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Sorry to disappoint, but this ain't a post.
I'll post something in a few hours maybe- idk.

But here am I. Finally uploading something after a few months...

I gotta say I'm not proud of this story. When i first started it was like what- two years ago.

This thing needs some serious editing.

When am I going to. No clue, but whenever I read back the story is pretty much rushed, and to me some of the shit doesn't make sense at all. Soooo- yeah I'm going to edit the shit out of this story. Especially since Season 4 is coming out soon, I want to end this story when the last episode is aired. This story has been ongoing for so long, I think it's time to finish this. Maybe I'll upload some spinoffs here and there, but there's no guarantee.

But it ain't going to be my last story. I'll probably create more stories. More crossovers, and ect.

And yeah. Thanks for whoever is reading this have a spectacular day cuz why not.

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