Chapter 28

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I wish I could say my day was quiet, and relaxing, but I can't. It was quiet, however, relaxing wouldn't be the word I would have used to describe it.

Instead of laying around all day doing nothing, I was forced to do chore after chore, until either Ember was satisfied, or there was no longer anything left to do. Neither option was very likely as I had already washed the dishes, swept and moped the dinning room and kitchen, and dusted the living room. At the moment I am sorting through every scrap of cloth and washing, drying, and folding everyone's clothing.

I have to say I have a large new respect for the work that Ember does on a daily basis. Being the mother of seven boys five of them being teenagers it can't be easy.

I remember one of my friends from the old dance studio I attended in Maine, complaining how no one in there family could tell the difference between her and her sisters socks. She said that her mom would just throw their socks into a pile, not even bothering to serif they have a match. She and her sister would just sit in the floor and pick out whatever socks belonged to them, it was very common for them to wear socks that never matched each other. Whenever asked why her answer was "Life is too short to spend hours matching socks that will only lose their pair."

That is exactly what I was doing at that very moment. I was sitting in the middle of the living room floor, surrounded by black socks ranging in length and in size, and I was ready to scream. Not that you would be able to hear anything, stupid vocal chords, but none the less it's the thought that counts. I was ready to just throw all there stupid socks in a pile and watch them fight over them.

The only thing that kept me from doing that very thing was that I knew Ember would make me do it again. So there I sat for two long hours matching those stupid black socks.

As I threw the last pair of socks into its respective pile I stood up. My knees popped like they always do when I sit or stand. Next came my hips, shoulders, back, and finally my neck. Being a dancer you put your body in a lot of awkward and somewhat unnatural positions, because of this you will know what it feels like when almost every bone in your body pops. Not only that but when it does it feels amazing.

"You know, that's kind of discussing, the fact that your body just pops like that." Said a familiar voice from behind me.

After getting over the fact that I nearly jumped out of my skin, I turned around to find Zander standing in the door way.

Deciding to ignore his comment, because I have to agree that it would be kind of unnerving to those that haven't experienced the training I had. I instead just arched my eyebrow at him questioning why he was here.

"Mom told me about your fight, and so I came to express my sympathy. "

Narrowing my eyes, I glared at him. I didn't want his pity or anyone else's. Punching Tamara was the best decision of my life, and I don't regret it at all.

Zander stick his hands up, the universal sign for I give up, or I'm sorry please don't hurt me.

"I think you miss understood me. I too have had my share of fights throughout school, and I know the wrath of my mom. She looks all sweet and stuff on the outside, but she will rip you a new one if you do something she doesn't approve of."

Zander shuddered.

"The last time I got in a fight, my mom made me sit with her and give my opinion as she went through her closet. My mom is a freaking fashion designer, do you have any idea how many clothes she has in her closet? It was horrible, I'd take socks over that any day."

Zander and I talked for a little while longer before he had to leave for work. He worked with Connor, but I'm not certain what exactly he did.

What I do know, however, is that once he left I was once again left alone with the demonic socks. After a few minutes Ember walked in and sighed when she saw me sprawled out on the floor.

"I know that feeling." She said laughing quietly. Her laugh was nice, it wasn't obnoxiously loud but you could still hear it.

I just turned my head to look at her. I'm quite certain the my expression was saying 'what kind of torture did you put me through? Please spare me.'

Once again she laughed.

"Alright, alright. You have done enough for today. You have a few hours before the boys come home. I suggest you take that time to relax because once they show up, they never shut up.

I laughed silently with her and nodded my head in agreement. Going from being an o my child with just my dad for company, to living in a house with seven 'siblings' things were a lot louder.

Standing up to leave the cursed living room my knees popped once again, not that I'm shocked. Signing thank you to Ember I left and headed up to my bedroom.

Changing into more comfortable clothes, and grabbing my phone I left the room and made my way to my new favorite room in the house.


Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I have just had very limited time, and when I did have time I spent it sleeping.

Question: What questions do you ask when getting to know someone?

Please comment with answers and tell me what you thought of the chapter.

Thanks for all the support.

Love you,


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