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It has been three weeks since the murder and William is trying his best to uncover anymore secrets. He his at home looking through new evidence found at the crime scene and as he does that he hears a knock at the door.

"Mr Benji! Mr Benji!" said a voice knocking on the door "Open the door please!"

"I'm coming!" shouts William as he heads over to the door.

As he opens it he sees a young boy no less then 9 years old.It's Henry's little nephew,Alex. He seems to be out of breath.

"What's the matter,Alex?" asks William as he fetches a cup of water for the young boy.

"My mother is worried about my uncle.." says the boy

"What's wrong?"

"My mother hasn't heard anything from my uncle." said Alex as he takes a sip of the water " My uncle normally sends my mother letters every week but he hasn't sent any in a while."

"Well that's troubling ,would you like if I go check on him?"

"Yes please sir my mom is very worried."

As the young boy continues to thank William he leaves and says goodbye. William puts on his jacket and heads off.

"I'll go check by his work." says William "His always busy with his work perhaps he had forgotten to send a letter because of that.

As he enters the reception area of Henry's work he begins talking to the receptionist.

"Good day ma'am,may I ask if Doctor Chatller is in right now?" asks William

"Oh,Henry?" says the receptionist "He hasn't been at work for two weeks now, we've been wondering where his been."

"So you don't know where he is?"

"Yes,sadly I don't.."

"Thank you for your time ma'am" said William with a worried expression.

William rushes out the door and starts running towards Henry's house.

"He must be at home!" Thinks William "It's strange for Henry to just shrug off his work like this there must be something wrong!"

After a while of running William finally finds Henry's home. He knocks on the door and soon realizes it's not locked. William enters the home.

"HENRY! HENRY!" he calls out but no answer

"The house looks pretty normal nothing has been broken or untidy so there couldn't have been a break in but I can't shake this worried feeling..."

He continues to look around but there seems to be no sight of Henry. He searched everywhere except one room but the door is locked....

"Henry are you in there!?" Shouts William and there's still no answer...

William thinks to him self and begins to panic....What if it's the murderer again what if he took another one of my friends...

In a panic William knocks over the door *BANG!* and before him is a sleepy Henry who is just getting up from his bed.


"Sorry I just got worried."

"How did you get in here in the first place." says Henry "Wait...don't tell me you broke that one too, do you have a thing with breaking down doors?"

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