Beauty of the Eyes

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Word count~ 1939


Falael looked around her while walking with Trevor by her side. Her nose scrunched up in disgust at the smell, decaying bodies is all she could smell, and it's honestly getting on her nerve.
They both didn't speak to each other they just kept walking a head without stopping.

Didn't bother to look at the person that was laying around getting drunk.

Nor to the people that where picking up the dead bodies to "dispose of".

Nothing they just kept walking without a second glance. As they walk they came up to a bridge that really messed up Falael nose. She grunted in disgust seeing blood splatter all over the side of the bridge. As they walk closer to the spilt blood, the stench of decaying bodies has gotten stronger. They both see two people swinging a dead body throwing it over the edge of the bridge and just simply walking away.

Trevor looked over the edge with a blank look with Falael behind him looking over as well. She raised a brow on how many dead bodies where. "Didn't even bother to burn the bodies" Falael mumbled starting to walk away. Trevor spits on the bodies and catched up to Falael walking by her side. She rolled her eyes at his antics not botherd to say anything to him.

They walked down the path until they came up to a run down market filled with chatter. Falael and Trevor looked at each other having the exact same idea both smirking at each other. Well at least that's what Trevor think she's doing. They both ran to the side of the wall, Trevor jumping on the barrel to the edge of the wall. While Falael just jumped and landed on the edge of the wall, sitting down and looking over the market with Trevor doing the same actions.

Both of then are just watching the humans clean up the remains from the raid that occurred last night. People cleaning up blood with their rags, People taking off some organs from the spikes to a bucket, People vomiting here and there, and some people also gossiping.

Falael sighed and rubbed her neck rolling her shoulders. Trevor jumped off the wall with Falael following behind walking threw the run down market to a stall. "What will one coin buy me" Trevor asked the lady from the stall with her cleaning a knife with a rag. "Bit of dried goat" was all she said. Before Trevor can put down the coin a hand had placed down 4 coins. He looked up and raised an eyebrow to Falael "Here's four" she mumbled not bothered by the looks she got from both of them. The lady shrugged and cut four slices of the goat. While she's cutting she started talking, "Haven't seen you both before"  she raised an eyebrow. "We're just passing threw, I'll take it thanks." Trevor simply replies, "you both want to pass threw quicker."

Falael zoned out not bother on what they're speaking of. She looked around her taking in every single detail of the run down city. 'Filthy' was all she thought of, she sighed grabbing two slices of meat from Trevor. They walked threw the run down market looking around.

After going threw some stalls talking here and there Trevor and Falael started walking threw an alley. While walking Falael thought back to the man that spoke about the "sleeping soldier" she thought on how ridiculous it sounded. And all mighty being having a nice slumber underneath this filthy city. Hmph preposterous if that where the case than this "sleeping soldier" should've been up and going a year ago, but that wasn't the case now was it.

Falael got bored and decide to start jumping on the roofs. She looked down and saw three people, two of them seems to be a priest from their robes and one of them... Well he looks like a damn blueberry "the hell" she mumbled, but then she remembered the gossiping people speaking about some Speakers in the city.

She kneeled down on the roof that she was on which coincidentally is where them three are at. Falael saw Trevor trying to convince himself to not get involved. She smirked knowing that he is going to help the walking blueberry speaker.

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