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"NO,no,no this isn't RIGHT!"Shouted William

William has been working all night to find any leads to the case ,but it has lead to a dead end.The masked man seems to know how to make sure he doesn't leave a scrap of evidence to who he is.

"If I keep this up I'm going to end up fired..."


"Will it's me, Jack can I come in?" He says has he continues to knock the door."

William unlocks the door as Jack enters he notices the mess of papers lying on the living room table and on the floor.
Jack and William both take a seat and Jack also notices the bags beneath his blood shot eyes.

"Seems like you had a late didn't you?" says jack as he begins studying the papers.

"Don't look at those, their private information!" shouts William as he grabs the papers out of his hand.

"Now that I'm working with you, that means I need all the information on the case."

"I never said you'll be working on the masked man case all I said is that I'll help you become a detective." says Will as he crosses his arms and looks at Jack's disappointed face.

"Then what case am I suppose to do?!"

"I heard Miss Fletcher got her tea pot stolen, think you can handle it?"says William with a big smirk on his face. "I'll give you a hint." He whispers to Jack "I heard it was Mr Louw."

"You got to be kidding me!." Exclaimed Jack "I'm here to help you, please let me on the case, I've been studying on been a detective for weeks now even before we met, I'm not just some idiot! After all you need some extra hands on this case."

"I guess your right,fine I'll give you one chance and if you mess up even one time your off the case, got it?" says William as he passes the papers to Jack.

"I got it, I promise not to waste this chance!" He says as he scans the papers."Hmm.. this seems to be a dead end."

"That's all I got."

"Should we wait till he strikes again?"

"No, we can't risk losing more lives after all I'm already on thin ice,their thinking about taking me off the case."

"WHAT! They can't do that, you just need more time!."

"They can and they will." sighs William

"Well than we need to be vigilant , how about we look over the last crime scene again?"

"No, I checked everything, there doesn't seem to be any clues."

"Well we're scre---"


"Isn't one surprise guest enough?" sighs William as he gets up to see who that is.

He pears out the door and sees it's Henry

"Good morning ,I've got something to tell you." As he enters the house he sees Jack is here too."Great your both here that saves me a trip."

"What you got to tell us?" says Will as Henry takes a seat.

"Well now that we're all back together I wondering if we all can go out?" Henry takes a flyer out of his pocket "Today is the grand opening of the first Ferris Wheel in London!"he says excitedly"After all it would be a great experience and we can grab breakfast first, what do you guys say?"

"Sounds like fun I'm in!"says Jack

"No, I have important work to do and don't have time for it I'm sorry."says William as he shacks his head.

"Come on WILL!"says Henry "I know things are rough on your investigations ,but it's been years since we have all been together can we just have one day to ourselves please..."both Henry and Jack stare at Will waiting for his answer.

"Fine..... I guess one day wouldn't hurt.... after all I need a break."

Both Henry and Jack are ecstatic while William is just hoping it would already be over with.

"The time of the grand opening is in two hours, so let's grab a bite at Sarah's bakery, what do you think?"

"That's a great idea,I guess that would be a great way to introduce Sarah to Jack."exclaimed William

"Oh do you mean Sarah the girl with orange curly hair?"Questioned Jack as they continue walking to the bakery.

"Wait you know Sarah?"

"Yeah I met her when she was leaving your party, it was a smashing delight to meet her, I can see why your friends!"

"Hey it seems like you have something for Sarah don't you?!" laughs Henry as he jabs Jack's shoulder.

"WHAT! No,no,no I didn't mean that I don't like her that way... I mean I'm not saying it would be bad to be with her bu---"

"I'm just joking with you!"Laughed Henry "Come on it's just around this corner."

As they neared the shop they started smelling a horrible stench coming from inside.

"What's that smell?!" says Jack as he tries to cover his nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

"It's probably cakes that's gone off again, Sarah always forgets to throw them out." says Henry trying ignore the smell

"No, that's not it, this smell reminds me of something...." whispers William to himself.

"Hmmm the door's locked, guess we'll come back another time." explains Jack

All of a sudden William remembers this smell and he runs to the front door.

"STAND BACK!" shouted William as he kicks the glass door down.

"What are you doing Will, Sarah is going to kill us!"

"I know this smell guys..."

"Then what is it?" said Jack

"This is a smell of a corpse..."

"I think you've been thinking about the murder case for too long, how about we just leave an--"

"Hush! Let's just take a look around."

"Fine but your paying for the door!" says Henry as they slowly enter the room.

They soon notice the smell is coming from the back of the bakery and they quietly approached the door.

"You sure about this we could get in trouble" Whispered Jack

"I'm sure about this stand back."

William slowly opens the door to reveal....all their faces are covered with fear at this horrible sight.

"NO thi... this can't be happening.." cried Henry

"Dear god...." said Jack in a state of shock at what his seeing.

"I'm sorry Sarah..."


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THANK YOU FOR READING :)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Have a great day :3

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