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"Thank you Mr Brown, 30 minutes is more then enough" said Will as he admires the large collection of books in the study."I'll be waiting right outside of this room if any of you need me." says Mr Brown as he exits the room and closes the heavy door behind him.Jack starts picking up books and notes off the messy floor."You really think half an hour is enough to search around for clues in this dump?" questions Jack not seeming too keen about the situation.

"We'll have to make due with what we have after all we're lucky to get anything that might help the case." exclaims William as he sinks his fingers into a grimy book that seems like the pages has been glued together by neglect and lots of mold..."Fine then." sighs Jack as gets off the floor from looking at books,now his attention is raised towards a vase "You think this holds one of her many husbands." Jack jokingly says. "Play attention." scoffs William,though he did secretly enjoy the joke.

"She really seemed to cherish philosophy books, who knows perhaps you two would get along." He jokes again after searching a bookshelf full of Aristotle,Socrates and Plato philosophy books that seems to be in better condition then the rest of the forsaken books."We could take a few if you like?" asks Jack nudging Will's shoulder.

"Jack" says Will in a stern voice."Will?" answers Jack as he stares at him."This is a crime scene not a book shop." William says looking down at Jack "Can you please take this more seriously." He sighs."Sorry,I'm just trying to lighten the mood,after all this house kinda gives me the creeps,it's not everyday you enter a murder victim's home."

"We'll you said you wanted to be my partner right? So you better get used to it." says Will "Although I've had my fair share of houses like this,but I can't lie and say it doesn't at least give me a feeling of dread." Will shrugs and looks towards an old,large,oak wood desk and he proceeds to check the notes that lay on top of it. "Bank statements,Mmmm more notes concerning business,blah,blah,blah." Mumbles Will as he reads them over "Mmm what's this?" He questions himself

"Found something?" asks Jack from the other side of the room."Yeah I think so." Jack walks over towards William who has a crumbed up letter in his hands "What is it?" questions Jack."I believe this is the letter Mr Brown was talking about."

"Oh really? What does it say?" Jack looks at the letter and starts reading it out loud.


Dear Miss Burnham

"It has come to my attention that you have failed to meet the ends of our deal.We agreed that we would meet up in Camden Town,Bayham street at 7o'clock on Monday to exchange goods ,but when we came to pick up our property,you were not there to deliver.You know that we put ourselves in a lot of danger to keep up this deal we have,since we wouldn't want any of the bobbies to find out about our illegal arrangement.I understand that the "goods" are uneasy to obtain ,but I will not respect your absence,if this happens again I may have to teach you and your company a good deal of manners.Hopefully I will not have to teach you this lesson and we can respectfully carry on with what we have agreed with.Bring at least 5 of the "goods" by tomorrow and all will be forgiven.If not,I will have to apologies for my actions that may follow"

Signed: Mr Vango


"It seems that Miss Burnham was in some sort of trouble with a man named Mr Vango?" says Jack rubbing is forehead."They seem to have made a deal between each other for an exchange of goods that wasn't exactly legal." says Will pondering the letter."Miss Burnham either wanted out or couldn't deliver on her promise." Will takes a set on the wooden chair next to the desk as Jack paces the room."Do you think they sent the masked killer after her since she couldn't deliver?"

"Possibly ,but I don't think that's his style." Will says as he pockets the letter."His style?" asks Jack raising an eyebrow."I mean,that he isn't just some hired thug,I believe he works by himself."Will gets up from his seat."If you say so ,but we shouldn't rule that out." said Jack as he crosses his arms."What I'm really concerned about is what illegal goods they were selling and who this Mr Vango is."

"Perhaps Mr Brown knows who this man is?" says Jack gesturing to the door."Perhaps" answers William "We'll ask him once we're sure that we've got everything we need here." William turns back at the desk."Sure thing then." says Jack as he returns back to looking for any clues.William notices four compartments in the desk,in the first he finds more papers concerning her business it seems they were going bankrupt and fast,in the second he finds record books of her sales,seems like no one wanted to buy from her,perhaps it was because of her cheap goods that she sells at high price or her "lovely' attitude,third had nothing but dust and the last drawer was locked.William tried to see if he could get it open but it didn't budge.

Before he could ask Jack for some help with the lock,Mr Brown comes barging in through the doors." Time's up,you two better head off." He abruptly exclaims."Wait,Mr brown do you have the key to this drawer?" Will says pointing to the desk."No,I did not handle the Mistress's keys,either way you two have had enough time to rubbish through Mistress's things."

"Five more min-" says Jack but Will stops him "Thank you Mr Brown,We'll take our leave."Jack sighs ,but let's Mr brown get his way.Mr Brown escorts them both out of the room ,but before he could close the door William asks him one last question."Mr Brown do you perhaps know who this Mr Vango is?"

"Vango?" He almost seems surprised to hear that name "Of course I know the scoundrel." Will notices the tone of Mr Brown's voice."It seems that they weren't getting along,is that correct?" asks Will."Indeed,after Vango had broken mistress's heart he was seen as an enemy in this house hold."

"Oh I see,so they were in an relationship?" questions William tugging a piece of his hair."Yes ,but it ended horribly." Mr Brown looks down in dismay."Can you tell me Mr Vango's first name perhaps an address where we can find him?". Mr Brown takes awhile to answer as he searches his thoughts "Aden Vango,that's his full name,I think and his last known address is near Abbey Road,hope that helps."

"Of course that does,thank you Mr Brown." says Will thankfully.William and Jack head out back onto the street."So Mr Vango huh,should we pay him a visit?"William stares at his watch."We'll talk to him in the morning." he exclaims."It is the morning?" says Jack

"I meant later in the morning,I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate us coming in for a visit at 3 in the morning." scoffs Will "True,well I guess we'll go home,get some sleep and meet back in the morning?" says Jack bumping Will's shoulder."Yea,we'll do it like that,I need some good sleep anyway and you too."

"Well then goodnight Will." says Jack as he waves and walks away."Goodnight Jack" William heads back home and notices the door is open,he defenses himself for an intruder only to find Henry,asleep on his couch."Must of come in and forgotten to lock the door." He notices alcohol bottles around the couch where Henry is sleeping "His drunk isn't he?" He sighs.William pulls out a blanket and places it onto of Henry.

"Goodnight Hen." He says before heading into his room and lays himself to sleep.Hopefully we'll find some clues by Mr Vango and we need to find out what they were smuggling,Will thinks to himself.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<END OF CHAPTER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I'm back and I'm going to make lots of more chapters! (Just don't expect updates to be too fast)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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