"You still down to watch some more movies?" I asked her.

    "Yeah, " she replied. I looked at her for a few seconds before leaving her room, traveling down her steps, and going back to her couch in her living room. She was right behind me, sitting down when I sat down.

    "What movie you want to watch now?" I asked her.

   "Whatever you want to watch, " she said in a wobbly voice, so I looked at her. I guess she felt my eyes on her because she looked at me and shot me a gloomy smile. I can tell it wasn't anything genuine behind it. She sat almost two feet away from me, and I wanted to ask her why is she sitting so far away from me when just a few minutes ago she was all up under me.

    I went up to her TV and looked in her DVD compartment for some more movies. I found Anabelle Comes Home, so I put that movie into her DVD player. I went to go sit back down and she was too quiet for my liking.

"Nicki, everything alright?" I asked her as I looked at her.

  "Yes, I'm just sleepy, " she said in a monotonous voice. I can tell she was lying because she avoided eye contact with me. I just put on a scary movie and she still didn't cuddle with me.


   A few minutes went by and she still didn't take the incentive to cuddle with me. When a scary part came on, she just clenched her blanket even more and put it over her head, but she refused to find her way under me. I put another scary movie on for a reason. Read between the lines, Nick.

   I couldn't take this shit anymore so I paused the movie. "What's going on, Nicki?" I questioned raising my voice a little out of frustration.

   "Nothing. can you please play the movie?" she asked in an undertone.

    "No, why you being distant?" I questioned, adding a little bass to my voice to let her know that I'm serious. I still didn't get an answer. "Huh?!" I bellowed.

     "Iwantyoubutyouhaveagirlfriend, " she said really fast and low so that way I couldn't hear her.

    "What?" I questioned. "Repeat that, " I said as I cupped my ears.

"Can we just watch the movie, please?" she asked in an irate tone.

"That's not what you said, but ok, " I said as I sat back and got comfortable on the couch. A few minutes later, she started scooting closer to me. I looked at her because I want to know why she was crawling towards me stealthily. Almost an hour ago, she was bold enough to palm my penis. Where did that confidence go?

When she got close enough, she placed her hand on my stomach. I can tell she was reluctant because her grip was light. She looked at me and said, "I know you have a girlfriend, but can I just cuddle with you?" she asked with glossy eyes.

Oh, so that's what this is about. "Nicki, I don't have a girlfriend. I said that so you could stop groping me, " I stated.

" Oh, well you said- never mind let's just watch the movie," she said. I looked at her a little bit longer as she smiled wide. Her smile is so pretty. Wait, she has dimples? Why didn't I notice that before?

    She snuggled into me more as I started to focus on the movie. She placed her head on my chest and positioned her hand on my abs absentmindedly rubbing my stomach. My eyelids started to get heavy until she said, "Bey, I'm horny."

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