Alfred imagine

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The prompt is: "You are a fountain of good fortune, my love".

Warnings: mentions of sex

You had been married to Alfred long before there was even the slightest possibility that he would become King.
He had been 19 at the time, with you being a bit younger, and it had been an arranged marriage.
You would have never thought that you would like the man you would marry, but the moment you met Alfred you were attracted to him.
He was beautiful with his tall but slim figure, his dark hair and the hint of a beard that grew on his face, and the way he was watching you, taking in all you had to offer, made a blush appear on your cheeks.
You were married without having said much more than the usual pleasantries to one another, and the first few weeks were more than just uncomfortable.
You were attracted to one another so you performed your duties, but neither of you talked much.
Alfred was very stoic, keeping to himself mostly and spending more time than necessary in the chapel.
Your relationship almost seemed minimalist, which hurt you.
Your husband didn't seem to show interest in you whatsoever, and you were left alone, not knowing anyone and wandering the halls of the palace, sad and lost until you reached two wide doors that weren't quite closed, hearing your husband's voice simmer through the gap between the wood of the doors of the chapel.
"Please, Lord, forgive me for I have sinned", you heard his rather monotonous voice full of guilt and you stepped further towards the doors.
"I have sinned, in thought and not in deed", he added and you listened closely.
You knew you shouldn't be listening in, especially since he was speaking with the Lord, but you couldn't help your curiosity, just like Eve hadn't been able to keep herself from biting the apple.
"My thoughts are impure, Lord. You have given me a woman, and she has been occupying me ever since. She is in my thoughts when I sleep and when I wake, keeping me from my duties in front of You, and my King", he confessed and you couldn't help but be surprised by this turn of events.
"I fear, Lord, that if I grew to know her I would lose my senses", Alfred whispered.
It sounded silly, hearing him confess that the reason why he stayed away from you was his attraction towards you, but he seemed honestly concerned.
When he came to bed in the evening you began to ask him questions, focusing on him and his duties, purposely avoiding your person so that he wouldn't get to know you further, but you could talk, and get to know him.
You spent your evenings like that, and over time he found that you made the perfect advisor.
You didn't know how Alfred felt about you, but he began to show interest in you, asking you questions about yourself and looking to talk to you over the course of the day as well as the night.
You developed a healthy marital life as well as a relationship built on mutual respect and admiration.
When Alfred was going to be fighting in battle for his brother you were concerned about his wellbeing.
You had fallen in love with your husband, your King, the man that was so gentle, incredibly intelligent and ambitious, but also far too vulnerable.
You suffered with every episode of fainting, whenever you saw his hand subconsciously moving towards his stomach, or when he winced in pain.
You were scared of the thought of him in battle, the most healthy of men had fallen, and he certainly wasn't one of them.
But in contrast to his healthy brother Alfred returned to you alive, alive and well except for a few bruises you inspected.
It was days after the death of his brother when he returned to your room from the witan, a small smile on his face that immediately caught your attention.
Just when you were about to ask what the source of his happiness was he walked towards you after discarding his tunic, embracing you in a hug.
This greeting had become a ritual, especially in the warm summer months, and you enjoyed the contact you had to him.
The bruises were slowly beginning to fade, and you traced them gently as you waited for him to speak.
"You are a fountain of good fortune, my love", he whispered and you smiled as you looked up at him quizzically.
"You are my greatest love and advisor", he said as you waited for him to continue, knowing he was not yet finished with his speech.
"Through your faith I have survived in battle", he added and you smiled at his godliness.
"You have brought me closer to God through your temptation and I have learned to live with it, and now I am able to do God's work in building a united England, as King", he told you and you were shocked by what you were hearing.
You knew that he was in discussion as the new King, but you had hoped it wouldn't come to that.
As much as you loved your husband you were sure that his health would crumble under his reign, but you had always known that he would be the best option Wessex would have for a King.
"I love you, my darling", he whispered as he put his hands to the sides of your face, cradling it as he watched you lovingly.
"I love you. And I will be here with you, to carry your burden, as much as you let me", you answerd him, earning an admiring look from him and a kiss and more to reward your for your services.
And nine month later you welcomed your daughter to the world.

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