Chapter 15

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Ashlynn's POV

My hand covered my mouth, eyes open wide with shock. As he continued.

"We found out when I was ten, I was playing soccer when all the sudden I collapsed, screaming in pain. At first we thought it was appendicitis, but when we got to the hospital we found out we were wrong. My left kidney had failed."

The pain that showed in his eyes was so real, it brought tears to my eyes. standing up I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"My right kidney was fine then, but they continued to check it. Last year it showed signs of failure, and it's just getting worse. We are starting to look at transplants."

Tears fell down my cheeks as Easton pulled he off of him enough so he could see my face.

"I don't want your pity" he said wiping my tears with the pad of his thumbs. "I'm telling you this because we really aren't that different. I really like you Ashlynn, but you have already been through so much. I didn't need to add to that list."

To say I was shocked at his confession would have been an understatement. Pushing away from him completely I walked over to my night stand and pulled out my board and an orange marker.

'What do you mean, you don't want to add to the list?'

"Ash this could kill me, I don't want you to have to go through the pain of losing yet another person." He said with a sigh.

I stared at him in shock, what he said made sense, but I wouldn't stand for that.

'No matter what happens in life I have the potential to lose someone else. I'm not gonna let that hold me back.' after he read it I erased it and started writing something again.

'I like you too Easton, your right I have lost a lot, but I'm not going to live my life in fear of losing you. it's better to have lover and lost than to have never loved at all.'

During my written sprang I didn't even notice that Easton had gotten closer, until he was standing right in front of me.

Lacing his hand on my cheek he stared deep into my eyes before lowering his head and softly brushing his lips against mine. Wrapping one arm around my waist he pulled me closer, and his lips pressed against mine with a little more pressure.

It was amazing his lips were so soft, and warm. I always thought the people that said there were fireworks when they kissed someone were crazy. There wasn't any sparks or current of electricity. The feeling that spread through me was the one you get when walking into a warm room on a cold night. Warming you from the inside out.

All to soon Easton's lips disappeared from mine and his forehead rested against mine. The smile that appeared on his face was contagious. Pressing my lips softly to his again, I pulled back completely.

Picking up my white board, that I dropped when he kissed me I wrote on it again.

'Can we go watch a movie?'

With a laugh Easton nodded and lead me down the hall to his room.

"Do you have a specific movie you want to watch?" He asked me.

Sitting down on his bed I shook my head. A smile played on his lips as he searched through the stack of movies on his shelf. Pulling one out he placed it in the DVD player.

Coming to sit next to me, we waited for the movie to start. When Disney's Mulan came on I furiously began writing on my board.

'I love this movie! Mulan is like my role model. I may have lost my voice but she ran off to the war at the age of fifteen and risked her life to save her family, all while going against the beliefs people had about women at the time. She was so strong, I really wish I was that strong.'

"Ashlynn what are you talking about, you have to be one of the strongest people I know. There really aren't many people that can lose an loved one and their voice without breaking down. I am amazed by you."

The look in his eyes told me he was serious. Leaning up against him I rested my head on his shoulder. Placing a kiss on my forehead we watched the movie in silence.

Easton broke that silence a few minutes later.

"Ashlynn will you go out with me?"



Two chapters in one day. So what did you think. Comment with thoughts.

Question: Who is your role model? Why?

Comment with answers.






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