Chapter 12

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Ashlynn's POV

Have you ever walked into school, and immediately get this feeling that it was going to be a bad day?

That was the feeling I got when I walked in. The voices that usually filled the hallway stopped the moment I entered. All eyes were on me.

I stopped in my tracks causing Derrick and Easton, who were behind me to bump into me. Every single fricken pair of eyes were on me.

Not even my first day of school was this bad. It was then that I saw the queen of the underworld coming towards me.

Okay that's a lie, I didn't see her, I smelled her. She smelled of overpriced flowers and it was like she showered in it.

Resisting the urge to gag and throw up all over her white shoes, that would be fun. I held back. Just then I felt a hands on both of my shoulders.

Smiling back at Easton and Derrick, it wasn't until Barbie spoke that I turned back to her.

"So it's true then?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. I just raised an eyebrow in silent question.

She sighed heavily, and gave me her signature 'are you stupid?' look.

"The fact that you slept with most of the Tearins boys, such a whore." She clicked her tongue. Whispers started to break out around us. I felt the boys hands tighten before Derrick spoke.

"That isn't true and you know it. Anyone that believes the crap coming out of your mouth obviously has no brain of their own."

Tamara wasn't even fazed by his words. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrows narrowed as if trying to remember something.

"Oh yes, that and the fact that your parents didn't want you, that is why you moved in with the Tearins, right?"

Her voice was innocent but her eyes were anything but, they were full of amusement.

I was fine until she said that last part, it was then that the inevitable tears that came with remembering my dad trailed down my cheeks.

Frozen, that's what I was, I couldn't move. Where did the walls of sarcasm, and witty comebacks, that I had spent years building go.

My mind was running through the accident, the last time I saw my dads smiling face. If only I had gone to school that day, if I had told him to go to work. If only... If only... If only...

Tamara stood in front of me, a winning smirk on her face, that I would have loved to knock off. I didn't, I didn't do anything, I couldn't.

Luckily I didn't have to. Easton and Derrick were stepping forward to set her straight, but someone beat them to it.

Within seconds Tamara was tackled to the ground, by none other than my new best friend.

Tegan James.

"You do not, I repeat do not say that to anyone, especially not to my best friend!" Tegan screamed as she punched Tamara in the nose.

Tamara's scream of pain filled the hallway as her nose started gushing blood. Tegan was about of go in for another hit before Derrick stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist.

She continued to scream using a very colorful vocabulary, and struggled against Derricks hold.

Tamara's minions rushed forward, pulling Tamara to her feet. While she held her nose her eyes turned to Tegan, before they settled on me.

Behind the pain from her broken nose, something else showed. Something that shouted loud and clear, that this wasn't over.

Her eyes blazed with Hatred...



So how was it? Did you expect it to be Tegan the attacked her? Should the next chapter be in Ashlynn's POV, or someone else's? Tell me who's you think. Anyone have any ideas on how the boys can help Ashlynn get dancing again? Comment with your ideas.

Okay so school has officially started up again. Any thoughts?

Question: What is your favorite time of year? Why do you like it?

Comment with your answers. I am dying to hear from you.






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