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"Whose there!" shouts the man as both William and Jack try and find a way to escape "I know your in here I heard ya!"

"What should we do?!" whispers Jack muffling his voice "His going to find us!" William looks around,seeing the big hunched back man come towards them "We should move silently towards the door avoiding his gaze,his lantern is dim so let's try and move around the furniture." whispers William back to Jack.

"Easier said then done!" said Jack out loud,he covers his mouth afterwards. "I heard that ,you mongrels!" Shouts the man looking at where Jack and Will hid "I swear that I heard you here." He grunts to himself.

Luckily Will and Jack got out of the way before he could of seen them,They slowly crawl towards the front door ,but before they could get to the door *CRASH* Jack has broken another on the vases. "Darn it!" He shouts "How many vases are there!!"

"Quiet!" shouts William ,but it is too late the man's lantern's light has found them "There you are!" He shouts holding a gun in his one hand."Wa-Wait don't shoot!" says Will as he gets off the floor and help Jack off the floor as well "Who are you fellows and why are you in the mistress's home!"

"Uh-uh.." They both begin to panic when "William Benji,Detective for the London police." says Will pulling out his badge "We came back to investigate the crime scene once again." William puts on a brave face hoping this doesn't backfire.

"Is that so." questions the old man as he lowers his gun,both Jack and William breath a sigh of relief. "I don't remember being informed that the mistress's home would be broken into."

"I'm so sorry for the intrusion,me and my partner didn't know anyone was living here, please forgive us sir." says Will,the man gives then a long,cold stare then loosens up "I see then, well I'll go warm the kettle and make some tea for my guests."

Both William and Jack loosen up as well and take a seat on one of the couches. "Luckily they didn't take my badge away." says Will to Jack "Luckily" exclaims Jack resting his head on the back of the couch.The man soon returns to the two of them with warm,brewed cups of tea. "Thank you" says Will politely.

"May I ask for your name sir?" said William as he takes a sip of the warm tea. "I am Bartholomew Brown the 16th Butler that has served under the Burnham name." He says looking quite proud of himself. "Mmm so you served under Miss Burnham before she died."

"Even in death I serve her,making sure the house is in tiptop shape." Mr brown says finishing his cup of tea. "Mr brown is it okay for me and my partner to ask you some questions?" He doesn't seem happy to be asked questions ,but he agrees to it anyway. "Of course anything to find mistress's killer."

"Mr brown,did Miss Burnham have any enemies?" asks Jack "Why yes she did many if I say, Although I doubt any of them I know could of done something this foul,many of them were business enemies that wanted to crush mistress's company ,but they only used safe means against her company and never had they ever sent threats to the mistress's life."

"Interesting" says Will as he takes notes "Could you tell me the names of a few of those enemies."

"Well there was the Lincon Brothers,that were always trying to steal mistress's customers and the Maramonties that tried to take over one of mistress's factories ,but like I said I highly doubt they would do anything to harm the mistress."

"Either way it is good for us to ask them some questions as well,next questions did Miss Burnham at strange before she was killed?" asks William

"Well yes,she started to up the security and look over her shoulder after getting a letter a few days before the murder."The butler starts to look uneasy.

"Can you tell us what the letter said?" asks Jack, Mr brown takes a seat back "Well I can't mistress said I wasn't allowed to look at this letter nor did she say I was allowed to tell anyone about it."

"Why didn't you tell the police about this letter" asks William in a stern voice "Well it wasn't unusual for the mistress to have secrets,she had many that I do not know of and at the time I thought it would be rude of me to go behind the mistress's words when she had just died."He says ashamed avoiding William's gaze.

"Can I see this letter Mr brown?" said Jack,as he says this Mr brown doesn't look quite well at those words "The letter is in mistress's study but everyone is prohibited to enter her study and that is final."

"This can find her killer do you really not want to find them and take them down for what they have done to your master?"says William,he looks hesitate at first but let's out a sigh "I do..Fine you may enter the study ,but after you have done this you must leave at once"

"Sounds reasonable." says Will getting up from his seat,Although Jack doesn't seem too happy that they have to leave right after.Mr brown gets up and picks up his lantern "Please follow me." He says as he walks up the stairs as Will and Jack follow eagerly.Mr brown opens a heavy door to a big study that looks like a mini library,Head to toe it is covered in books ,but the study looks trashed like someone was looking for something.

"You have 30 minutes then you have to leave."

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF CHAPTER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Let's find this killer shall we :D

Guess whose back,back again it's me :]

sorry for not posting for a while I was busy at school and very lazy

Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter!

The Masked ManNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ