Finan imagine

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The prompt is: "So... you fell from the tree? What sort of warrior are you?".

Warnings: none

You had been a friend and lady in waiting to Lady Aethelflaed from the time she had arrived in Mercia.
Whereas Lord Aethelred had tried his best to isolate Aethelflaed at first you had always been there for her, even if you didn't know her at first.
She turned out to be incredibly kind and caring, and you quickly became friends.
Even though the Lady Aethelflaed didn't like too many servants, or people that served her, around she let you stay by her side to keep her company, giving you the title of her lady in waiting.
You were happy with her and your friendship grew, especially through the adventures at court and the journeys through Mercia and Wessex.
You weren't a fighter, you had been raised as a lady and trained to be a lady, not once had you been let near a sword, but the Lady Aethelflaed taught you how to defend yourself, just in case.
As Aethelflaed's closest advisor next to Aldhelm you met many interesting men, Lord Uhtred and his group of loyal followers being some of them.
You had met them first when they had come to Aegelesburg once, and you had immediately been mesmerized by the strange Christian looking soldier at Lord Uhtred's side.
He was Irish, making him and his motives all the more intriguing to you.
You had never met an Irishman before, but the way Finan spoke was catching your attention with every word he said.
He had caught you staring many times, but you had always been quick enough to avoid talking to him.
You dreaded it, especially since you had heard the dirty jokes the Irishman could let loose, but nevertheless you couldn't help but find it charming and funny.
And so the time went by, you being able to avoid him but watching him whenever he opened his mouth.
You were left at the camp when Lady Aethelflaed and her army fought the Danes to save Mercia, and when you heard of Lord Aethelred's injury.
He had always been horrible, he had even once tried to lay with you until he had passed out drunkenly, so his death neither mattered to you nor to your Lady much.
Although it wasn't a heavy loss personality wise the both of you knew that it was a delicate new world you would be living in.
You didn't know who the new ruler of Mercia would be, and you were scared of the outcome.
The Lord Uhtred and his men were too, and they decided to keep watch on Aethelflaed.
Since she wouldn't have wanted it if she knew of it the men intended to keep it secret, always following in a safe distance and staying out of her chambers around a corner to stay secret, but be able to keep her safe.
You noticed it though, and it amused you greatly.
When your lady kindly asked you to fetch her some water and to take your time with it you smiled and nodded discreetly.
She had told you about her and Uhtred's relationship, and now that she was appointed Lady of Mercia she had announced that she would stay chaste during her rule.
If you looked at Lord Uhtred's face you could see how heartbroken he had looked, and you gladly left the two of them alone one last time.
You were in the gardens, a usual meeting spot for the couple you had noticed, so you wandered off to look around.
Once you reached a big oak tree you heard a small cry from above before something, or rather someone, landed right in front of you on the ground with an unceremonious thud.
From the amount of muscles and the dark color of his hair you immediately knew it was the Irishman, and you chuckled when he sat up, realizing that he had fallen just in front of you.
You were smiling at his idiocy when he sat up, grinning up at you gently and rubbing the back of his neck.
"So... you fell from the tree? What sort of warrior are you?", you asked while laughing, and you saw Finan rolling his eyes at you.
"Yes, very funny", he answered in his melodic voice and you blushed slightly at hearing the sound of his voice.
"What exactly were you watching so intently that you fell from the tree for?", you asked as you raised an eyebrow, and you heard an awkward chuckle from the Irishman as he got up, brushing the dust off his trousers.
It wasn't a secret that Uhtred and Lady Aethelflaed enjoyed each other's company, and so you guessed that they had to have been kissing for Finan to be so fascinated by it.
"I was... keeping guard", he answered as he stepped a few steps closer and you smiled slightly at him.
Finan was impressive, with his dark eyes, his dark hair, and the amount of muscles you hadn't even seen on Uhtred.
You couldn't help but let your eyes wander, and it was just your luck that he noticed, a suggestive grin forming on his face that you tried your best to ignore.
"Yes, I know of your attempts of keeping guard. You're not very good at hiding it, none of you are", you answered and though you were sure the Irish warrior had never in his life blushed before he did so now.
"Lord Uhtred asked us to, so we do", he told you and you nodded as an answer.
It was admirable how loyal they were to their Lord, especially since he didn't have many riches to pay them back.
"What would your lord say if he knew you were watching their interaction?", you asked him, and Finan shrugged.
"Grin, probably?", he asked, a grin forming on his face as well as he suggested it, and you laughed shortly before becoming serious again.
"You know you look amazing when you smile?", he told you and it was your turn to blush again.
When you shook your head he looked at you, a small smile laying on his lips.
"You should talk more", he added and you watched him, waiting for him to continue.
"I mean you're clever, and funny, and beautiful, and you avoid me like the plague", he said and you chuckled at that.
It was true that you were avoiding him, but you didn't know he had noticed it too.
"You can come around more, I'd like to see you more. And I'd like to... know you more", he told you and you blushed further as you nodded.
The way Finan and his friends behaved was so familiar and kind, and sometimes absolutely improper, much different to the distant hostility at court, that you loved the way they behaved.
You only gave him a short nod and a smile before you turned around to go back to your lady.
A few days later you were leaving dinner in the great hall to go to your rooms when Finan saw you, and ran after you.
When he reached you a small hopeful smile ascended onto his face and you felt like putty in his hands.
"Come have a drink with us?", he asked, and you nodded.
You could tell he had already drunk some ale, but he seemed perfectly in control of himself, except for that his tongue was slightly more loose, giving him more confidence.
Once you reached the ale house, a crowd you had never thought you'd join, you saw the group already sitting outside at a table, happily drinking and talking about.
When you stepped nearer the men looked up and saw you, grinning widely.
"She said yes", Finan cheered, resulting in a cheer of the group as they raised their cups, and you sat down next Finan.
"An ale for the lady", he said loudly to the hostess and you smiled thankfully as she nodded.
When the night continued you too built up your courage through drinking, but you weren't in any way clouded in decision making yet.
You had started talking and laughing with the men as if you were one of them, even laughing at some of the improper jokes they made.
Finan didn't say one thing that could have upset you or made you uncomfortable, and he glanced at you often, making sure you were alright.
You glanced at him too, though you were simply staring because he was beautiful, not because you were making making sure if everything was fine.
He and some of the men noticed your stares and while the men only chuckled Finan himself looked back at you as if his world would revolve around you, and you held his gaze.
When it grew late and you got tired you leaned towards Finan, telling him that you needed to go to sleep.
He nodded before standing up and helping you out from in between the bench and table, and Uhtred and Osferth looked at you quizzically.
"I'll be right back", Finan said and you heard Uhtred chuckle, which the both of you ignored as you made your way towards the castle.
Finan brought you back to your chambers which were next to Aethelflaed's, stopping in front of the door.
You thanked him for the evening and Finan smiled at you, setting a soft kiss to your cheek.
You watched him pull away, but before he was out of reach you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him harshly.
It took a few seconds before he responded by kissing you back and wrapping his strong arms around your waist, holding you closer.
He had been so gentle and careful with you that you had felt like an actual kiss had been the least you could do, and you had wanted it too.
When you pulled away the both of you couldn't hide your contempt grins, and you let go of each other.
Saying good night you returned to your rooms, and Finan to the table, where he was greeted with by now certainly drunk cheering.
It was a beautiful night, one that promised more, that promised the feeling of home and the love of a man that had surprisingly taken over your heart.

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