
418 14 1

Warning~ blood, gore, and violence

Word count~ 3314


"Are we there yet?" The male besides her groans bordley for the umpteenth time. "Shut up" she mumbled all ready regretting on letting him out from her mind-scape. All she wanted is peace and quiet to gather her jumbled thoughts. She herself doesn't even know why she's going in such a rush to see the blond vampire. It's not like he's in danger right? No, he's capable in handling himself. There's nothing for her to worry about, or at least that's what she's trying to convince herself.

Groaning she rubbed her temples in frustration. Nothing seems to make sense, ever since she was raised back from the dead everything seemed to be getting even more complicated. Looking at the frustrated elf from the corner of his eyes, he let out a grunt. Ever since he was traped within her all she thought about is the half-ling. Even when she wasn't even aware that she was thinking of him he saw everything, if anything it almost seemed unhealthy- but who is he to judge when it comes to love or whatever the joors calls them.

He personally have never felt such attraction to anyone, so he can't confirm what's right or wrong. "You know. I've never experience such puny emotions that you joors experience..." He pauses watching as she rolls her eyes. "But I am curious. How does it feel like?" He questions wondering of he word it right. There was a silent pause, "frustrating." She mumbled having her eyes covered with the palm of her hands. "Absolutely fucking frustrating. I myself barely even understand these emotions. But even with all those negative feelings it feels..." She paused trying to find the right words. "Warm. Like you belong along side them. Its as if your other piece is finally there to make you whole. Or some shit like that." She shrugged not knowing if it helped- not like she cared. The male simply hummed and stared off into the distance. 'Feeling whole? Sounds pleasing enough.'

Running her fingers through her hair she let out a tired sigh. Looking up she sees that the sun is already setting. "We should make camp, I'll scout the area while you set camp up." Without warning she got off the horse, and summon a raven with blood red eyes.

Watching it fly away she continued her walking through the white forest. Every step she takes is a 'crunch' from layers of snow that had fallen over the last few nights. During her alone time her mind tends to lead to some dark thoughts. There's a faint voice in the back of her mind that whispers things that no one should hear, things that could label her as evil. But to her- its normal, or at least she tries to convince herself that its normal. It's normal right? No, there's nothing wrong with her. There's nothing wrong.

There's nothing wrong.

There's nothing wrong..

There's Nothing Wrong...

There's NoThing WrOng....





Her eyes snapped up when she hears a loud 'caw'. Her cold dull eyes stared at the approaching raven. Perhaps letting off some steam will do her good. Walking towards a direction she didn't stop her trek until she's ambushed by demons. Without blinking she stared at growling demons before a sinister grin plastered onto her lips. "Die" she whispered, and in an instant the demons surrounding her approached her at full speed. Quickly reacting she took out her katana, and sliced any demons that dared to get near her. Twirling, slicing, hatchling, spilling blood- everything seemed to be going slow motion for her. Her rapidly beating heart from adrenaline, her feet skidding against the snowy ground as a demon punched her making her raise her arms in defense.

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