Sihtric imagine

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The fanfic trope requested was: 'napping together'.

Warnings: mentions of death

When you had joined Lord Uhtred's ranks it hadn't entirely been his kind and charming self or his political opinions that made you decide to stay, as it perhaps should have been.
When your father, the last family member you had left, had died you had decided to leave your house behind to find a new living somewhere.
Your father had taught you how to hunt and fight, he had always wanted a son and when he didn't get one he simply made do, and so you knew how to hunt and how to fight, and once you met the Lord Uhtred on your journeys you decided to stick around longer.
You enjoyed the men's company, Finan was funny and open hearted, Lord Uhtred too, Osferth was kind and rather shy, but who received most of your attention was Sihtric.
He was less talkative than Finan or Uhtred, but just as active as any of the men.
You grew used to their harsh jokes, which they let slip even though they at first tried not to.
You found him the most attractive one, despite his strange hair, but the fact that he was a Dane frightened you at first.
You didn't know any Danes, you had only ever heard horror stories, and even Lord Uhtred who had an aggressively Dane manner looked more Saxon than Sihtric.
Nevertheless, or maybe because of it, you were very attracted to the black haired man.
It took you days to build up the courage to talk to him, but when you did you developed a unique relationship.
It was a friendship, but to everyone else it might have been more.
Even though you were certainly attracted to the loner you didn't know if he was attracted to you, and you didn't dare ask.
You received a lot of teasing, Finan and Lord Uhtred wanted to have their fun, whereas Osferth also watched you with interest.
When you were in a group neither Sihtric nor you talked much to one another, but when you were alone, or just walking ahead or in the back in a safe distance, Sihtric liked to tell you about his life, and liked to ask you about yours.
It was in mutual respect and admiration that you talked to each other, curiosity being strong as well, leading to you learning a lot about each other's faith, lifestyle, and person.
Your favorite way to talk was when the others were asleep on the ground around you, the two of you sitting by each other to keep warm, and talking gently to stay awake and keep guard while the others were sleeping.
You loved the intimacy of talking through the night, which no conversation during the day could give you.
The next day the two of you were usually very tired, but managed to get through the day to sleep in the night.
When you were walking an especially exhausting distance the next day though you took a break mid day, and somehow you managed to fall asleep in each other's arms.
You had sat down and leaned against Sihtric, your head resting on his shoulder as support, but the two of you somehow managed to doze off into a steady slumber.
You were usually sleeping cautiously, you could wake at any crack in the bushes in the distance, but the comfort of each other's embrace made you forget about any possible danger.
You only woke up when you heard loud male voices talking and laughing, quite near to you.
Opening your eyes you found that your head was laying on Sihtric's chest, the Thor's hammer he always wore in close sight, your hand on his upper stomach and your legs entangled with his, his face turned towards you.
It took you a while to realize that Finan, Lord Uhtred and even Osferth were staring at you with a smirk on their faces, before you abruptly sat up, waking Sihtric in the process.
He jumped up into a sitting position as well, his hand immediately going to his belt where the axe you had literally slept on was located.
The only reaction he received was an unimpressed chuckle from Uhtred, and Finan crossing his arms over his chest.
"Right so... it looks like you had quite the eventful night", he smirked, cocking his head in a teasing manner, that led even Osferth to laugh airily, his face turning a shade of red you had only seen him wear when he was uncomfortable with where the conversation was leading.
"Did you finally manage to hump her, Sihtric, or do we have to continue to hear you gush over her whenever she isn't around?", you heard the pressed voice of Uhtred, and it was your turn to grow an uncomfortable shade of red.
Sihtric stumbled to get up, blushing as well, and you followed him into a standing position.
He was red in the face now as well, but he managed to glare at the other men in embarrassment and anger.
It took a while of uncomfortable silence before you managed to answer the men, taking them by surprise.
"He did not hump me, Lord. But in contrast to all of you he is indeed getting female attention, even more so now that I know that he's attracted to me too", you answered, earning confused glances from Osferth, Finan and Uhtred before you moved next to Sihtric, wrapping an arm around your waist.
Sihtric reacted quickly, putting his arm around your shoulders, and placing a gentle kiss to your temple.
When you looked up at him you saw a proud and incredibly happy smile, before you looked into the perplexed faces of the rest of Uhtred's men.

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