Chapter 5

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My phone dinged.

Scotty :)
Hey Christian! I'll pick you up in about 40 min, okay?

Okay, thanks Scott.

I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck. Bruises covered my neck. You could see red handprints and finger prints if you lifted my shirt or pants up. Bags hung under my eyes. My body ached and hurt everywhere. On second thought...

I'm not coming to school today. I'm not feeling very well, so don't bother to pick me up. Thanks anyways though haha.

Scotty :)
Oh, alright. I hope you feel better. :(

I carefully laid down on my bed again, trying not to hurt myself any further. My dad was home because I could hear him downstairs. Moody jumped up onto my bed.


"Hi cat!" I greeted, starting to pet his fur. He purred happily. At least one of us was happy. I decided I would go to the cafe to read and catch up on some missed homework assignments. I got up and stripped of my clothes, turning the shower handle for warm water. I wonder where my thoughts would take me this time. I stepped in and let the warm water hit my back. Looking down and wincing, I lightly ran my fingers over the new marks on my body. I wonder if I'll have to do it again. Will they give me more money? When should I buy my blade? Where? I wonder if everybody knew you could make art like I did. Should I tell people? No. She got sad when I told her. I don't want to make people upset.

I finished cleaning myself and dried off. After I was mostly dry, I changed into my clothes for the day. I have to wash Theo's clothes still. I grabbed the pile of clothes Theo lent me and trudged down the stairs. After I had started the washer, I made my way to the kitchen.

"The two men said they were very pleased with you. They scheduled again for next week," my dad said when I entered the kitchen. I smiled. Maybe they'll give me more money. My dad raised an eyebrow.

"What, you like going with them?" he asked and I nodded. If it made him smile, I'd like anything. He gave me a quick half grin.

"Why aren't you going to school?" he asked next. I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to think of what I should respond with.

"I don't want to go to school today. My body hurts," I decided to say. He laughed.

"That's no reason for you not to show up at school. Go on. Get your ass to school, Christian."

I nodded and went upstairs to change into something that would cover the marks. I didn't want people to see them. They'd stare a me. I hate eye contact.

"Hey, Tia!" she exclaimed, running up and enveloping me in a big hug. I smiled brightly and hugged her back. I loved her hugs. They were comforting.

"Hi!" I greeted. She smiled at me, but I looked at my shoes. I didn't want to make eye contact. It scared me.

"Hey. Look at me. I love your eyes," she begged. I smiled and looked into her greenish blue eyes. I hated this. I would get lost and I wouldn't find my way back.

After pulling the neck of my hoodie up to cover the marks on my neck, I went downstairs and put my sneakers on, tying the laces. I would stop by the cafe anyways. I had put the twenty dollar bill in my hoodie pocket.

"Goodbye dad!" I said, stepping out into the crisp morning air and shutting the door behind me. I shoved my hands into my pockets and pulled my hood up. I began to walk towards the coffee shop. I need to eat. I'm hungry. She always made me food.

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