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The man escorts William into the bar. The bar seems to be full of overly drunk and loud people,the scent of alcohol stains the air. "Here sit!" says the man as he guides Will to a bar stool.William sits down on the wooden,wobbly stool and the man starts asking him what he would like.

"So what will it be on this fine evening young man?!" he says with a wide smile on his face.

"We'll...I would like a-"

"Oh wait,hahaha how silly of me I haven't introduced myself!" interrupted the loud,skinny,old man " I'm Conor nice to meet ya young lad!"

"Nice to meet you,Conor.." says William unenthusiastic "Nice bar you have here.."

"Why thank you!" said Conor "I just moved here to Londen from Ireland to open this bar!"

"Oh..well I hope business has been going good..."

"It's going swell if I do say myself! I even- wait look at me yapping on like an ol dog ahahah." laughs Conor "how about I get u a drink?"

William looks around,he doesn't usually drink alcohol so he doesn't know many brands,he looks towards a menu and then to a person sitting behind him.

"Um..I'll have what his having..." said William pointing to the person behind him.

"Oh some good ol' Smirnoff." says Conor grabbing a glass for Will "They say this is quite popluar in Russia."

Conor begins pouring William a tall glass of Smirnoff. It begins to bubble at the top.

"Thanks..." sighs William as he grabs the glass

"You ok,young lad?" asks Conor noticing something wrong.

"'s nothing...just had one hell of a day..." said William playing with is glass

Someone at the back of the bar begins shouting Conor's name.

"Well duty calls and...I what ever is wrong I hope it gets better!" says Conor as he begins walking to another customer.

"Thank you.." whispers William to himself

William looks at the tall glass of Smirnoff "Well..bottoms up.." William begins downing the drink....


It's been a few hours now,the bar has began to go quite since everyone has began to leave and return to their normal lively hoods after all it's getting pretty late ,but William is still there half asleep at the bar.

"Another....*hic*" says William with his face in his arms

"I think you had one too many to night, buddy." says worried Conor

"I'll when *hic* it's enough *hic*" says William in a drunk sleepy state.

Conor shakes his head and leaves the bar and heads into the backroom.

"Hey come...back..." Whispers William

William begins to falls asleep ,but the thoughts in his head begins to taunt him,You let him go,It's your fault,Henry's hurt because of you,his going to die...

"It' fault..." cries William burying his head into his arms more "All my fault..."

"WILLIAM!! WILLIAM!"hears William outside the bar ,but he ignores it "WILLIAM WHERE ARE YOU!" It kinda sounds like Jack....thinks William

Before he can think anymore about it Jack bursts into the bar

"William are you here?!" screams Jack in the bar as William covers his ears " that you?" says Jack as he notices William at the bar.William doesn't answer Jack.

"William it is you!" says Jack excitedly "I was looking all over for you after what I heard what happened!"

Jack sits next to William ,but Will continues to ignore him.

"William ok?" asks Jack staring at Will "I...I was very worried about you..."

William takes his head out of his arms ,but grabs his drink and looks the other way from Jack.

"I went to hospital..where Henry is..he seems to be doing great." said Jack "When he woke up he even said that he was worried about you."

"His.. awake?" asks William in a gentle tone

"Yeah,he is and he....doesn't blame you Will...for what happened...his more worried about you then himself." says Jack putting his hand on William's arm.

"Why?....why would he be worried about's my fault that his hurt..." says William shaking his head

"He was afraid that you would blame yourself for this..." says Jack "It's like that time when we were kids and Henry fell out that window remember?"

William finally looks at Jack.

"We were playing around and you dared Henry to prove that he was brave and the idiot like he was back then was doing tricks by the window and ended up tripping and he fell out the window." said Jack " You blamed yourself everyday since Henry broke his leg,but it wasn't your fault it was his choice to do that, you always think that everything is on you ,but just like the window incident, Henry chose to take that bullet for you,it's not your fault and even he said it."

William let's out a sigh "Mabye your right.." He says letting out a small smile.

"I am..., oh and remember that after the incident Henry's mom made him the best ginger biscuits and he would sneak it out of his house for us,those were always soooo good!"

"haha, yeah those...were always so good." says William letting out a small giggle "I...missed you Jack.."

"I did too,Will" says Jack as he gives William a big hug "Remember that me and Henry will always be there for you!"

"Thanks Jack." says William seeming alittle better.

"Well it seems your looking much better young lad!" says Conor as he comes out the back.

"Yes,I..I'm feeling much better." says William with a smile on his face. "How much will I have to pay up?

"Actually...well today was a good day for business...,you know what!" says Conor "It's on the house!"

"Really?" says William surprised

"Yip! you looked a bit,let's just say this is to new friends!"said Conor "All I hope is that you come here again."

"Of course!" says William

William and Jack get off of the bar stools ,but William begins to wobble a bit so Jack helps him walk.

"Have a goodnight!" shouts Jack as he helps William out the bar

It's the dead of night the streets are quite at this time,Jack continues to help William to his house. After awhile Jack and William finally reached the front of his house. Jack let's go of William and Will heads to his front door.

"Goodnight William!" says Jack as he begins heading to his home

"Wait Jack!" says William "Come to my place first in the morning I need to tell you something!"

"Will do!" shouts back Jack as he get farther away.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CHAPTER END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Aww friendship!

Hope u enjoyed this chapter...(now I will vanish for another month! JK,I was just really busy with school lol)

Have a awesome day and stay positive you beautiful person ;D

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