Chapter 6

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Easton's POV

I remember dad saying something about his best friend as he ran out of the house.

Later that day he called mom, she almost instantly burst into tears.

"Mom whats wrong?" I asked when she hung up the phone.

"We need to set up the guest room. We are going to have a new member of the family." She said trying to dry her tears.

I stood there shocked as she walk passed me and out into the living room to call down my brothers.

After telling everyone that we were going to have someone come live with us, and the game plan for setting up her bedroom.

That's right this new member is going to be a girl, my fathers best friends daughter to be exact.

It took us about four days to complete the bedroom, bathroom, and closet for this mystery girl. Mom hadn't even told us her name yet.

I just hope she is going to be able to survive a house of guys.


The ride home from school was silent, that is saying something when you live live with six brothers.

Dad had been gone for about two weeks, and he got home about two hours ago.

Mom practically forced us to go to school today, she wanted the girl to be able to adjust a little before she met the clan.

When we pulled up to the house it took about three minutes to get out of the car and into the house.

"Dad!" we all yelled as we saw him sitting in the living room.

"Boys! How are you all doing? Were you good for your mom?" He asked.

I scoffed.

"Of course we were" My brother Derrick said.

Derrick was probably the loudest in the family. He never shuts up, like ever.

"So where is she dad?" Zander the oldest asked.

"She is upstairs with your mom. Boys she just went through a really hard time and she is still adjusting, so please welcome her." dad said, his expression serious.

We continued to make small talk, asking dad how his trip went.

Then the door opened and in came mom and a girl that looked to be about seventeen.

Jesus Christ, she was beautiful.


Hey, sorry this chapter was short. I will hopefully again soon. So it was a lot harder telling the story from Easton's POV. Was it okay?

Question: Are any of you writing a story? If you are what is it called?

I would love to read it comment with the title.

Love you guys,


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