Ch. 34 - It's Time

Start from the beginning

"Yami, let him go" says Meliodas and places a hand on my shoulder from behind me.

"Take good care of her. She means the world to me" says Zeldris to his brother and turns around to leave us. I shout his name behind him but whilst he ignores me, Meliodas holds onto me by my shoulder and all I can do is to watch Zeldris fly away.

Desperately, I look at Meliodas as tears run down my face. I have no idea what was going on and I want to blame Meliodas for it because everything was fine until the both of them left. But I know that he wouldn't do anything to harm me. Instead, my body feels heavy and I stumble into Meliodas arms, who catches me so I can cry in his chest. Without saying a word, Meliodas holds me until I calm down.

"Why did he do that?" I whimper as the tears continue to roll down my face. If he doesn't want to repeat how we seperated 3.000 years ago, then why did he do the exact same thing? I feel just as lost and lonely as I did back then.

"He left without saying goodbye" Meliodas states and I look up at him in confusion because he's stating the obvious. After all, that's exactly the reason I'm crying like a baby right now. "Whatever he would have done instead, it would have been a goodbye. And you know what a goodbye really means. Leaving like this was the only way to not say goodbye to you."

I open my mouth to answer Meliodas but then I actually realize what he has said. And Meliodas is right. To say goodbye to each other would've meant that we never see each other again after this war, which would mean that one of us... I quickly shake my head to push away that thought. Zeldris left without saying goodbye because it means that there's a glimpse of hope that we'll find back to each other somehow.
But... how?
I look at Meliodas which waves me an encouraging smile. I whipe away the leftover tears and Meliodas pulls me even closer so we both can stand outside the Boar Hat and listen to the absolute silence of the night that seems to be the calm before the storm. 

"I know, I'm a fool for falling in love with him" I say sometime later.

"You're not" says Meliodas surprised and looks at me with concern in his eyes. "Zeldris is actually a good guy."

"I know. But he's also the leader of the Ten Commandments and able to use your fathers power. We're meant to break."

Meliodas chuckles. "Looks like complicated relationships run in the family" he says and causes me to chuckle too. Sometimes, humor is the easiest way for us to deal with things. "But... It's my fault that he has become the way he is now. I haven't been a very good big brother. I left him when he needed me the most. To be honest, I kind of forgot about him because I thought he'd get by."

"Things weren't easy for your either, Meliodas. We all have done a lot of mistakes" I say and inhale deeply the cool air. "Let's head inside, it's getting late."
We finally turn around to head inside the tavern, when Meliodas suddenly grabs my hand to stop me. I turn back around and he looks deep into my eyes. "It's my fault he has become that way. He really loves you, you know? I could see it in his eyes. I'm sure you're his Elizabeth."


Merlin, Meliodas, Elizabeth and I sit together in my room and have talked about the past years and the upcoming danger. If there's anyone who knows how dangerous the Ten Commandments can really be, then it's the four of us. To hide our concern from the others, we went to have some time alone. Suddenly, I feel a strong power inside me and I know it's my demonic powers going wild. My head shoots up and I look at Meliodas who returns my gaze with the same expression. "They're coming" Merlin says sternly as she has felt it, too.
We all nod. "Let's get ready" says Meliodas.

I sat in my room in the castle of Camelot, when I heared Merlin say: "I think I've figured out the source of your powers" as she entered the room without asking for permission.

"Oh, hey Merlin, come on in" I said sarcastically and leaned back in my chair. "Looks like you've got news for me."

"You've been ignoring my personal space for so many times, so don't complain" she said and I couldn't help the small amusement about her cold behaviour.

"Alright. Source of my powers. Thought it was coming from my father in whatever kind of fucked up way. I don't know, genes or a curse or something."

"I thought so, too. But you're powers are increasing more and more. And there's something I could observe that's different from the demonic powers I know from Meliodas."

"This seems to become the most interesting conversation the two of us ever had" I said and watched Merlin roll her eyes.

"You really are a lot like him. I wish I would've known that before agreeing to him."

"Aww, Merlin. And I really thought the two of us are friends. Am I nothing but a job to you?" I said sarcastically just because I knew it would annoy her even more. Sometimes, it was way too funny to push her buttons.

"Yami!" Merlin scolded and I chuckled before finally listening to her. I annoyed her enough for one day. "I met this man a while ago who seems to get his strength from the sun. We don't know exactly how he got these powers but the stronger the sun shines, the stronger his powers become."

"Well, this sounds interesting but I thought we're going to talk about my powers instead of these from your new lover."

"Yami!" Merlin scolded once more as her anger rised but she quickly caught herself again and  sighed. "You were easier to get along with when you were more shyly. But to get back to the topic: I think you're the opposite from this man. Whilst he's the master of the sun, you seem to be the Mistress of darkness."

"The mistress of darkness?" I asked confused.

The mistress of darkness. The woman who gets her strength from the night and the moon. The darker the night, the stronger her powers. A human born with demonic powers. A woman who lost her home but found a family. And a mixture of two races that fell in love with a demon.
I have spent years and years trying to figure out who I am, where my powers come from and where I belong to. I forgot that there's not just one side about me that I can be proud of. Instead, I can be proud of everything I've become and who I'm from. I'm neither a human, nor a demon. I'm both. And still, I have to pick a side I want to fight with. At least, that's what I thought. But today is the day to accept that in a war like this, there aren't any sides to be on. Zeldris made me realize that there's no real right or wrong because these people we fight against to, have no real choice. I have to stop thinking about who's good or bad because none of us is bad or evil. Everyone fights for what they think is right or because they simply had to.

With one final glance at my armor, I turn around to leave the room.

I'm Yami, the mistress of darkness and I'm going to end the Holy War together with the Seven Deadly Sins.

1995 words.
A/N: Hey everyone! I just want to thank everyone who's putting AUB on their reading list lately! And of course, I thank the dear fans from this story for all of your votes and comments. ♥️ I'm so close to hitting 10K reads and I owe it all to you. Thank you so much. ♥️

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