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William is trying to keep his aim steady on the Masked Man but if he shots he may end up taking Henry's life instead.Their at a stand still no ones moving. William can't let this madman go otherwise he'll be free to hurt more people ,but is it worth it if Henry gets hurt or worse.

"Gone silent have you?" Laughs the Killer, he seems to be amused " Seems like I'm in charge here."

"No your not!" shouts William trying to hid his fear "I'm not letting you go this time!"

"Put down the gun Will and let's have a little chat." says the madman.William is still focused on him ,but William notices that his shaking, he tries to get it under control ,but it just gets worse.

"You wouldn't risk your friend's life like this William I know that about you."

"You don't know anything about me!"

"Is that so.." The Masked Man's voice doesn't sound as playfully as it was before now "Well I guess we won't need him now anyway right?"

He draws the knife across Henry's neck nearly cutting it,but then he takes the knife and pulls it up about to stab Henry.

"STOP!" Shouts William as the knife nearly cuts though Henry's chest "I'll.. drop the gun."

William drops the gun on the ground then slowly lifts his hands up."Now let him go.." William looks towards his pocket on his trench coat remembering he could take down the Masked Man with his survival knife when he let's his guard down.

"Kick it over." asks the serial killer with a wicked laugh.

"Don't!----" screams Henry as the killer covers his mouth as he struggles.

"You be good now" He laughs as he keeps his knife near Henry's neck "Now come along!"

He takes Henry into another room of the chapel ,but before William follows after them he takes his survival knife out his pocket and hides it in his sleeve preparing himself.

"Come now slow poke don't wanna leave your friend alone here with me..." Shouts the madman with a hint of laughter in his breath.

William quickly enters the room to find a small rusted steel chair and a very damaged sofa which Henry and the Killer is sitting on.The room seems fairly empty besides that and some rubble on the ground.

"Sit,sit!" says the madman as he points the knife towards the chair and quickly back towards Henry.

William sits down on the rusted chair and puts his focus on the murder.

"I hoping it would be just you and me Will ,but you just had to bring a little guest along." sighs the Killer "You should know that I don't like it when things don't go my way." He let's out a small laugh and pats Henry on his head. "More the merrier!"

"What you said earlier about that your victims deserve what the got..." William grunts underneath his breath "What did Sarah do to deserve what you did to her!"

"Oh,the Baker well you see." say the madman thinking to himself."She found out who I really was and I couldn't let her end our little game to earlier." He laughs to himself "Poor thing to be honest I felt that I did her a favour."

"A favour!" William shouts forcing himself to to calm down for Henry's sake.

"Well her parents were always fighting and she was going bankrupt." comes a little closer to William "And we both know how bad it is in the slums."

"That doesn't mean you did her a favour!" said William.

"She didn't deserve to die--" says Henry quietly he seems to to be tearing up a bit thinking about her.

"Poor little lover boy seems to have a crush on her too bad I crushed that crush hahaha! His laugh seems to echo around the room before it goes silent."Who knows mabye you'll be joining her soon."

"Why...why did you kill them?" asks William

"Why did I kill them hmmmm?" says the madman thinking to himself "Why do I do it? Well shear boredom." He laughs to himself "Many kill for money ,but what do they buy with all that money ,things that bring them joy and excitement! but I..I like to cut to the chase,killing,watching the life drain from their eyes just fills me up with JOY! I like killing the scum in London to watch them beg and plead for their lives when they've taken others." He hesitates "Sarah she....she just got in the way...I couldn't let her stop me..not now."

"It seems like the only scum here is you." says William "Your a truly sick man, need help."

"I'm just getting rid of the dirt in London!" He seems to be troubled

"Just because they've done wrong doesn't mean they deserve to die,you can't just take justice into your own hands!" William shouts.

The Masked man tightens his grip around Henry. "Willia---"

"We know your in here you MURDERER!" shouts someone that's sound like their are in the room they were just in. It sound like more people are entering the building.

"You called the police on me!" says the madman slightly panicked but quickly calms himself down. "Seems like I'm gonna have to cut this short."

He gets up with Henry who still has the knife pointed to his neck. "You see William I want you to stop me."

The sounds of heavy footsteps from the police officers echo through the Chapel. The madman throws Henry on top of William and runs towards the window "Come after me!" He says as he runs out the window. "I have to go after him!" shouts William as he pushes Henry off of him.

"Wait William!" Screams Henry but William doesn't seem to listen and follows after the Masked man. He runs out the window and into the back alley of the Chapel were he continues to run after the madman through the slums. William looks behind himself to see Henry chasing after him.

"Stop Will!" says Henry as he gets closer to William,but He just keeps running after the killer.

William pulls out the knife he had in his sleeve and prepares himself. The Masked man pulls out the gun William gave to him and pulls the trigger towards William. Before the bullet could hit William,Henry pulls William behind him and shields Will from the bullet.

"Henry!" William shouts as Henry falls to the ground. He kneels down near Henry as the madman runs away.

"We...we need to stop the bleeding." William says as he tries to apply pressure to the wound as Henry starts to cough up blood.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF CHAPTER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thank you for reading

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter :D

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

The Masked ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora