Has it got something to do with you?
Love you sis
Dom x

You okay? Police asking about you in work today. Wouldn't tell us why. Hope all is okay
Nicky xx

Just thought I'd check in with you. Evan is in a critical but stable condition apparently. The police here as well as up in the Trossachs and Holby are all working together for you Chloe. I totally forgot at the SARC to give you a "sponser" like a mentor or support person who's been there and come out the other side. It might help to have someone who you don't know to talk to. Zuza Jones is about your age and had a similar experience, was raped by an ex her number is 07375001634. If you want to text her that's fine but if not that's okay too. I've contacted the SARC in Holby and they're expecting your call at some point. You can always call me too.

Chloe had asked Ange to check her phone because she couldn't face it right now. Looking at the texts and whattsapp messages Ange was glad she was looking at them not Chloe. It would probably overwhelm her. She had a few missed calls from friends too. 3 from Nicky in the last half hour! Ange jumped when her own phone rang.
"Ange, Ange it's Nicky" came a very panicked voice.
"Nicky are you okay? Take a breath, calm down." Ange was worried now Nicky was usually so calm.
"Sorry. Sorry. I tried to call Chlo but she didn't pick up. The police were here asking about Chloe. Then they asked to search the flat. Ange, they found hidden cameras."
Ange took a sharp breath in.
"The living room. Chloe's room and the bathroom." Nicky said anxiously.
"Oh God." Ange breathed "are you and Cam okay?"
"Yeah, the police are still searching the flat. The first was hidden in a plant pot. The one in Chloe room in an old CD case and in the bathroom behind the mirror. They're checking mine and Cams rooms and everywhere again. They can't be sure yet but they assume that they link to Evan's phone. Ange what's happened? No ones telling us. Is Chlo okay?"
"Nicky what I'm about to say goes no further than you and Cam okay. I'm only telling the two of you because you are her closest friends. And she's going to need your support at some point. Evan attacked her. Raped her." Ange still hated saying the word.
"Oh shit. How's she doing?" Nicky asked. Ange took a moment to decide whether to tell the truth, "she's...struggling. It was Monday so only about 4 days ago. To tell you the truth, She's not eating much or sleeping well."
"Is there anything we can do. Me or Cam?" Nicky asked.
"I'm not sure. Give her space, I mean keep texting every so often but wait for her to come to you for now. Listen are you and Cam okay to stay at the flat. I think the AAU on call room should be free if you need it"
"We're okay." Nicky assured Ange. "I think the police will be going soon."
"Okay. Thank you for letting me know Nicky."
"Thanks Ange, give Chloe my love."
"Will do"
Ange hung up and sighed. She knew talking Chloe this would absolutely stress her out. But knew she'd have to at some point. It might help Chloe's case though. Chloe was still having nightmares and flashbacks. She wasn't leaving Ange's bed except for the toilet a few times a day. No showers, no meals, nothing. All Chloe was doing was laying in bed. Occasionally watching Tv, Ange's room only had the main 5 channels, or reading a magazine.
"Hey Darling. I've run you a bath." Ange smiled at her daughter. It was a statement not a question. She knew if she'd ask Chloe would refuse. Chloe shook her head. "Come on Chloe, you might feel a little bit better if you're clean. And you've been asking for your hot water bottle and wheat bags a lot. The bath water might help."
Chloe tried to sit up she almost fell back. Ange put her arm behind her. "I've got you darling. Are you lightheaded?" Ange asked. Chloe nodded. "Darling this is probably low blood sugar. Please I need you to eat something." All Ange had seen Chloe eat in the last few days was half a piece of toast twice. 2 packs of mini cheddars and a tangerine. "I'm nauseous I'm not hungry." Chloe protested.
"I'm getting you a tangerine and some apple juice, then you're going to eat and drink that, then have a bath and put some clean pyjamas on. I've unpacked the ones you were taking up to Scotland."
"Mum." Chloe said unconfidently
"Yes darling." Ange looked at her daughter
"I don't want a bath because I don't want to look at myself. What he did to me. He made me ...disgusting." Chloe finished.
"No Chloe. He violated you, which is wrong. So wrong, but it hasn't changed you. Who you are, how you look. Yes you have bruises but they will heal. You are not disgusting. What he did to you is disgusting. Shall I add bubbles to the bath if seeing your body will upset you?" Ange asked and Chloe nodded in reply. Chloe drank the juice and ate the tangerine without too much protest. And she came out of the bath looking and smelling much better. "Hey darling , feeling better?"
"A little."
"Good, while you were in there I put some new sheets on the bed." Ange had quickly changed the bed but spent the rest of the time stood behind the open bathroom door, just out of sight. Scared to be away from her daughter. Chloe got back into bed and Ange sat on the side. "Chloe." She said using what Chloe always used to call her doctor voice. "Listen. Nicky called before and she sends her love, but the police have been to the apartment. They found some cameras that they think Evan planted." Ange told Chloe calmly who looked up at her in shock. "There's no need for you to panic darling. There were cameras in the living room, your bedroom and the bathroom." Ange continued and Chloe's eyes started to dart about wildly. "No no no. What if there's some here? what if he's watching me now?" Chloe panicked. Ange had expected this reaction. "What if he's shown people the videos of me. Changing or in the bathroom?"
"Chloe." Ange sat in front of her daughter taking her hands. "We have no reason to believe that he's shared any of the videos. Or that there's any cameras here. He's unconscious so he can't see us now even if there were cameras. You're safe now Chloe, you're safe darling girl."

"You've got a lot of texts," Ange said later.
"Who from?" Chloe asked
"Your Gran, Sophie, Eilidh, Fi, Dom, Cam, Nicky, Lorraine, Iona and Skye."
"Do they all know?" Chloe asked
"They all know something is up. Sophie saw your Gran so your Scotland friends know. The police are in work, asking about you and Evan.."
"Oh God.. everyone gonna know." Chloe interrupted, head in her hands. Ange patted her shoulder. "Your Gran told Aileen so your cousins know."
"But Skye's only 12 and she's always been young for her age? Would she even understand?" Chloe questioned
"No. Iona told her you were sick and had to go back to Holby."
"That doesn't even make sense. Surely if I was sick I'd stay where i was not drive hundreds of miles."
"Well Skye seemed to buy it and she says she hopes you get better soon and thank you for her birthday gift." Ange relayed. "I told Nicky what happened and she's told Cam. They have to know Chloe. But I trust them not to tell anyone else. And fletch won't either."
"Can you just text Fi, Soph and Eilidh and say I love them but I'm just not up to talking right now...and send that to Iona too, I can deal with the others another day but they deserve a reply." Chloe asked.
"And Dom?" Her mum asked.
"He's my brother, he deserves to know what's going on but tell him it's between us."
"Okay, I'll text the girls know and ring Dom later."

Ange looked through Chloe's contacts and found Eilidh, Sophie, Fiona and Iona
This is Ange on Chloe's phone. She isnt feeling up to talking right now but says thanks for your texts and she loves you all and will hopefully reply soon. We're back down in Holby and safe. X

"Hi Dom," Ange said as soon as her son picked up the call
"Hi, how's Scotland?" Dom asked.
"We're back in Holby." Ange sighed.
"Oh? Is this to do with Evan? The police were in work today?" Dom asked.
"Dom what I'm about to say stays between us. Evan raped Chloe" Ange still spat the word rape. She would never be okay with it because rape will never be okay.
"Oh god. Is Chloe okay? Are you?"
"She's struggling right now. Nightmares, flashbacks. She'll heal physically but she'll need our support."
"She's my little sister, I'm here for her whenever she needs me and for you too. Shall I come over?"
"Thank you. I'd rather you didn't right now. She's fragile and scared. She might see any male as a threat right now. Even you, even Fletch, sorry."
"Don't be. When she needs me. I can be there."
"Thank you" Ange smiled. But then heard Chloe shouting "No, Stop"
"Sorry Dom I've got to go." Ange said down the phone and rushed into Chloe's room. "You're safe my lovely. I've got you."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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 Not the only one (formally Chloe) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang