Chapter 23 - Changes

Start from the beginning

"The Fullmetal Alchemist and his brother are going to be in quite a fit from this, you know?"

"How so?" I asked, meeting the colonel's eyes.

"They've been trying to track them down for quite a while now to get clues on how to create the Philosopher Stone. Well, they were disappointed once already after figuring out that it requires the sacrifice of human lives...and now this-" The colonel shook his head with a soft sigh.

"They were struggling to find a way to get their bodies back but it's not something they can do without feeling terrible about it. But there might be a way," I said, smiling at how the jail carriage soon disappeared from sight.

"Are you saying that the Homunculi have already created the Philosopher Stone?" asked Riza san.

"No, there's a way besides that. You'll find out soon enough though."

"The colonel's going to blow his fuse if you keep adding onto the secrets you're keeping, Kiana," teased Jean, "though I guess I can say that it's not something that needs to be freaked out over."

"Hearing something like that from you is only worsening my worrying," muttered Col. Mustang.

Jean and I laughed and Jean put an arm around my shoulders to hold me to his side. Jean dropped me and Kyran at our apartment before he headed to his dorm. We freshened up and relaxed for a while before making our way to the headquarters, ready for the afternoon news report. Just as I had requested, all high ranking military officials had gathered in a big conference room along with the Fuhrer and several members of the Press – very famous newspapers agent to be precise.

"You look a little nervous," said Jean, caressing the side of my head.

"I am, actually, but I'm ready to do this," I responded, giving him a confident smile. He and Kyran returned it.

"I'm actually freaking out a bit though," confessed Jean, sounding sheepish. I laughed softly at that and surprised him with a quick kiss and a playful smile after that.

"I'll be fine. I'll head in now."

Taking a deep inhale when I was just outside the doors of the conference room, I pushed the doors open and stepped in. I closed them before I walked to stand in a place where everyone could see me. I looked at all of the military officials, my gaze lingering longer on the Fuhrer whose gaze was narrow on me. I then smiled and gave a deep bow of respect to everyone.

"Thank you for gathering here on such short notice to hear what I have to say. I apologize for the trouble," I said and straightened up.

"It's nothing to apologize over because we're sure you had your reasons, Glacier Alchemist. Now, what is it that you wished to tell us?" General Haruko asked, giving me a friendly smile.

"I wanted to tell you the truth about myself, the reason why I've been so successful on all my missions even though other skilled State Alchemist, ones who are far senior to me, have struggled to see through to completion. What I say may come as a shock and you might think that hiding it from the world all this time was a mistake but I wish that you'd understand that I did it only to keep myself and those around me safe."

"Continue," coaxed another general.

With another deep inhale, I began to narrate everything that had happened to me, who I was, and what powers I had, hopefully, for the last time. For most of my explanation, everyone was silent besides throwing in a short question every now and then. When I had completed what I had to say, we were enveloped by tense silence. I was surprised that those of the Press weren't bombarding me with questions – they were merely eyeing the military officials warily, waiting for them to speak first.

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