Chapter 17

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Ashlynn's POV

The entire house hold was standing in the back year. The dreaded Twister board stood in between me and Easton.

Twister is bad enough just by itself, but this game was worse. Globs of paint covered each and every dot.

"Right foot on blue" Derrick screamed out, signaling the start of the game and my move.

With one last second of hesitation, my foot stepped into the wet paint. Blue paint seeped between my toes and up the sides of my foot.

"Left foot on blue" Kian called, with a smirk stuck on his face as Easton matched my position.

"Left foot on yellow" Derrick shouted. With less hesitation than last time I planted my left foot on the yellow square next to my right.

If to were to split the board in half I would have been standing on the dots closest to Easton's half.

"Right foot on yellow" Kian said, with an uncontrollable giggle.

Easton's smirk grew, with another step my face was right in front of his chest.

With a glare I whipped my head towards Derrick. There is just no way this is coincidental. The look of confusion on his face showed that this game wasn't rigged after all.

And so the game went on. The paint on the floor made everything slick, it was obvious from the start that I had the upper hand.

After 15 minutes Easton collapsed with a purplish footprint on his left cheek.

"Hey that's cheating" he shouted unsticking himself from the floor.

I shook my head in denial, there is nothing in the rule book that says you can't put your foot on an opponents face. Trust me I have checked.

Picking up the rule book Derrick started to flip through it.

"She's right there is nothing that says you ca..." He cut off, and his eyes went wide.

As I was turning around something wet covered my head. Paint dripped down my black shirt.

Turning around I was greeted with a laughing brunette holding the can of green paint.

Today is the day Easton is going to die! Scooping up a handful of blue paint I threw it at him.

His laughing stopped, and Derricks picked up. Then the battle cry rang out.

Paint was flying from all directions. It was every man for himself. Armed with my can of red paint, I jumped onto Tate's back.

As soon as the first drop hit his blonde hair, the back door opened.

"What on earth is going on out here?" Ember screeched as she took in the seen.

Paint was everywhere.

"None of you are coming in the house until this backyard is spotless, do you understand me?" She screeched in fury, her cheeks red.

A chorus of 'yes ma'am' rang through the yard as I nodded my head. I had never seen Ember this angry before.

Slamming the door, she stormed back into the house, muttering something about the kids of today.

It took ten seconds before the laughter rang out, and once it started. It didn't stop.


I know, I know, I'm an awful person. Sorry for the long wait. Things have just been a little crazy. So what do you think? Was it good, bad? What? Comment with thoughts.

Question: What is your all time favorite book? Mine is Tigers Curse by Colleen Houlk.
Comment with answers.

Happy late birthday to Iamsofif.

If you are liking the story follow me on Instagram @smilexi13






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