Edward imagine

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The prompt is: "I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner. You suck".

Warnings: mild cursing

Even though your husband was the Prince of Wessex and you had only married in secret you were the happiest you had ever been, because you married out of love.
When you found out you were pregnant Edward and you were ecstatic, even though you were quite young you had wanted to start a family, something you had achieved quite quickly.
You weren't noble in any way and lived in Winchester, near the castle, that was how you had met Edward.
You had been working on the marekt when you had met Edward, he had asked you to join him for a walk to get to know you, and even though he was a royal you had agreed, because you had found him charming.
This initial affection quickly grew into love as the two of you spent more and more time together, he had his princely duties but he always kept enough time to sneak away to spend his time with you, keeping you a secret for your own safety.
Edward was scared for you but the two of you knew that you couldn't live without each other now that you knew each other.
You both knew that it was dangerous to be involved with each other, but you loved each other far too much to let the other go, so Edward decided that it would be more secure for you if you'd be married, which you of course agreed to without hesitation.
You eloped in secret, having the security of being married before God until either of you died, because you couldn't annul a marriage.
Then you had fallen pregnant and the two of you couldn't believe your luck.
You started to show quickly, leaving the notion that there was more than just one child in your stomach.
Edward took as much time as he could to be with you, even staying over night when he was supposed to stay in the castle for his own safety, but because he couldn't take you with him he stayed with you instead.
He had bought a small house nearer to the castle than your family home where you could live in peace and in a place he could visit easily.
Especially since you were pregnant he tried to be at your side as often as possible, caring for you and doing housework, work he had never learned to do but tried to do now, to keep you away from exhausting activities.
It was kind of him, but also exhausting for you since you had to supervise him even though he had ordered you to lay down, and he didn't like you defying him when you came to his help, which he more often than not needed.
He hated not being able to do everyday work properly and you had to be careful not to offend him in trying to help him, but it worked well.
Edward didn't like cooking, he loved to curse mildly while doing so but he felt like he needed to care for you, especially in your vulnerable state.
Since he never learned to cook, in contrast to you, he wasn't the best cook either, which certainly didn't help with the sick feeling you had.
You were often feeling uncomfortable, your back hurting from the additional weight you had to carry, but that didn't keep you from getting up to help Edward any chance you had.
"Please just go back to bed, love, I...", he started but broke off when he hurriedly moved to the pot over the fire, stirring in it, but you could smell that it had already started to burn at the bottom.
Edward was always very determined and perfectionistic, but due to the fact that he essentially didn't know what he was doing he easily grew frustrated.
You watched with a smile on your face as he angrily stirred in the pot before you moved over to him, hugging him from behind as far as your pregnant belly allowed it.
You set a small kiss to the back of his neck as you wrapped your arms around him, before remaining like this and smiling against his skin.
"I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner. You suck", you said softly, your lips grazing his skin as you spoke before Edward turned around to face you.
He had a concerned look on his face as he put his hands on your cheeks, careful not to hurt you in any way.
"I can't let you do this yourself, and I cannot hire anyone else to do it for me. I have to learn because accidents happen and you can't have that risk. If I involve any outsiders they might talk when asked about us, and I cannot risk losing you", he said and you nodded, smiling at him.
"Well have you thought about the idea of me telling you what to do instead of just uselessly sitting around?", you asked and Edward grew silent before looking at you again.
He let go of you after he set a soft kiss to your forehead, nodding.
You chuckled apologetically before nodding at the stew.
"I can't eat that. I shouldn't", you told him and you smiled softly, to which he nodded again.
Trying to cook the stew for a second time and this time with your help worked wonders, and when you finished eating Edward pulled you close to him on the bed, hugging you and keeping his hand on your stomach.
It was a habit he had developed, a habit you loved because he held you close, something that brought comfort to you.
"Have you thought about names yet?", he asked softly, his breath tickling your ear slightly.
"Names? You make it sound like you know it's more than just one baby", you chuckled and you saw Edward sitting up on one elbow to look at you.
"It has to be. I mean, look at you", he teased with a boyish grin, and you had to laugh slightly.
"It sounds like you're calling me fat", you teased as well and Edward bit his lip as he thought about what to answer.
"I don't mind it", he started as he took his hand from your bulging stomach to rest on your jawline, gently caressing it.
"You're carrying my child, or children. I don't mind you getting fat from it", he said with a smile and you grinned at his playfulness.
You grew silent again and Edward lay back down, this time facing you to keep caressing your face.
"Æthelstan", he said out of the blue and you looked into his eyes as he continued.
"If it's a boy, I'd like him to be called Æthelstan", he explained and you nodded.
"What do you think about Ædgyth for a girl?", you asked him.
He smiled and set a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"It's settled then. And maybe we're blessed with both", he said, bringing a smile to your face.
Even though Edward could seem stern sometimes he was a good man, a perfect if not entirely capable husband, and you were sure he'd become an amazing father as well.
You didn't know how long this happiness with him would last, but you were sure to cherish every bit of it as long as you could.

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