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Chaerim inhaled deeply and breathed out while she skated to the middle of the ice rink. Small applause arose as she saw Sunghoon standing in a distance, giving her a warm smile. She smiled back as she held her head up high.

"Thank you."

The majestic waltz began and Chaerim ever so lightly and elegantly moved her body. She felt so relieved of her burden and was so much more joyful since Sunghoon was watching her performance and did well in the short program.

"Step sequence, triple lutz, triple toe, triple flip," she repeated in her head as she performed the combo.

The whole crowd cheered as each landing was perfectly clean and were extremely quick rotations. She flew back into a camel spin, transitioning into an "A" spin. Trying to hold in her smile, she performed her triple loop-triple salchow-double loop. She executed the jump combo perfectly once again, earning cheers of delight. Sunghoon cheered loudly as he saw her precise jumps and flawless landings.

"Damnit," Chaerim gritted through her teeth as she went into an upright spin, "After the Ina Bauer I have to attempt the triple axel. I've only landed them a couple of times in practice... not in an actual competition."

From afar, Sunghoon could see the expression on her face. Though it was hard to tell, he knew that she was struggling and was in a crisis.

"Just remember what I told you," he prayed.


The music was close to an end and the triple axel was coming up.

"Think Chaerim, what did Sunghoon tell you?" she panicked internally.

Ah... that's right.

She inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as she positioned her foot, jumping forwards.

"I'm as light as a feather. I'm as light as a feather," she repeated quickly in her head.

For a split second, it was almost impossible to breathe, but she felt a jolting electric pain go up her ankle. When she opened her eyes, she had perfect poise and was gliding ever so gently on the ice. The audience screamed wildly as she heard whistles and lots of applause.

"YES!" Sunghoon shouted with excitement as he looked over at coach Ji, who was getting teary-eyed.

"You did it, Chaeri."


It seemed all like a fantasy once the music ended. Earning loud applause from the audience, Chaerim skated happily to her coach giving her the biggest hug.

"I did it! I did it, coach Ji!" she squealed happily.

"I knew you could do it," coach Ji responded hugging her back, "Now let's go get your score."

A few minutes later...

Chaerim and coach Ji were sitting on a bench at the kiss and cry, waiting for the judges to finalize the scores.

"Chaerim Park of the Republic of South Korea," the man's voice announced, "Scored 132.93 points on the free skate, earning a total of 201.49 points, currently ranking in 1st place."

Chaerim covered her mouth in shock as she couldn't help, but smile. She saw Sunghoon waiting for her and she immediately ran to him, wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you," she whispered, "Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ask for."


After a great competition, Chaerim won the ladies' singles and took 1st place home. At the award ceremony, she was given a gold medal and a grand trophy. Smiling proudly while standing on the podium, thousands of people and photographers took pictures of her. Lada on the other hand realized that she couldn't underestimate people as she did to a small 15-year-old from South Korea.

The night came fast as the autumn breeze became a cold brisk air. Chaerim was happily resting on her bed as she admired the gold medal resting around her neck.

"I did it! Appa, look at me. I did it!"

11:37 pm

Knowing Sunghoon was probably still up, Chaerim wanted to go see and talk to him. Because of the competition, there were so many interviews and a long interview from the press so she didn't have a chance to see him much. She picked up her phone and began to dial his number but... he didn't pick up. Concerned, she called him 4 more times, but he still didn't answer his phone.

"Sunghoon, why aren't you picking up? Please tell me you're okay," she stressed.

As he didn't answer her calls or text messages, Chaerim quickly grabbed her jacket and slipped on her sneakers as she rushed out of her room, not caring about the fact she was in her pajamas. She ran across to Sunghoon's room.

"Sunghoon, Sunghoon," she whispered while knocking quietly on his door.

There was no response. Her eyes opened widely and went to the place she could only think of... the ice rink.

She ran as fast as she could and found a boy sitting on the bleachers with his hands on his head.

"Sunghoon," she shouted.

He looked up seeing her worried facial expression.

"Chaeri... why are you here? You should be resting."

"You idiot," she heavily sighed while she sat beside him, "I was so worried. I thought you got kidnapped or something because you wouldn't answer my calls. I just wanted to talk with you since we didn't have much time today and the fact you're performing tomorrow too."

"Yeah... I left my phone in the room," he responded hesitantly.

"Sunghoon, what's wrong?" she asked while looking at him. He could barely make eye contact with her.

"It's nothing. Why don't you go get some sleep? You must be exhausted from the long competition and interviews," Sunghoon exclaimed.

"Stop lying," she sighed, "I'm sick of you lying to me. Why can't you tell me the truth for once? Huh? Sunghoon, I'm here for you. You should know that by now. So please, tell me. I want to return the favor. I want to return the favor because you're my friend."

Sunghoon slowly picked up his head and looked up at her.

"I'm scared."


Rank Name Nation SP FS Total
1 Chaerim Park S.Korea 68.56 132.93 201.49
2 Lada Nikolaeva Russia 66.78 114.95 181.73
3        Esmée Dupont France 51.89 110.63 162.52
4 Jia Zhang China 50.12 105.47 155.59
5 Ashley Smith USA 53.63 101.38 155.01

a/n: ahhhhh so sorry about the slow chapter and slow updates! school has been hectic :p i'll try to write more during thanksgiving break



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