The Alavara Returns

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Word count~ 6876


The cold is all that Falael could feel. No matter how long she had been in the same position, for who knows how long. Her body has not even gotten numbed from the cold not even her finger tips. She's been floating in the body of water for as long she could remember staring up at the blood red moon that is looming over her. At times her mind would unfocused and take her to an empty void with a skeleton being covered with a raged cloak. Said being taught her magic beyond her knowledge on how to create hell fire, or summon any dragons to do her deeds. Threw out the teachings the being never revealed themselves, nor acknowledge Falael's questions when it is about them. At first the being was aggressive with her, but time went on and the being slowly lost its temper and made some decent conversation with her. After being taught every knowledge that the being knows, he made a deal with the elf. If shes able to land a blow on him he'll let her go from the comma state that she is in. Of course, Falael agreed in a heart beat only making the being chuckle at her foolishness. Days and for days Falael tried everything that she knows to try and land a single hit on the being, but every time she was close on doing so the being will either doge her, step aside, or teleport away from her making her even more frustrated than she already is. The being showed slight sympathy to her, but in order for her to continue in the land of the living she will have to complete the challenge that it had set for her. This went on for nearly a month, and near the end of the month Falael manage to catch the being off guard and land a hit on them, creating a huge gash across its cloak. The being paused its movements in shock, she manage to land a hit, and a big one too. If they weren't already dead, that fatal blow would definitely end them then and there. It had let out an amused chuckled, and lifted its head towards the female elf who is taking deep breaths threw her nose and beads of sweat dripping down her temple. She let a tired, but victorious smile appear on her lips and gave the being a toothy grin. "*hah* I manage- *ha* to land a hit on you." She breathed heavily threw out her sentence hunching over her bent knees. "Indeed you did elf. As promise I would release you from your comma, and let you roam in the land of the living. But be warned little elf, this would be the last time that I'll save your ass from dying." He pointed a finger at Falael as if scolding a child. She only gave a dry chuckle and did a mock salute, "Got it chief." The being only groaned and let out an exasperated breath, "can't believe im actually doing this." The being mumbled under his breath and gave a side glance to the grinning elf.

He let out a deep hum, and stared at her for a while. With a final huff he faced his body towards her and pulled down his hood revealing a skeleton head. Falael was caught off guard from the unexpected act, and stared at the being for a while. What had caught her attention is that it has a skeleton head of a dragon, its horns are slanted back and has a slight spiral to it with some beads hanging at the ends of its horns. "I am Alduin the world eater, or rather I was known for being the world eater. I was vanquished by my enemy which put me into this state. I was raised from the dead, and was ordered by a puny mortal to do their deeds." The being that is known as Alduin snarled at the thought of being ordered around by a pathetic human. "But as they where the forgemaster I had to obey what ever they told me to do." Alduin gave out a sigh, and massage between his temples. Even if not being able to feel anything he could imagine the feeling of an incoming headache already. Falael hummed at the information she was given, and stared at the ground. She had heard stories that had to do with the world eater, wether it be good or bad. In most stories the world eater is portrayed as the villain, and to be killed by a mortal who's prophesized to become the savior of the world, or the cause of the end of the world.

Other stories about the world eater is that he is a being that is sent from an unknown deity to cleanse the world from all evil, and sinners. Of course, people didn't like that story since it went against their beliefs by saying that there is another being out there that can rival God's power. So they dismissed it as rubbish, and went with the story of the world eater being a villain which they weren't wrong. He could honestly give less shit about the puny mortals, seeing them as nothing but a waste of space. Although, they did made some good slaves for him, following every order that he commanded them. Falael raised her head only to be meet with a skeletal hand pressing a pressure on her forehead. Her body immediately went limp, and landed on the ground with a 'thud'. "Don't make me regret this." Alduin told the unconscious body that is slowly fading into the abyss. He let out a chuckle and gave a sinister look. "See you soon."

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