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"Do you really think you can turn back to your 'regular' self?" Sceptical; Falael watches from a distance as Alduin stand in the middle of a field. "Shut up woman! I know I can." He growled squinting his eyes shut with an annoyed snarl on his lips. Huffing, Falael decided to walk around what seems like the 100th time. He's been at it for the past 2 days after the attack with the demons.

Ever since then all he wanted to do is to go back to his 'glory' self, at least that's what he calls it. Problem is, he hasn't been in tune with his other self for century's. Would be a miracle if he were to turn any time soon. "Alduin I cherish you and all, but you're starting to aggravate me right now." Her eyes narrowed when she spotted him in the corner of her eyes, rolling his eyes at her. Gritting her teeth she leaned against a tree with a grunt, and silently seethed to herself.

The reptile simply let out a puff of smoke through his nostrils making Falael roll her eyes. At this point her plans would need to come at a stop. Yet time is quickly diminishing, she could feel her goals slowly slipping out of her grip and she hates that she has no control over it. Yes she could teleport away, but she needs Alduins consent in order to do so for he is apart of her. Ever since she sealed his soul with her own, their souls slowly started to mesh together.

And because of this most of her abilities is enclosed do to the fact that Alduin is just simply being an asshat, and refusing to agree any of her favors. Does she regret sealing his soul with her own? Yes. Very much so yes.

"Alduin. What do you need me to do in order to help with your- problem?" If going against him doesn't help, then she will reluctantly help him to quicken the pace. Raising his head from the previous inclined position he stared at her with those menacing snake like eyes and raised a brow. "So now you decide to help me? What's the sudden change of heart darling?" Sarcasm littered through out his words making Falael bite her inner cheek holding back a snarky remark. "Well do you not want to get your former self back? If anything I know that you wouldn't be able to do so on your own." She rested her head against the trunk and blankly stared at the male who is now approaching her.

"And how in Oblivion would you know if I'm not able to?" He stopped in front of her staring down at her form with narrowed eyes. Straightening her form she defiantly stared at the male, "You have been at it for the past two days without a single progress. Tell me-"

She leans towards him both of their breaths fanning against each other faces. "Do you even know what the hell you're doing? Or are you doing this just to fuck me over with my plans?" Not a single muscle moved from any of their forms both refusing to back down.
"And what if that is the case? What would someone like you do to a deity like me?" He said his voice lowered trying to intimidate her. "You? A deity? Don't make me laugh Alduin. You're anything but a God. You may have been worshipped as one millennial ago, but you sure as hell don't make the cut for one."

Anger immediately shown within his expression he raised his hand in a choking formation making Falael grab onto his wrist. Tightening her hold she narrowed her eyes at the world eater. "You out everyone should know that your past title does not effect me, nor does the fact that you are the king of dragons. To me you're nothing but an animal that is entrapped in a cage-" her grip tightens as he made a move to try removing it. "That is what you've been doing for the past two days. Trying to gain your former glory back to make up the vulnerable feeling from you being entrapped with in my being. You refuse to accept the fact that a suppose mere mortals was able to defeat you. A mere mortal that has their own soul taking over your own and many that you had taken as well."

She yanked his wrist down making him lean down in a jolt and grabbed hold onto his chin harshly with her metallic fingers. "You're nothing but a bird to me, who's wings has been clipped and talons that has been ripped off. So let me make myself clear one final time. If you ever go against me I would not hesitate to end you even if it means ending myself." She aggressively pushed him away from her making him stumble, and a blank look was all she received. His teeth clenched in anger, and his fist in a tight hold. "Do I make myself clear birdy?" She mockingly said to the male who gulped back a snarky remark. "Crystal." Giving a final up and down look towards his direction she turns away and started walking towards the direction of a stream she had found earlier. "Clean yourself up. We are leaving when the sun sets." Was all he heard as he watches her form disappear into the bundles of trees and shrubs.

"You really believe you can stop a World Eater Falael?" He chuckles while running his fingers through his hair. "Sooner or later you'll be on your knees before me, and I will be the only one you dare to speak with it." Grinning he looked down at his hand seeing a faint mist of red and black flowing between his fingers slowly making tendrils that is wrapping around his entire hand. Dispersing the magic with a wave of his hand he gave a final glance towards the direction she left. "Soon it will happen,  and you will only obey me."


Sorry for the short chapter. I feel as if I should have wrote more consider for how long i haven't updated. To be fair I forgot i had wattpad in the first place.

And i did this chapter to mostly make up the time i have wasted on not writing. Im pretty much doing this before and after my exams even though I should be studying.
Either way this story is more of a filler and to somewhat show the present relationship between Alduin and Falael. Its more of a love hate between the two beings. Either way there may be another update today if I finish the other chapter while sitting in seminar.

Either way I don't really have a schedule for updates, so I'll mostly be updating this story when i decide to write.

That's the end of that have an amazing day to anyone who is reading. ☺

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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