Alfred imagine

767 14 0

The prompt is: "He's adorable, what's his name?".

Warnings: mentions of infidelity, mentions of lust

Your father, as so many other noblemen, came to Winchester when he heard of the nearing death of the reigning King Aethelred after he had been struck in battle, to see how he could make some profit of his death.
Even though the men all feigned sadness you could see how each of them was hungering for power like a group of starving wolves encircling a wounded deer.
You were in Winchester with your father, after he had told you now would be the perfect opportunity to look for a husband.
Even though you were already of marital age you hadn't been betrothed yet, something that made you stand out in the crowd of married women and betrothed girls that walked around the court, something that directed the men's hungry stare towards you as well.
You weren't on your own at court, though, while your father was busy plotting the Kingdom's future you spent your time with a lady you had grown up with, a friend from your childhood.
She was happily married and lived at the court in Winchester, making her omniscient when it came to people and their gossip.
During a gathering, which you and Idonea loved to watch from the side, you made eye contact with a slim man dressed in gray, his hair and beard trimmed to perfection and his piercing eyes watching you with a calmness but hunger before he turned away to speak.
He somehow looked both, very unsure of himself and somehow sickly and at the same time like he held a strength that no mortal but him would be able to.
Hearing a chuckle from your side you turned away from watching the man and looked at Idonea, who seemed quite amused by watching you.
"You've found someone you like?", she asked cheekily and you merely rolled your eyes at her.
"He's adorable, what's his name?", you asked and she chuckled again.
"You're looking at Alfred, our future King", she grinned at you and you sent her an unbelieving look.
Idonea only nodded to show you that she wasn't joking before she continued.
"A man of God. Or so he likes to think. I've heard more than a few rumors about his infidelity, but who'd blame him. His wife is an absolute battleaxe", she said and you chuckled, but Idonea went on.
"You know, she's incredibly unpleasant and she bosses everyone around as if she were the Queen already. Dreadful woman, really", she finished and you glanced back at the man that had caught your eyes.
"He's married, then?", you asked and Idonea nearly snorted.
"Well, that didn't stop him before...", she grinned and you looked at her angrily.
"It'll stop me, though", you answered her and she eyed you for a few seconds before she decided to say what she had been contemplating to.
"Well, as long as you become pregnant you wouldn't have anything to worry about. As the mother of the King's bastard, maybe even firstborn child, you would have a lot of influence as a Lady, and if you're really good he could also proclaim you his mistress. You'd have a lot of power and influence!", she suggested and you turned beet red.
Glancing at Alfred you saw him watching you out of the corner of his eye as some noblemen talked to him, but as soon as he caught your eyes he turned away.
"You're being ridiculous", you let out as you shook your head.
Having enough of your friend's gossip you decided to leave the hall, feeling the weight of the future King's gaze on your backside as you exited the room.
Even though you tried to keep yourself busy with absolutely anything you couldn't get Alfred, and the way he had looked at you out of your head.
He was present at any gathering or feast, and you oftentimes felt his gaze on you, even if his wife was present.
Idonea was right, the woman seemed quite stuck up and strong minded, but it wasn't up to you to judge her.
She wasn't always present when he was though, and so one day a servant came to you, apologizing for disrupting your quiet.
"The Lord Alfred has requested you to join him for a walk, my Lady", he told you and you immediately looked up to find the lord in the group of people, and you caught him watching you interact with the servant, closely taking in your reaction.
You nodded and thanked the servant who moved away from you before you glanced at the future King once again and left the room in the direction of the gardens.
You were suddenly nervous as you heard gentle footsteps behind you, and when you turned around you were faced by the tall brown haired man that looked kindly and at the same time lustfully at you.
He was tall, but he was built incredibly slim as well, almost making him appear frail with his skin that was ghostly pale.
Bowing slightly you greeted him and he called out your name, showing that he had done at least as much research on you as you had on him.
"May I ask how you are enjoying your stay in Winchester?", he asked you and it was such an impersonal and factual question that you almost screamed in anger.
He had asked to come to you in private and you had agreed to do so against all reason, and he was talking to you as if he was asking about the weather.
"It is quite alright, my Lord", you said and he moved one of his hands forwards, indicating the suggestion to start walking.
You followed his lead and walked beside him through the garden, and he guided you to a part of it that was visited far less than the rest, making you the only two people in sight.
You watched him nod before he glanced at you again.
"And the weather? Is it quite satisfactory?", he asked and you were tempted to straight up leave.
"What am I doing here, my Lord?", you asked him, your head heavy with concern over your future that seemed to rise or fall with the man standing in front of you.
"Yes, I... I seem to have quite the interest in you", he told you and you were surprised by his honesty.
"You are certainly the most beautiful lady I have ever laid eyes on", he said and you slowly but surely started to have difficulty breathing.
Watching you carefully and taking every small detail of your reaction in he waited a few seconds, but you were too stunned to say anything.
"I expect that you have not been... persued yet?", he asked you and you answered him with a shake of head which lead him to nod.
"I have a proposition to make, an offer of one of a kind", he said and it was your turn to watch him carefully.
"As the future King of Wessex I would like to offer you a raise of station and a more influential position at court for your Lord father alongside my royal protection, in exchange for your affection", he stated with such a monotone voice that it seemed more like a business deal than what he was actually asking for, the authority over your body and love life.
"I will also arrange a more than suitable marriage for you, if you should wish so", he added as he watched you calculatingly.
You were speechless and in shock, and you certainly weren't very far from slapping the future King of Wessex when he let out a heavy breath, shaking his head in a very kingly but disheartened manner.
After some silence he looked at you again, and you could see a mixture of shame and self-hatred in his eyes.
"I apologize, my Lady, I did not mean to offend you. I've never felt as strongly for anyone as I do for you, and I wanted to offer you the safety of a mutual agreement to think it over", he told you and you nodded as an answer.
"You would benefit from it, and I wouldn't dare to discard of you as you might think, hence the proposition", he added and you looked up at him.
He was again watching you, and the way his eyes were studying you sent a shiver run down your spine.
"I just find you too alluring to let you go but too tempting to have you just out of my reach", he explained as you listened carefully.
It was too much for you to hear, certainly, but you took every word in eagerly.
"You are too beautiful to not be worshipped, to not be loved, and I will love you thoroughly, as much as you deserve", he added and the more Alfred talked the more passionate did he seem to become.
You were caught in his spell, the goosebumps on your arms didn't disappear and the passion the future King was feeling got to you as well.
It was a dangerous proposition, one that scared you as well because it decided over your entire future, but you couldn't deny the attraction that you felt towards him.
"I would like some time to reflect", you answered him and he nodded once, the King that he would become shining through and letting your knees grow weak with just this one small gesture.
"You shall take your time, then, as long as you need", he answered you, still not once looking away from you, his eyes relishing in your features.
When they reached your lips they were caught on them, and you felt his wish as much as your own need to feel his lips on yours.
You didn't say anything but you angled your face up, and Alfred took it as the invitation he was waiting for to close the gap between you two.
You had been kissed before, but none of the kisses could even remotely compare to what you were feeling and experiencing now.
He was passionate, almost eager and at the same time loving and gentle that the kiss added to the compliments he had made to you, impressing and enticing you further.
When you broke apart you were both stunned but happy, and you saw the awe in his eyes as he looked down at you clearly.
Gulping breathlessly you took a step back to gain some distance as you prepared to speak.
"Thank you, my Lord, I will consider your proposition", you answerd very formally and you could see a small smile scurry over his face before he became serious again.
"Please, if you intend to accept my offer call me Alfred in the future", he asked you and you nodded shortly.
"Thank you, Alfred", you answered with a small nod before you turned around, feeling his eyes follow you as you returned inside.

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