Finan imagine

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"May I ask why you asked us to come here, my Lady?", you heard the deep but slightly amused voice of Uhtred the Daneslayer waver through the almost empty hall in which you gave your audiences.
You had taken over the care and protection of the people living in your small village after your father had died of a sickness a few years ago, but when the Danes took the villages and lands that bordered on yours you had become desperate enough to ask for help.
It wasn't like you couldn't defend yourself, you were strong and confident and your father had tought you how to fight when you had been just a little girl, but still you wanted to try your best to solve the matters peacefully.
Since men never seemed to respect women you were left to ask for help, from the most respected man you knew.
You had only ever really heard of him, you had neither talked nor seen him, but Uhtred, Lord of Coccham, seemed like the most competent and trustworthy person to resolve the matter.
You had asked him and his men to join you in your home, to talk and maybe even to fight should the events turn out badly.
"I... we need your help", you answered the Daneslayer as your eyes scanned the room, stopping at a man that looked particularly eye catching.
He was tall, broad, well built, his beard and hair full and his eyes hosting determination, but also kindness.
You were watching him as intently as he was studying you until you heard Uhtred clear his throat, a smile on his lips as your eyes came to rest back on him.
After another quick glance at the buff man that was by now grinning at you you went back to the business you wanted to discuss.
Uhtred, of course, agreed to your plan of talking, especially since you tried to find a peaceful way much in contrast to most of the other rulers he had met.
You had caught the attention of all of the men Uhtred had brought with him as well, whereas Sihtric admired your looks Osferth was also in awe of your power and knowledge, while Finan was just blinded by the whole of you.
It was awfully obvious at dinner, Finan stared at you during the whole time since you had invited your guests to join you.
You were wearing something more formal than the practical clothes you had worn during your negotiations, catching even the eyes of the married men like Uhtred and Sihtric.
It was amusing to you, but once you caught Finan's eyes that amusement made way for breathlessness.
His eyes were resting on you, dark, careful, but at the same time passionate, even without saying a word.
Your gaze was once again interrupted by a cough from Uhtred sitting beside you and you turned your head to look at the lord.
The dinner went on unremarkably until you heard the warrior's voice for the first time.
He had been silent before and it was just a whisper in the ear of his neighbor but you heard him nevertheless.
Though you didn't understand what he was saying you could hear his voice and accent clearly, his short grunted reply sending a shiver down your spine.
Once the stranger saw that you were looking at him he locked eyes with you, a small smug grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
You were torn from your trance by the voice of the man Uhtred had called Sihtric, his voice teasing as he caught your eyes.
"Do not worry my Lady, we are here to help you with your matter, some... more than others, it seems", he sent a taunting grin at his Irish friend that made both the Irishman and you blush in shame.
Over the course of the next days Uhtred and his men helped you plot a way to negotiate with the wild men, as much as you could prepare for such a thing.
You were just putting on armor in the case you would need it when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
When you turned around you came face to face with the Irishman, a gentle smile set on his face.
"I just wanted to make sure you're alright, m'lady?", he asked you and you nodded at him.
"They will simply be negotiations, will they not?", you asked him with a teasing smile on your face.
"I think I can manage", you added and he nodded as well.
"I was thinking...", he started as he fiddled with the sleeves on his shirt, something that put another smile on your face.
"I would quite like to get to know you, m'lady", he said as he stepped further towards you, his eyes focusing on your own.
He was standing much closer to you than you were used to and your breath caught in your throat because of it.
You were just about to answer when a servant boy rushed through the doors, his eyes scanning the room until they caught you.
"Excuse me, my Lady, but there's Danes marching on our village outside".

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