"Is Hana getting changed?" Jimin wrapped his arms around his best friend.

Taehyung nodded and kept smiling to himself, ruining a his finger over his lip as they both looked into the mirror admiring themselves. "I think she'll look great."

Jimin chuckled and smiled into the mirror with Taehyung. "She always looks great."

Soon after Jungkook joined in, wondering if he should part his fringe a little for a change, he decided to go with it. "Does it look good?" He asked the two, motioning to his hair.

They both lifted two thumbs ups for him before pulling him into the frame of the mirror for a selca together.

"Wow!" Jin shouted from behind them in amazement catching their attention.

As the three turned around, their hearts caught in their throat. There she was sitting in her wheelchair, the most beautiful flower they have ever seen. Their Hana in a very sweet and modern cream and baby blue Hanbok. Her hair was up in a half updo, hydrangeas tucked into her hair with a beautiful rose gold pin. They decided not to do the traditional braids and bun for her.

The maknae's were in some form of trance, none of them could move a muscle and their jaws were slack. Sure they had seen Hana dress up a little but seeing her in traditional wear, the most delicate looking makeup and hair done it was over for them. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hobi were equally just as awestruck. While Jin couldn't help but smile wildly.

Jihye felt proud seeing their reaction, while the other stylist couldn't stop themselves from swooning at the sight as if watching a Korean drama of their own. Hana was feeling embarrassed and a little uncomfortable, playing with the ends of one of the strings that tied her belt together. Once she met Taehyung's gaze she could see his eyes completely soften for her. He had put a lot of thought into the outfit, he had to say himself, it was perfect.

She made it perfect.

"Hana, you look beautiful." He sincerely said from the bottom of his heart. His raspy voice making her heart thud in her chest wildly.

"Ah, thank you Taehyung." She blushed deeply, making all the noonas squeal in glee at their interaction.

Now they all crowded around her, praising her in many ways and she was overwhelmed with all their compliments. Hobi was over enthusiastic and so was Jin. Namjoon was sweet to tell her that she really suited wearing Hanboks and it really brought out her inner beauty. Jimin fawned over her, he loved pretty and delicate things and Hana was exactly that. Jungkook really couldn't take his eyes of her, in a way he wished he could just keep her to himself. Yoongi was quiet but mouthed her a sweet "You look beautiful." To her which she manage to catch mouthing a thank you back to him before he relaxed back into his seat.

Once the ruckus tried down, everyone got busy, prepping their hair and makeup practice for the venue to make sure everything fit well. During this time Taehyung snuck towards Hana as she just sat and observed. His face pulled into a frown seeing her in a small coughing fit again.

"Hana; are you sure you're okay?" He sweetly asked her as he kneeled before her.

"Yes Taehyung I'm fine, just a little chilly is all. I guess autumn really is coming." She smiled sadly.

"Here." He offered her his jacket he wore here. Wrapping it snug onto her shoulders. "I know it covers your beautiful Hanbok but we can't chance you catching a cold." He sincerely said with concern. She softened her gaze on him, Taehyung was quietly such a sweetheart. He maybe very quirky and loud sometimes with Jimin and his friends but he can be quiet and soft too which endeared her.

"Thank you again Tae, all of this is such an experience for me. I'll never forget it!" She chuckled.

"I know." He smiled sweetly at her cupping her cheek as she leaned into his palm. "You do more for us than you know Hana. We want to thank you in any way possible."

She shook her head. "Then I'll forever be in debt to you guys." She smiled at him now holding his hand that was once cupping her cheek. She looked down, feeling how small her hand was compared to his, his eyes trained on their hands together too. "It's not about having to ever repay each other back but to be thankful we have each other. It's never good to turn something so precious into something as having to always be in debt to each other."

Hana was always a positive beacon of light. Taehyung truly appreciated her, specially when times were rough. She would constantly give them words of encouragement and let them talk about their struggles with her even when they were busy and couldn't see her. Even just a late night message or call, she was always supporting them. Much like their beloved ARMY. He would consider her his best friend, he loved her sure but she was more than just a love interest to him, she held a more permanent meaning to him much like how the other members meant to him.

"You're right Hana, we just want to make you happy." He leaned in kissed her cheek gently.

"And you do make me happy. All of you."
She blushed, smiling widely.

Their moment alone unfortunately was interrupted by the rush of things to do. It was time for their rehearsals at the venue and Hana was getting nervous by the second. She had never been in a crowd before, although she'll be in a private area with a few of the other families and staff of the other performers but it was still more people than she was used to.

"Don't worry Hana, I'll be by your side." Sena assures the girl and gently placed a hand of assurance on her shoulder. Since the boys would be busy, she decided to stroll around the faire while it was still bright. She could see people slowly make their way into the faire dressed in beautiful variations of Hanbok, from traditional to more modern much like hers. People had smiled on their faces and overall the atmosphere was great.

Soon after she was engulfed by bubbles being blown from somewhere making her stare at awe and giggle.

"Psst, Hana look here." She heard someone call surprising her, she turned to the side to see a fully masked, sunglasses and cap cladded boy knowing exactly who it was.


And she did as she giggled through the bubbles that danced around her. The man in disguise took multiple pictures of her before coming close.

Sena didn't look to happy as he approached. "And what are you doing here young man." She was careful not to say his name and he nervously laughed and immediately bowed in apology.

"You should be back at rehearsals." Hana spoke, worried.

"I just wanted to enjoy the faire for a bit so I snuck out. I thought it would be a good opportunity to snap some photos." He replied.

Sighing in defeat, Sena shook her head. "I won't tell Sejin; but you better head back now before they cause a fuss."

"Thank you Noona!" The boy bowed in thanks before waving to them as he left.

"That boy has been following us for a while, I think he was just waiting for the perfect moment to take a picture of you." She smirked and quirked and eyebrow at Hana.

"J-jungkook wouldn't just do that! H-he loves photography!" She flushed in her seat, though she always knew Sena was right.

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