Chapter 7

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Easton's POV

The whole family was silent for a minute. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, and it looked like no one else could either.

She had long, curly, light brown hair, and large blue-gray eyes.

She timidly waved her hand with a small smile.

Kian, the youngest of my brothers was the first to speak.

"Who are you?" He asked while narrowing his eyes. I could practically hear him saying 'Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!' over and over in his head.

Dad took a few steps forward and stood next to our guest, but it was mom that introduced her.

"Boys this is Ashlynn Grey. She will be staying with us"

So she does have a name, I was starting to worry there.

Suddenly Derricks eyes widened.

Oh God this can be good.

"Hey dad doesn't your best friend have the last name Grey." Derrick asked.

I had to resist the urge to smack him up side the head, when I saw Ashlynn frown.

She uncapped a marker and wrote something on the white board I just noticed she was hugging to her chest.

'Yeah, that guy would be my dad' is what her board said when she flipped it over.

Of corse Derrick was satisfied with that answer.

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why you are here, or why you are using a white board to speak. Can you not talk?" Derrick asked.

I saw dad tense when he heard the last part. Ashlynn turned and looked at him with her eyebrows drawn together.

Dad whispered something to her, and her eyes filled with tears before she looked down at her feet.

That was like a record for Derrick, Ashlynn has known him for like twenty minutes, and he has already made her cry.

"Ashlynn's dad was killed in a car accident two weeks ago. In the same accident Ashlynn's vocal cords were severed, so no she can't speak." dad said his voice cracking when he mentioned her dad.

A single tear ran down Ashlynn's cheek and landed on the hard wood floor.

It took all of my will power not to pull her into my arms and wipe her tears, Jesus I'm turning into a wimp.

The only thing that held me back was that she already had enough baggage as it was. She didn't need to add mine to it, and I'm almost certain she wouldn't like me if I did tell her.

'Can we please talk about something else' Ashlynn wrote on her board, in her purple marker.

"Of course sweetheart" mom said to her.

"How about you boys introduce yourselves real quick" she said looking at us.

Kian was the first to go followed by Blake and Jace.

Zander went next and Tate went after him.

When Derrick went to introduce himself, he pulled her into a hug and whispered something in her ear.

My eyes met Zander's and he nodded in understanding, I decided I wasn't going to introduce myself.

Ashlynn pulled away from Derrick, and her eyes turned to me, I could have stared into them all day, but instead I just walked past her and out of the room.

"That's Easton" I heard Derrick say, but I didn't catch the rest of it.

Climbing the stairs I walked into my bedroom. Taking comfort in the navy blue and light gray walls.

I just couldn't get her out of my head, those eyes were something else. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Zander walk in until he was sitting next to me.

"You like her don't you" he stated.

I just shrugged my shoulders, I thought she was beautiful and wanted to get to know her more. that was for sure.

"I really don't know Zander, I think I would really like her if I got the chance to talk to her, but if I were to tell her about me..."

Zander just shook his head at me, and gave me his signature 'Shut up Easton' look.

"Easton give her a chance, she might surprise you."

This time I was the one shaking my head.

"Just think about it alright." with that Zander left my room.


Ashlynn has been living in our house for a week and I still haven't said anything to her, but I do know Im starting to like her more and more each day.

Today is the first day she will be going to school with us. After getting dressed in a faded pair of jeans and a black t-shirt I called it good.

Grabbing a few pieces of bacon from the plate on the counter while mom wasn't looking. I headed to the garage and hoped into the drivers seat of my white hummer.

The hummer was a birthday present form my parents for my sixteenth birthday. Its my baby.

Within a few minutes I had both Tate and Blake in the back seat. Derrick was getting Ashlynn. When the two of them walked out my eyes widened slightly.

Ashlynn was wearing a gray hoodie and black skinny jeans. There was very little makeup on her face, but what she was wearing make her eyes pop. today they were more of a blue color. a maroon beanie sat in top of her naturally curly hair.

Her eyes locked to mine, and I held her gaze, that is until Blake cleared his throat form the back seat.

Derrick jumped into the passenger seat, Ashlynn got the back. Although I was a little upset that Ashlynn didn't sit up front. It was probably for the best.

Almost as soon as her door closed I took off, heading towards the school.

The ride was fairly silent. We arrived at the school about two minutes later.

I jumped out of the car and stalked across the parking lot. Not caring about the stares I got. Although I did notice I for fewer than I normally did. Ashlynn was the center of everyone's attention.

Stopping at my locker to get my books I suddenly felt a hand on my arm. Suppressing a groan I turned to face Tamara a.k.a. the girl that thought she was my girlfriend.

Ignoring her babble about clothes and all that crap, I noticed Ashlynn talking to a girl down the hall. I think her name was Tegan, but what do I know.

Following my gaze Tamara scowled.

"I bet she's just putting up an act with the whole being innocent, my guess is that she hooked up with each and every guy at her other school. Look at her, she is such a slut."

My hands clenched into fists. I bet you could see the steam coming out of my ears.

Talking one last look at Ashlynn before facing Tamara.

"No Tamara the only person you described right then was yourself." with that I walked away and down the hall.

Ashlynn definitely wasn't a slut, and the next time I heard Tamara or anyone else say she is, they are going to be running for there life, with the whole Tearins family chasing after them.


Sorry it took so long for me to update!! I really hope you liked this chapter. What do you think of Tamara? Did I do Easton's POV okay?

Question: When is your birthday? Mine is March 8th. Comment the date of yours and I will try my best to give you a shout out.




Until next time,


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