modern AU Ragnar imagine

652 10 3

Warnings: mentions of quarantine, mentions of sex

When Halloween came around the corner it wasn't the only reason to celebrate the day.
It was your birthday as well, and the first time you celebrated it with your boyfriend Ragnar, whom you had met at a book convention.
He had asked you who your favorite author was and from then on he had captured you in a long and intense conversation that neither of you wanted to come to an end.
He had asked you for your number and had called you as soon as you had been out of sight, impressing you with how much interest he had in you. 
You had met for dinner the next day and he asked you to be his girlfriend just a few weeks after, to which you just had to say yes.
Ragnar was the perfect boyfriend, strong and adventurous but at the same time caring and sweet, the perfect character completed with a tall physique of muscles that left nothing to complain.
When he had found out that your birthday was on Halloween he had been excited, happy about the fact that you were able to go to the best parties of the year, and about the fact that you were both allowed to dress sexily and scarily just for fun.
He had kept his costume a secret to you, whenever you had mentioned it he had only ever grinned at you sheepishly, always making you smile back at him and stop asking him about it.
When the time of year came around you had decided to participate in a horror movie marathon at home together instead of going out with other people, mostly because COVID-19 forced you to do so.
You were already quarantined together in your shared apartment, but you decided to make that day especially special because of that.
You had already chosen horror movies that weren't all too scary to watch and you had both prepared your costumes, ready to put them on in the evening for a lovely dinner and the movie marathon later.
You had chosen a sexy witch costume and were secretly happy you were only able to wear it for Ragnar and no one else, because you looked incredible in it.
You knew you could be excited for what Ragnar had in mind to wear and when you finally saw it on your birthday you were entirely thrilled.
Ragnar wore a viking outfit, a leather chest plate, his hair braided wildly and some makeup draped over his face to give him a dirty look.
He looked stunning, much too handsome and sexy to describe it properly, the rough braids inviting you to tug at them and the armor just screaming for you to take it off.
Ragnar was equally affected by your costume, the skeleton hands on your corset holding your chest in a way he was sure to hold your breasts later, your makeup accentuating your face perfectly and making you even more enticing to look at than usually.
You could only stare as Ragnar chuckled, his eyes staring you up and down longingly before he decided to say something.
"You look hot", he told you, his voice huskier than usual and you grinned at him, nodding quickly.
"You, uhm. You too", you answered, earning a grin from him.
"A viking?", you asked him about his costume and he nodded eagerly.
"A Dane. Since I'm a descendant from Ragnar Lothbrok", he explained eagerly and you nodded as a reply.
He was proud of that and you found it cute, you were happy that something as silly as this gave him happiness.
He had even managed to smear eyeliner all around his eyes, creating the most intense smokey eyes you had ever seen, and he had drawn a viking tattoo onto his forehead, which admittedly looked incredibly good.
You had originally prepared a meal, a lot of snacks and definitely more than enough alcohol to go with it, but the longer you looked at Ragnar the less you wanted to eat or watch tv.
The way the bracers hugged his muscular forearms and the way the belts were slung around his hips made your knees grow weak.
When your eyes finally found their way back up to his face Ragnar wore a daunting smirk on his lips but it vanished when his eyes once again got caught on your outfit.
When your eyes met again Ragnar nodded at you decidedly.
"Eat later?", he asked shortly, breathlessly, as he waited for your nod before diving in for a passionate kiss.
The food grew cold by the time you finally managed to make your way back to the living room to start your horror movie marathon, but both of you were too happy to mind.
Even though you didn't watch much tv it was the best birthday you had ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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