Not my problem

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Word count~ 908



A sea of fire spreads across the landscape which seems endless to an eye. Creatures from the very pits of hell finally roaming on the surface after many century's.

A hooded figure looked out in to the landscape watching as the land slowly burn and die with the burning flames of hell. The stench of rotten flesh can be smelled in the air for miles on end. The figure stood at the edge of a cliff looking over the sea of fire as if it was hell itself. The cry's for help begging to be saved. They didn't do anything to help,  they stood there indifferent and watched as they slowly burt with the burning flames and perish into nothing but ash. Just as they had done to their own people that they claimed were evil.

Hours had went by of their shrill screams and screeches of them begging for forgiveness, for them to live on just a little bit longer. Pure silence is horrid some say, to them its bliss. The sound of the Earth burning is all to be heard by the hording flame, along with the cry's/screeches by the hell spawn. The hooded figure ears flicker a bit. It's time to leave. The figure let out a slow and daunting 'hum'  before turning and walking away from the remaining ashes of the crying people.

While doing so the air had picked up some wind, making the figures hood flicker back a bit. Rose gold eyes and black silky wavy hair is only to be seen within the void, and quickly set off to their destination. Ashes falling from the sky as if it was snow, what a beautiful sight to be seen.


"Finally" the hooded figure mumbled looking up to the run down village. Their coat being soaked by the rain earlier. They started walking towards a run down bar. As they walk closer to the building they hear a man talking - very loudly -- "So I says to him, it's my goat. I been tending goats since I was four years old." The figure slightly opened the door slipping past the door making sure that none of the humans had notice them.

Silently they lean into the wall that is covered with shadows. Looking threw the bar they see a few people, but not much. 'alright, where can you be' the figure thought scouting the place until their eye landed on the person they were looking for. 'Bingo' they thought, not daring to tear the eyes away from the person. "Right Right" a tall man had replied to the short one. "And I'd know if my goat was in love with you." The short fat man said, 'tch' the figure let out an annoyed groan. "For God's sake" "They say to me " I know your goat's in love with me--" the figure decide not to listen already planning on how to shut them up.

As the figure was wondering in their own mind. They were brought back into a reality by someone yelling out, " Oi I know that crest, your a Belmont!!" The short fat man yelled out staring straight at the man with a cape with white fur on. The figure let out a quiet sigh already knowing what's about to happen.

A fight had broke out, and the figure did nothing, but sit on the bar counter. The figure crossed their feminine legs and just stared in amusement. After a while of watching the Belmont made a little saying speaking on how he is quote on quote "I am Trevor Fucking Belmont, and I've never lost a fight to man nor fucking beast" until the tall man kicked his feet making him fall backwards. The figure snorted in amusement watching as the tall fucker grabbed a chair clearly aiming to hit the Belmont. The figure sighed already getting tired of this they swiftly and quickly jumped off the counter, and quickly appeared next to the tall man facing his side. The figure quickly pull back their left mechanical fist, and one punched the shit out the man's side. Quickly sending him to the wall leaving a crater.

The hooded figure looked down at the Belmont and snorted, sticking their right hand out for the Belmont. He looked at the hand and smiled putting his hands on the figure getting pulled up by them. "Didn't think I'd see you so soon" The Belmont said a smirk on his flush face. "Well a promise is a promise" the figure said. Could hear the smirk to that damn sentence. "It's good to see you Falael" The Belmont smiled fondly to the hooded figure known as Falael. "And to you Trevor Fucking Belmont" Falael said back still amused by the fight that had happened. Trevor chuckled a bit and scratched his chin,"how long have you been watching?" "Enough to see you get kicked in the balls twice" Falael snickered heading out of the filthy bar. Trevor flushed a bit more a that following suit until he stopped, got down, and threw up all the drinks he just had. "Feel better" Falael teased Trevor, he slightly glared at her before rolling his eyes "Bastards, I hope you all bleed out..." He quickly turned out and yelled " through your arses!! Mm every last rat bastard one of you." Falael chuckled and shake her head at him. "C'mon you oaf" she pulled his arm.

The Last Alavara | Castlevania Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora