modern AU Edward imagine

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The fanfic trope requested 'there's only one bed'.

Warnings: cursing

When you were invited by one of your best friends to join her in a trip to her family's cabin in the woods you hadn't expected her to play dirty.
You trusted her, maybe even a little too much.
She had never even mentioned bringing anyone else with her, only ever saying how much you'd have fun together.
You had packed for a ladies trip, lighter and more comfortable clothing since there were no boys around, but when you reached your friend's house you saw her boyfriend's car up front.
You should have known that she would have taken him with her, because he usually went wherever she did, but you hated to be a third wheel.
"I thought it'd be just us?", you asked your friend from university as you sat your bag down, and her boyfriend immediately grabbed it, packing it into the trunk with a chuckle.
"Well, no, change of plans", she grinned at you almost with a daunting look and you watched her, hoping that she wasn't serious.
"Oh, come on Gwen. You know I hate being a third wheel", you groaned, letting your shoulders sag down slightly in annoyance.
"What about if there's a fourth wheel? That fixes the wagon, doesn't it?", you heard an all too familiar voice behind you and you froze as your eyes grew wide.
Edward Winchester was the person you had had a crush on for years.
He was in your group of friends that had formed when you started university, and you were far too shy to admit your feelings for him.
You were able to talk to him, but you messed up frequently, and you were entirely sure that everyone, including him, knew about your crush on him.
It was hard for you to be around him, because you always messed up in your nervousness.
"Oh, yeah, no, that's great, that's fine", you answered him, stuttering each word out brainlessly.
You glared at Gwen who only chuckled, sending you a wink as she got into the passenger seat in the car.
You got in in the back, and whereas Gwen and Peter talked during the drive neither you nor Edward said a word.
You weren't angry that Edward was coming with you, you were even happy about it, but you were a little cross with Gwen that she had decided to cheat you like that.
Nevertheless you were happy that you'd go on vacation with your friends, and that you'd get to see Edward more.
The cabin was beautiful, spacious enough for a cabin in the woods, and Gwen had said that there was a small lake in a few minutes walking distance.
It was beautiful from the inside, as rustic as you'd expected it to be, but when you made your way towards the bedrooms you could already see Gwen squirming uncomfortably.
She opened the first door quick enough to throw her bag inside, proclaiming that the master bedroom was for her and her boyfriend, sending him a quick wink you didn't want to investigate further, and then she led you to the other bedroom.
You had forgotten all about the fact that Gwen had told you there were only two bedrooms, but once she pushed the door open you glared at her harshly.
"And this one is for you two", you heard her say and you watched her turn around quickly, pulling Peter behind her.
"We'll let you get situated, come find us when you're ready!", you heard her almost sing as she walked away.
There was a silence in which you blankly started at the bed in front of you, before you saw Edward putting his bag on the bed, opening it and putting his clothes into a dresser next to the bed.
"You didn't know I was coming with you, did you?", he asked you and you quickly shook your head.
"No, I... I didn't", you answered and when you looked at him you saw a small smile tug at one of the corners of his mouth.
"Right... I'll take the floor then", he told you and you frowned, not quite sure what he meant.
"I'll sleep on the floor then. Or the couch in the living room, it looks comfortable enough", he smiled at you and your face grew red.
"No, I... you can... well we can share the bed. If you want, it's okay with me", you said quickly, blushing even more with every word that left your mouth.
When you were finally able to look him in the eyes again he smiled slightly at you, his hair falling into his face as he looked down at you.
"Are you sure?", he asked you, searching your eyes for the truth.
You nodded quickly, turning away and setting your bag on the bed like he had recently.
You were blushing madly, especially after he had looked at you so intently.
"Yes, of course", you answered, adding a whispered 'no harm in it, right?'.
"What about you? Are you sure?", you asked him, looking up at him and you were sure he saw how red your face was.
"Yeah, sure", he answered you, and you could again see the small smile on his face before he hid it by looking away.
When you returned to the livingroom you didn't talk to your friend at all, but you saw her glancing at you every once in a while, to see if you were still mad.
It was a funny situation, you pretending to be mad at her, her and her boyfriend talking and desperately trying to make jokes you would find funny, which didn't work, and Edward sitting beside you silently, glancing at you every now and then, which you never noticed.
After hours of awkwardness you decided to break the silence, suggestion to watch one of those teenage horror movies, that of course had to play in a cabin in the woods.
You didn't mind horror movies all that much, or at least you had seen 'the cabin in the woods' more than enough times to not be afraid of it.
You collectively joked about it, if because you actually found it funny or because you were trying to make fun of it so you weren't scared you didn't know.
You dreaded the time when you had to go to sleep, but it came, and you didn't like it at all.
You had packed a matching pajama set, at least you had managed that, but you hadn't expected it to be as cold as it was, and you had only packed a short short, and a matching bralette as top.
You cursed yourself severely for it now, but you couldn't change the fact that it was going to have to do.
When you were ready to come out of the bathroom, Edward had let you go in first, he was already sitting on the bed, looking up as you walked in.
You felt like you wanted to cover yourself up wirh your arms but you didn't, because he'd see your sleepwear either way.
You were far too nervous but you looked back at him, catching his eyes roam over your body before he stopped himself, quickly averting his eyes.
It had only been a short moment but you had seen him blushing, and that made butterflies painfully erupt in your stomach.
You smiled gently while you blushed, finally reaching the covers and climbing under them, hiding from his gaze and the cold of the room.
He went to the bathroom and certainly didn't take as long as you had to return, which you dreaded as well.
Your plan had been to busy yourself with something else, your phone or a book, but as soon as he entered the room your eyes shot towards him, and you couldn't look away.
He was wearing checkered pajama trousers and a tank top, which gave you the opportunity to take in his muscles.
He was so beautifully pale and you wished that you could see more of him than what the top allowed you to.
You looked away then, but you were sure he had seen you staring.
You shortly debated whether you should apologize for it, but you simply looked away.
When he sat down he sighed almost not noticeably, but you looked at him.
"So which blanket do you want?", he asked you softly, chuckling at how awkward your situation was.
There were two blankets, a quilt and a duvet which you were neatly nestled under.
"Uhm, the quilt maybe?", you asked and he nodded, tugging at the duvet to pull it to his side of the bed as you tugged at the quilt.
It was already quite late, you had decided to go outside for a drink after watching the movie, making you incredibly tired.
As soon as you settled down you moved to face away from him, turning your light off at approximately the same time as him, ending up in complete darkness.
Pulling your blanket up over your shoulders you tried desperately to get a little more warmth, but the cold seeped through your covers, making it impossible for you to sleep.
You waited for minutes, hearing Edward's irregular breath, indicating that he was still awake as well.
You let a few more seemingly never ending minutes pass by before you couldn't take it anymore.
"I'm sorry", you said softly, turning around to face him in the darkness.
"Sorry, but I'm literally freezing my ass off. I'm not even trying to get closer to you, I swear, but I can't sleep at all", you said quickly, and you heard an amused chuckle from Edward's end of the bed.
"You're right, it's freezing", he answered you before you heard the duvet rustle before he turned on the light.
He was propped up on one arm, facing you.
"We can share the duvet, if you want?", he asked you softly, his voice almost husky showing how tired he was.
You nodded softly and lifted the far end of the duvet to crawl under.
It was a little better, the duvet wasn't as permeable as the quilt had been, but you were still cold.
Gwen could have told you it was this cold, but then again she had probably planned this out too.
"Better?", he asked softly as he looked at you, and when you nodded he turned off the lights.
You were drowning in silence and darkness once again, waiting for sleep to come, but Mr Sandman had other plans.
You were growing more and more exhausted, but you were still too uncomfortable with the whole situation, until Edward turned the lights on again.
"I'm sorry", it was his turn to say it as he sighed, running his hand over his sleepy face before facing you.
"I'm still cold", he laughed airily, and you joined in, looking up at him.
"Do you... I mean I think if we would come closer we could share our warmth. You should feel my toes, they're freezing", he chuckled and you sat up, taken by surprise.
"Are you serious?", you asked, your voice also drenched in sleep.
"Yeah. So the cold won't get to us", he said, and you almost saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes before he turned them down towards the blanket.
He waited as you thought about it, before you finally nodded.
You looked incredibly shy in that moment, which you were.
As soon as you nodded Edward sat up, moving a little closer towards the middle of the bed and lifting the covers invitingly for you.
After a few seconds of hesitation you moved closer to him, but not enough to touch him in any way.
You could feel the heat radiating off of him, and the nervousness you felt heated your body up quickly as you laid down next to him.
You were facing him when he turned off the lights, and you could feel his breath on your arm, realizing that he was facing you as well.
After some time you finally felt sleep overwhelm you, but when you heard Edward's voice you payed attention to him.
You could hear him wish you a good night, and after blushing immensely, which was luckily covered up by the darkness, you answered him with the same phrase.
In contrast to what you would have originally thought you were entirely relaxed laying so close to him, and you fell asleep quickly, with a smile on your face.
When you opened your eyes again you were embraced in a soothing warmth, and you immediately leaned closer.
You were on your side, your cheek pressed against the soft pillows, and the rest of your body embraced by the blanket, alongside of something else, less soft but definitely warmer.
You loved the feel of that body, until you quickly realized that it was indeed a body.
It took those few seconds of peace until you realized where you were, and with whom.
Even when you realized that you were cuddling with Edward, that he was spooning you from behind you were still very calm, and maybe even a bit happier than before.
Edward was holding you to his chest, and though he was radiating more than enough heat you would not willingly move away.
A smile spread on your face as you shut your eyes again, hearing his breath behind you and feeling his chest move rhythmically against your back.
When you heard a particularly sharp intake of breath you were sure that he had just woken up, and pretending you were asleep you waited for what he would do next.
You felt him move just slightly, before his grip on your waist tightened gently.
It made a smile appear on your face, indicating that you were awake sadly, and so you turned a little, to look at him.
Your eyes were still heavy with sleep but you turned anyways smiling at him and taking in his reaction.
"Morning", you whispered and Edward smiled back at you, looking just as sleepy as you.
"Morning", he gave you his reply, his raspy morning voice low as he looked at you, sending a comforting chill down your spine.
He still had his arm around your waist until you moved to get up, breaking the comfortable atmosphere between you two momentarily.
During breakfast and the rest of the day neither of you talked much, but the comfortable atmosphere remained.
You smiled at each other more often and more openly, resulting in knowing glances between Gwen and her boyfriend that spoke volumes.
It took you a few more hours to find the courage to talk, but when Gwen and Peter decided to visit the jacuzzi you didn't even know they had they left the two of you alone, knowing that the need to talk was definitely there.
You were left sitting together at the dining room table, glancing at each other from time to time, but essentially settling your eyes on your drinks.
It took a bit of awkward but comfortable silence before Edward cleared his throat, gaining your attention immediately.
He was watching you with as much hope but awkwardness and nervousness as you were looking at him, and once he realized that he chuckled slightly.
"Well since we're here, and alone, we might as well get on with it, right?", he asked and before you could even ask what he meant he went on.
"I know you like me. Or at least Gwen said so, and you're not very skilled at hiding it", he said, a half-grin emerging on his face that made your stomach churn.
"I like you too. Like that. I just didn't think it was the right time to tell you", explained and whereas you would usually blush you felt all the color drown from your face.
Waiting for a reaction Edward watched you closely, his eyes searching your face for any indication of anger, confusion or happiness.
When you finally reacted to what he had said you frowned before breaking out into a wide smile, happier than he had ever seen you before.
"Thank you", you let out a breath, and it was your turn to watch Edward frown.
"I tell you I like you and you thank me for it?", he chuckled, and you nodded.
"Yeah, I mean... it's amazing that you like me back and... very kind and brave of you to say so", you answered, nodding gently and he smiled at you.
"Okay, then I'll continue to be brave. I'm not going to ask you to become my girlfriend yet but... would you want to go out with me?".

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