Chapter 22

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I knew for a fact that wherever Connor was taking me at this very moment was going to change my life. I couldn't, however, tell of it was going to change for the better, or it things were just going to get worse.

"Okay we are almost there, just one more flight of stairs." Connor said from behind me. I just nodded my head, not only could I not speak, but I was blind folded as well.

All of the sudden I was pulled to a stop. Connor's hands that were resting on my shoulders suddenly disappeared. I was left standing there, blind, mute, and alone. That is, until a warm pair of hands grabbed mine and pulled me forward.

Taking me by the shoulders, I was turned around. The cloth covering my eyes was then removed, and what filled them took my breath away.

I was standing in the old dance studio that I found about a month ago. However, it now looked nothing like it did before.

The floors had been replaced, and the wood was now a deep honey color. The dusty and broken mirrors that covered two of the walls were now floor to ceiling, and brand new. The wall behind me was now painted a deep red with three barres mounted to it as well as a portable. Above my head the ceiling had been replaced with one way glass windows, allowing me to see the stars in the now night sky, and would provide natural light in the day time.

Lastly the wall that held the door was white, with hundreds of quotes of all sizes painted in the same deep red as the wall adjacent to it. In the right corner rested a large stereo system, that I could plug my iPod or phone into.

With fresh tears streaming down my already tear stained cheeks, I turned to face the one that had been standing there watching me the whole time.


When I turned to look at him the tears only fell harder. I can't believe he would do this for me. After all I had been through, this amazing guy did this for the little mute girl after knowing her for only a few months.

"Oh gorgeous, no more tears." Easton said softly as he whipped the pads of his thumbs under my eyes, before kissing my eye lids.

"Come here."

With that I jumped into his open arms, and sobbed silently into his neck. While one hand was rubbing my back, his other one was buried in my hair. My legs were wrapped tightly around his waist as I sobbed into him.

We stayed in each others arms for what felt like hours and seconds at the same time. But eventually Easton pushed against my shoulders, to look at me. Looking downwards, slightly embarrassed, from being the emotional wreck I was. I went to pull completely away from him.

Let's just say I didn't make it very far. In fact I didn't make it two steps before he pulled me back. Placing his index finger under my chin he nudged my face up.

"Come on Angel, show me those beautiful blue eyes of yours." Very slowly, I lifted my gaze to meet his. What I say in his sapphire orbs took my breath away.

They were filled with admiration, with hope, joy, and so many more emotions I couldn't even begin to name. Ever so slowly he lowered his head towards mine, his eyes moved to my lips quickly before traveling back to meet my gaze. He was asking for my permission, and I wasn't going to make the same stupid mistake twice.

Leaning forward I crushed my lips to his, if he was shocked he did a great job of hiding it, as he moved his lips gently against mine. Much like the first time the warm fuzzy feeling filled me, but this time I felt the special sparks that everyone talks about.

I poured all that was going through my head into that sweet and tender kiss. All the pain of losing my dad, fear of never fitting it, joy of my new family, and my budding love for the boy in front of me.

I'm not saying I was in love with him just yet, but I could see my self being in it later.

Pulling away from him, I flattened my hand, palm up and brought my fingers to my chin before moving it downwards  in front of me. The sign for thank you.

"You are so welcome Ashlynn. I knew that you needed this. When you ran out of the game room crying because Kian put in just dance I knew something was up. Later that night Derrick, Tate, and Kian came into my room. When they played the video of you dancing I could see that you loved it, and then when you were going to wash your dance clothes with tears in your eyes I knew you still did. That was when I made myself promise that I would do everything I can to help you get back into it, and we are going to start right now."

As soon as the words left his mouth, music began playing out of the stereo in the corner. The melody was easily recognizable as Stay With Me by Sam Smith.

"Ashlynn, will you do me the honor and dance with me?" Easton asked holding his hand out to me.

Placing my shaking hand in his, he bent down slightly to grab my other one. Sliding both of my arms around his neck the then wrapped his around my waist. Drawing small circles on the small of me back.

I lost track of how long we stayed there. My arms wrapped around his neck resting my head against his chest, as he moved us to the music. Even when that song ended and the next one played I knew, I was going to start dancing again, and he was going to be there every step of the way.


Hello, hello,

How are you guys doing. I would like to say thank you to hlny1999 for recommending the song Ashlynn and Easton danced to. So what did you think of this chapter. How can I make it better. Please all of your thoughts matter so don't be afraid to say them. Did you like it, did you hate it, anything.

Question: What do you think the perfect first date would be?




Be happy,


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