Edward imagine

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The kiss prompts are 7: French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them, and 50: A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.

Warnings: none

You had grown up at the court in Winchester because your mother had died giving birth to you, and because your father didn't want a motherless child around, and so you stayed at court while your father left for his estate.
Even though it sounded harsh you didn't mind that your father had left you to grow up in Winchester, especially since you were very happy there as a child.
You were as old as the aetheling Edward, with him being born three days before you, and you grew up together, always staying at each other's side.
Your father paid for the nurses and your rooms and everything that aided your education, and he came to visit often, claiming that he was doing everything for your own good.
You loved staying at court, since it was your home, and you didn't particularly care for your father's visits.
You knew you would have to leave one day, the nurse and your tutors had told you as much, but you tried to ignore it.
Edward and you had grown closer than siblings.
It was a relationship neither of you could define, but any adult who took a brief look at you knew that the love you shared would only grow with age, and King Alfred and Lady Aelswith loved to watch the two of you with smiles on their faces.
You were the daughter of one of the richest lords in Wessex, but even though the King and his lady thought about making marriage arrangements between the two of you it never was more than a thought.
When you turned seven years old your father decided to take you back to his estate, because you were old and mature enough to live somewhere without any other children around.
It was very hard on you, having to say goodbye to Edward for an indefinite amount of time, but the two of you tried to be as strong and mature as any seven year olds could be.
Nevertheless once the carriage started moving you were sobbing violently, and your father only glanced at you shortly before ignoring you for the rest of the ride.
The castle you lived in from then on was pretty much alright, but you missed Edward terribly.
He had always been there and you had developed such a unique bond that now that he was out of reach you felt like an immense part of you was missing.
It took months before you visited Winchester again, but you visited frequently, even if the breaks in between seeing Edward were far too long for you.
The older you became the less often did you visit Winchester, even if you pleaded your father daily for it.
You had grown into a young woman, a beautiful young woman people would say, and every day you didn't see Edward you missed him more.
By now you were writing letters, in which you talked about your daily lives, and about how much you missed one another.
Edward complained a lot about the duties he had, but you liked to calm him in your letters, reassuring that everything would turn out well.
When you finally managed to convince your father to return to Winchester you were both very excited but nervous at the same time.
During the stay at your father's estate you had grown into a very young woman, your body had started to show feminine curves, and it had started its duties you would need as a wife and mother one day.
As soon as you reached Winchester you immediately looked for Edward, and you found him transformed as well.
He was much taller than before, certainly taller than you even though you used to be the same height, and he seemed slim but fit, his eyes not once leaving you.
The way he was looking at you, taking in every little change in you, made you blush, before you pulled each other in a tight hug.
The atmosphere between the two of you had changed with the time you hadn't seen each other and now you were still as eager to be together, even though your behavior towards each other and the way you saw one another had changed drastically.
You still loved Edward and he certainly didn't love you any less either, but a not so childish way of thoughts and feelings had been added to the pile.
It was noticeable when you interacted in public, your father and Edward's parents watching with a knowing look in their eyes.
When you found time alone you almost felt like before you had left, you talked freely about anything and everything, but the way you were watching each other had changed completely.
Nevertheless the procedure was much the same, you left and you wrote letters, you just didn't talk about your feelings anymore.
It took over a year until you could return to court, and you waited for it patient, but also anxiously.
By the time you saw Edward again you had gotten used to the feelings of young adulthood, as used as anyone could be.
You were hugging each other the instant you saw one another, and once you finally let go you were able to look at him.
Whilst you had grown into a young woman he had grown into a young man, he hadn't grown much taller but he looked more broad now, having more muscles than before and his uncertain and awkward looks had changed into a look of authority.
You spent every minute you could with each other, neither of you hiding how you felt about about each other anymore.
You didn't yet say it out loud for the most time you stayed in Winchester.
When your father told you you'd leave soon and you told Edward he was strangely agitated.
"I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay, I want you to marry me", he said and you looked at him strangely.
He hadn't once said that he loved you in that way, but you understood him perfectly.
"It's not something we can control, who we marry", you answered him and he nodded.
You were sitting next to each other on the grass in the gardens, far from anyone who could disturb your privacy.
"I know but I want to. I want you, I always have, you know that", he told you and you nodded.
"You won't have to leave if I marry you, so I'll talk to my father, if you want", he asked as he watched you carefully and you frowned as you looked at him.
"Do you actually want to marry me or do you just want me to be here?", you asked him softly and it was his turn to frown.
"We're not children anymore, Edward, it's different now than it was back then", you added and he nodded quickly.
"Yes I... I want you, I mean want that too, you know?", he told you and you blushed heavily as a smile crept onto your face.
When you got up to leave Edward got up too, watching you carefully as he held out a hand for you to take.
You did so gently before looking at him again.
"You changed so much", you said softly and Edward smiled almost proudly at you.
"That's what happens when you grow up, you know", he told you softly and you chuckled at his poor attempt of a joke.
"I mean... you're so handsome and strong and you grew up. Do you still want me?", you asked him and the smile on his face faded quickly.
"You could have anyone, but why me?", you asked and Edward stepped closer, setting a hand on the side of your face that sent a shiver down your spine.
"I want you because you're you. I've always loved you, I love you now, and you're so beautiful. I know we've both changed a lot but I'm ready to risk it", he said softly, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips and you looked at him with more hope than you had ever had for you before.
Edward took that as the invitation he was waiting for, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips.
It was gentle and innocent at first, but after a while all the pent up tension between the two of you corrupted the kiss into a more desperate one.
You were holding onto him while he was pulling you closer, one hand at the small of your back as the other was in your hair, the need to be with each other too strong to pull away.
When you opened your mouth in attempt to get some air back into your lungs you allowed Edward to kiss you deeper, and your tongues found their ways into the other's mouth, tracing each tooth as if to remember it.
It wasn't an innocent kiss anymore and you were blushing heavily when you pulled away, letting go of Edward altogether.
He was watching you when you shook your head, taking a few steps away from him.
"We shouldn't be doing this", you said softly and you could see Edward's face falling.
"I'll return home soon, there's nothing either of us can do about that", you said loudly and Edward's expression grew hollow.
"Your home is here", he said softly and the way he said it brought tears in your eyes, tears you didn't allow yourself to cry.
"Your home is here, in Winchester. It's always been that way", he said softly and you glanced at him, sadness in your eyes.
"Is it though?", you asked softly before turning around and leaving him behind.
You didn't see him before you left and when you did you were informed that Edward was having lessons with his tutor and couldn't come to see you off.
You didn't send many letters when you got back to your father's estate, but you sent one to apologize to him.
You wrote that you had been scared of your feelings and what they would mean, and that you were sorry for everything you had said.
You didn't receive a reply and you even tried to keep your father from taking you with him to Winchester when he had to go.
You followed his orders though and once you arrived Edward was nowhere in sight.
It hurt you to know that he was ignoring you, and you did the first thing you thought of, returning to the place in the garden that you had sat in so often.
You sat down there, letting your thoughts wander until you caught someone in the corner of your eye.
It was Edward, but as soon as he saw you he stopped walking, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and sadness.
You called out to him as you stood up and made your way towards him, apologizing again for what you had said.
He was watching you come closer, and as soon as you were within his reach he moved forward, pressing his lips against yours.
You kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his waist as you held onto him.
The kiss turned into a hug quickly as neither of you said anything, just staying close.
You returned to the way things had been before, but you held onto each other in private, holding hands or gently kissing when you were alone together.
When you returned to your spot in the gardens one afternoon you were met with a distraught looking Edward that didn't even look at you when you made your way towards him.
When you reached him you kneeled down in front of him, asking what was wrong gently.
When he finally looked at you you saw his eyelids flutter at how close you were, but the pain in his eyes kept you from leaning in to kiss him.
"My King father just told me that I will be married soon. It will be announced at the feast tomorrow night", he told you, his voice breaking at the end of the sentence.
"You don't know who it is yet?", you asked softly, the only thing you could think of being that it just couldn't be you.
You hadn't talked to the King and his lady in years, and you were sure that it just couldn't be you, because you weren't as present as other young ladies were at court anymore.
"I don't know yet, they don't know yet", he answered and you nodded gently.
You put a hand to the side of his face, gently caressing it and he finally looked at you.
"I asked for you. I did, I begged my father to choose you", he said and you could see all the emotions clowding his already grey eyes.
"My father only glanced at mother before telling me that a King never begs", he said and you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
He reached his hand out to hold yours and you moved back in to kiss him properly.
"Come to my chambers tonight", you said softly and his eyes shot up to meet yours, surprise and uncertainty in them.
"I don't think... are you sure?", he asked you and you nodded gently.
When the feast finished you anxiously waited for Edward in your rooms, until you heard a gentle knock on your door and he slipped inside quickly.
It didn't take long until you were in each other's arms again, sharing a gentle kiss before pulling away.
"I love you", he said softly and you pecked his lips quickly, answering him with the exact same wording.
You were talking about anything and everything when Edward's eyes fell on your lips again and he moved in to kiss you.
You quickly responded to the kiss, until Edward pulled away, setting a kiss to the corner of your mouth and to your cheek, gently kissing down your neck, something so intimate and loving that you were breathless afterwards.
Once he reached your collarbone he stopped kissing you, putting his forehead on your chest as he let you hold him.
You slept cuddled together, holding onto each other because you thought you never would be able to do this again.
You didn't sleep much because you savored the feeling of his arms around you, and you were incredibly tired when your father required your presence in the afternoon.
Nevertheless you met your father in the hallway that led to the throne room, asking about what was going on.
He didn't say anything but that you had to wait, and you did so anxiously.
When the doors opened and the guard said that the King required your presence you moved forward as if sleepwalking, not entirely processing what was happening.
Entering the throne room you saw Edward sitting in a chair, looking as if he would topple over to sleep any second, his mother lady Aelswith beside him, and King Alfred watching you as you entered the room.
Smiling softly Alfred asked you if you knew why he had asked for you, and you politely denied it.
His smile grew but a hint before he glanced at Edward, preparing to speak.
"You are to be betrothed, and in good time married", he said to his son and Edward moved around on his seat, discomfort clearly on his face.
"Father, I do not wish to marry anyone but...", he began, but the King determinedly interrupted him.
"You will do as I say", he said and you could see the strength the sickly man had, silencing Edward completely.
"The father of your match has both, wealth and men", said lady Aelswith and you glanced at Edward, who was looking at you.
"Yes, you know the girl I love whose father is wealthy, just please....", Edward began again and you just wanted to rush to him and hug him, but you stayed at your father's side.
"That is exactly why we have chosen her as your future wife and Queen", you heard King Alfred say and your head snapped to look at him.
You were incredibly surprised and you could see the amusement on the King's face as the consequences of the decision dawned on you.
Your eyes returned to Edward who was looking at you, and when your eyes met he got off his chair, rushing towards you to bring you into a bone crushing hug you immediately returned.
By now you were sure you were crying as Edward set his hands at the sides of your face, pecking your lips with gentle enthusiasm before kissing your forehead and hugging you close again.
After a few seconds he pulled away again, smiling at you.
When he turned to face his father you could see the small smile on the older man's lips, alongside of a kindness that was directed towards you.
The way Edward looked at his father was much different than the way he usually looked at him, the anger of having to step into such giant footsteps and the anger towards the man that had made his life so difficult changed into a look that seemed almost grateful and loving.
When Edward looked back at you the grim look had gone from his eyes and though he still looked quite sleepy he seemed almost happy with his future.
And you knew that the reason why he was finally coming to terms with his destiny was the fact that you would play an important role in it.

The Last Kingdom imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang