14. Altruistic Innocence

Start from the beginning

But the next thing he knows, a wave of wind gushes beside Haneul and the burly man drops onto the ground the next moment.

"Why don't you pick someone your own size." The petite man snarls, stepping on the goon's hand. He pulls the heavy man and throws him at the wall. Haneul's mouth falls open, wondering how someone with such a build could throw a big man like it was nothing. His head jerks to the side when a second pair of steps walk into the alley. Haneul's breath hitches at the arrival of the person, namely Park Dae Ho.

'It must be the concussion.' The doctor rubs his eyes but all he sees is his former friend watching the scene with folded arms. He whips his head and recognizes the smaller man as Dae Ho's friend, the one he'd seen in the basement last time.

"That's all of them." Shadow dusts his hand approaching Haneul. "Are you alright?" He asks offering him a hand. "It's pretty cool you knocked them out yourself."

The doctor nods dumbfounded.

"Appa!" A little body crashes into Haneul, arms wrapping across his neck.

"Minnie, are you alright?" The father moves Soomin and checks for any injuries. He wipes the girl's face sporting dried tears.

"Uncle Jiswoo helped me." The daughter jumps pointing at Dae Ho. She runs to him, hugging the fighter's leg. "He is like Sylvia!"

If it was anyone else, Haneul would've chuckled at the sight of Soomin labeling someone as her favorite character from the show she watches regularly. But this is Park Dae Ho, somebody who doesn't flinch when killing others. He didn't offer Haneul mercy and forced him to watch.

Haneul stands up and walks towards the two, pulling Soomin away. "Why are you here? How did you even find us?"

Dae Ho stays quiet, his lips stretched into a thin line.

"I'm aski—"

"Your daughter must've accidentally called Dae Ho. She was crying, something about, 'Appa is going to die.' So we came to aid you." Shadow explains from behind.

Haneul remembers he was about to call Choi Yoon when the boy approached them. Dae Ho's contact is just below his, probably how Soomin called the other. But one detail does not add up.

"How did you know to come here? Surely, Soomin isn't old enough to give you directions."

"We tracked you."

Haneul frowns, eyebrows coming together. "How?"

Shadow doesn't give him an answer but his eyes draw towards the doctor's custom-made Rolex.

"How is that possible—" he cuts himself off, remembering how Choi Yoon had accidentally broken his watch. Now he knows it was a lie. "Did you install a tracker in my watch? Have you been watching me like a creep all this time!" Haneul pushes Dae Ho. "Just leave me alone! I don't even know why you think I'm a threat to you. I want nothing to do with you at all!"

"A-Appa..." Soomin quivers, fisting his pant.

The blue-haired man pats her head and then scoffs at Dae Ho. "You know what, I don't care." He unclasps his watch and digs into his pocket, brings out a few bills, and proceeds to pull Dae Ho's wrist. "Here's the payment for your service." He slaps the cash and the watch on the other's palm.

Dae Ho pokes his tongue over his cheeks and grits his teeth.

"Is that how you treat someone that tried to help you?" Shadow snaps, coming up to stand beside Dae Ho, his feline eyes narrowing at the doctor in resentment.

"I never asked for it, did I?" Haneul knows he should be thankful to the men but cannot bring himself to. "I'd rather die than get help from someone like you." His angry eyes meet Dae Ho's. "From a murderer. It may even be you who asked them to do this. After all, you threatened to kill my family."

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