Chapter 5

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I have been living in the Tearins house for a week and Easton has yet to say a single word to me.

Derrick continually tells me that he is like that to everyone, but seriously if I hadn't heard him speak to Connor I would have thought he was a mute like I was.

Unlike Easton, the rest of the family acts like I have lived with them the whole time.

Kian is constantly dragging me up to the game room on the fourth floor to play Mario Cart. He wins most of the time, I really wish I could say its because I let him win, but I just suck really bad at the game.


Today is my first day going back to school. If I said I was excited I would be lying.

What teenager ever likes going to the prison called school? Being a new kid only adds to the long list of why I don't want to go.

List of why I don't want to go!
1. Im new
2. Im mute
3. It's school
4. I live with what are probably the heart throbs of the school
5. I have to get up early

The screeching sound of my alarm clock went of at 6:30, signaling the most exhausting part of the day, waking up.

After standing under the spray of the shower for a solid fifteen minutes, I walked into my closet.

I had decided when I woke up that I wasn't going to dress up for school today. Being new means I'm going to stick out anyway dressing up would just make it like six times worse.

Deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray sweatshirt.

Walking out of my closet I grabbed my pair of white converse.

Going back into the bathroom i check my reflection in the mirror. My slightly damp hair falls into fairly even ringlets, so I just leave it down.

I decided to add just a little foundation to even out my skin color and a little mascara to bring out my eyes.

Throwing on a maroon beanie, I grab my phone, white board and a forest green marker.

Turning off the light I head down stairs.

"Good morning Ashlynn" Ember says from the stove as I sit down at the kitchen table.

I smile as she places a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me.

'Good morning and thank you' I write

"No problem sweetheart"

Digging into my breakfast, I hear the boys racing down the stairs.

"Hey mom" Derrick says as he walks into the kitchen. He grabs a few prices of bacon and turns to me.

"You ready to go?" He asks me.

I sigh and nod my head. 'Lets just get this over with' I write.

"Alright then lets go"

After putting my plate in the sink I follow Derrick to the garage.

Easton is already behind the wheel of a white hummer. Derrick hops into the passenger seat and motions for me to get in.

I crawl in the back seat next to Tate and Blake. As soon as I shut the door Easton backs out of the driveway.

The car came to a stop about two minutes later. Easton was of course the first one out.

Getting out of the car I watched him cross the parking lot, with a frown on my face.

"Ready?" Derrick murmured coming to stand next to me.

Taking a deep breath I nodded, and started across the parking lot.

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