Tale of the Iminatalos

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Word count~ 407


Thousands of years ago there was a land filled with elves called the Iminatalos. The elves and the humans had a peace treaty for century's, but one day the humans where fed up with the elves.

They where sick and tired being over powered by the elves, and the humans where hungry for power. So they decided to gather up an army, and attack the home land of the elves.

And so the peace treaty has been broken. The attack from the humans was so sudden that the elves didn't have time to gather up an army to fight back. Which led humans to slaughtered every single elves they could find. Years had gone by, and finally the humans completed their goal. Every single elf have been eliminated from the very existence of Earth...

Except one race of elves...

They're known as a High Elves. Top of race of elves. Their is Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and the rarest race, the High Elves. The Alavara's are the only known family to be High Elves. They where also known across the land for hunting creatures from the very pits of hell. A savior sent down from god is what the elves and humans use to call them.

Until a priest had made a lie about the Alavara's. Saying that they are Satan's servants, and they are also accused for black magic, and witch craft. Driven by fear the humans started hunting the Alavara's. When the war took place the Alavara's manage to slip out, and escape. The family that are known as the vanquishers of evil are no more. Know they are known for being assassins killing people that had committed terrible crime. Hundreds of years later the use to be known elves are nothing but a fairy tale, a myth, a legend. The humans had forgotten about the elves existence. The very ones that they had slaughter.

Them being nothing but a story.

During those hundreds of years the Alavara's where being hunted down once again. A folk from a village saying that they had seen an elf wondering in the woods nearby. They sent out a search and surely it was the famously known family. The Alavara's. All the Alavara's have tattoos on their necks representing their family crest. Slowly each family member had been killed until their is only one left.

Her name is Falael Alavara the last of her family and kind.

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