modern AU Edward imagine

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Warnings: none

When you had moved to England to study you had always kind of hoped to find a boyfriend there.
You found a two bedroom dorm apartment you shared with a nice girl you met there very much near the university you went to, which automatically meant that people from your university lived in the same building as you did.
As a history student you met all kinds of interesting people your age, but none of them were as compelling as the boy next door to you.
He was British, which you secretly liked very much, with long blond hair and locks, freckles littering his face to make him look even more beautiful.
The name on his mailbox read 'Edward Winchester', a fitting name for the beautiful and upright stranger.
You had talked a few times, with almost all of the times being a bit awkward, but you liked talking to him, he was kind and gentle, and very attentive to what you had to say.
From what you had heard through the rather thin walls of your apartment he was a rather quiet person just like you were, and you were happy about the few similarities you shared.
Your roommate always liked to make fun of the crush you had on your neighbor, but she only ever earned a stern look and silence from you.
It wasn't something she should concern herself with, and even though you would have loved to gush about Edward you stayed silent, or your crush would have felt all too real.
One particular evening though your roommate bothered you with her questions again and you couldn't help the grin on your face as you thought about the cute boy next door from you.
You were too enthralled by what you felt for him to notice that you had raised your voice in defense, sounding loudly through your room as a blush creeped over your face and neck.
"Right, yes, so I like the boy next door, what of it? You know I'd never act on it!", you almost shouted at your roommate before you started to giggle, realizing that you had finally admitted your feelings for him to someone.
It took days for you to see Edward again after your private confession to your friend, but when you did he didn't behave as awkwardly as he used to anymore.
He started openly looking at you and occasionally even sending you smiles, making you blush a few times during classes.
His change in behavior startled you and you weren't sure if you liked it or if it scared you, but he was still considerate and kind when he talked to you.
You tried to avoid it but you couldn't stay away from him too long, enthralled by his character and the way he was looking at you.
Edward had even offered to walk you back home after classes and you made a habit out of it, since Edward also studied history, just like you.
It gave you more time to talk to each other, also giving you more time to realize that he indeed was the perfect person you had somehow been looking for, when he one day stopped in front of your respective doors even more awkwardly than at the beginning of your friendship, if you could call it that.
You were silent as you smiled up at him, waiting for him to say goodbye when a small grin rushed over his face as he looked down at you.
"I heard you, a few weeks ago", he told you softly, the boyish grin still on his face as your blush intensified, your eyes widening in mortification when you realized that he was talking about your confession to your roommate about your crush on him.
Your eyes lowered to his feet so you couldn't see the nervous flicker of his tongue over his lips as he watched you closely, waiting for any sort of reaction from you.
"The walls are pretty thin, you know", he added and you nodded quickly before you forced yourself to look back up at him.
"I'm so sorry", you apologized to him because you felt it was necessary, but the way his smile faded and his brows furrowed you weren't sure if it had been the right reaction.
"I'm sorry, this is awkward, I didn't... well I meant it, but I'm sorry?", you tried to apologize but Edward shook his head quickly, the nervous smile reappearing on his face.
"Don't be", he rushed out, surprising you by how fast he had interrupted the end of your sentence and you looked at him quizzically.
"Don't be, because I like you too", he told you much more gently now and your eyes widened again in shock as your heart rate picked up considerably.
"You mean you... like me? Like that? Too?", you asked him, making him break out into a nervous chuckle as he nodded softly, his locks falling from behind his ear to rest against the side of his face.
You were stunned by his confession but you could feel a smile appear on your face, sending a smile onto his face as well when he noticed it.
There was a few moments of awkward silence before you chuckled simultaneously.
"Would you want to want to go out with me sometime?", Edward asked you and you nodded enthusiastically, making his smile widen even further.
"I'd love that", you answered, your smile widening as well.
It didn't take long for the smile to fade in surprise because Edward leaned forward slowly, his face nearing yours until his lips met your cheek, placing a small and delicate kiss there before hovering a small second before he pulled away.
You were both beet red as you said your goodbyes, quickly unlocking your receptive doors to hide inside your apartments.
The both of you wore wide smiles as you closed the doors simultaneously before falling against them with your backs, grinning at what you had found in each other.
You were silent until you heard a stifled cry of happiness or victory from the boy next door, making a fit of giggles erupt from your mouth.

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