Death awaits us with open arms

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"The staircase is a wreck" Trevor said putting the sharpened stick away. "You don't say." Falael muttered looking at the remainings of the stairs which wasn't much.
"We're not getting up there without ropes. Start looking" he finished, picking up his sword from the ground. Falael was standing next to Alucard when Sypha did some movements with her hand, and created a pillar of ice with them on top of it. Slowly rising towards the surface. She winces slightly quickly grabbing her arm that is covered with bandages. The marking of the seal feels as if it was burning her skin, her blood boiling and simmering making her cringe. Something bad is coming, and its setting every single nerve in her on fire. Shes glad that none of the trio had noticed her pain. Her skin slowly started to have a red tint of color as they slowly rise towards the surface. She looks up left hand still grabbing onto her bandaged arm. A full blood moon. When they finally reached the surface, she immediately stopped in her tracks. Something's coming -fast-
Before, she could warn the others a deep roar had rumbled the earth making the four look up at the sky. Everyone's eyes widen at the creature that had made the roar. A dragon, or rather a dragon of the undead. The dragon before them was a skeleton dragon,no scales, muscles, and organs. All you can see is a very faint glow in the chest area of the dragon.

Falael immediately took stance when the dragon landed in front of them, a few yards away. She noticed the trio taking a stance as well, "Don't interfere. You won't be able to handle this kind of dragon. This one is known for being the strongest and the hardest to get rid of, since no matter how much you cut it and remove its bones. It'll only repair itself. "Ill handle this big guy. You guys go ahead." She finished trying to do a quick brief explanation as she raises a magicka shield in front of the group to protect them from the blast the dragon had spewed out. "Hurry" with a stern voice she brought her hand up to her lips. Biting her thumb for enough blood to spew out, and wiping it to her left thumb, so she could swipe the blood across the sealing mark. With a bright flash of green light, a dragon had taken place where shes standing with her on top of her dragons head. "Go" with a stern voice the three finally took action and ran towards the castle. Not before taking one last glance at her, and seeing her already engaging into battle with the undead dragon.

"Ajaar. I need you to distract the dragon for me. I need to gather up all my magicka, so I could seal the dragon into the Grand Soul Gem. Then seal the Grand gem into me."  The dragon merely nodded his head, and spewed out fire towards the undead dragon. Falael made sure to cast an anti-gravity on herself, and an invisible shield as well. The anti-gravity is used for manipulating gravity, wether it be an object or human. The shield - of course- is used for defense, magic or non magic.

Falael also made sure to not use a lot of magicka for those two spells, for she needs most of her magicka for the sealing shes about to cast on the dragon. But. There is a downfall to this sealing spell. To do this spell you must require to sacrifice something precious that is considered to man kind, and that is life. A living soul. A soul that is thriving with life. The soul that belongs to the caster of the spell. She must sacrifice herself in order to seal the dragon within her with the Grand Soul gem. And as she dies the dragon as well dies with her.

She doesn't understand why she's doing this. What would she gain from this? Didn't she say that she could honestly care less to what happens to this world. To the people and creatures that thrive within this world? She made a vow to herself, that she won't mess with the fate of these humans and creatures. So why? Why is she doing this? Is it to prove of her existence? To prove that she could actually be of use?
Falael Alavara. A woman with no emotions, an elf that thrives along with death, a person that had lost her way in order to persue revenge. But a woman had found her in the midst of killing someone with no remorse. The woman had simply given her a smile and held out her hand. As if she was not bothered by the monster that had stood before her. As if the monster had not just killed a person... A person that could possibly corrected their wrong doings, and have a second chance in life. The woman did not flinch, nor twitch at the sight of blood and gore before her. She just simply held a closed eyed smile with her hands out stretched. "My name is Lisa. May I know yours?" Such casuality. It honestly had shock stricken within her when the woman -named lisa- had spoken to her so casually. As if she wasn't a monster. She didn't know why, but she cant help but feel reassurance within Lisa. Safe. A word she had not used in a while for such things. She didn't understand back then why she had token Lisa's hand, but she did not regret on doing so. The woman had shown her many things about the world, and dare she say. A kindle of hope had been litten within Falael. She corrected her mistakes from her past, and learned to move on. The woman had thought her so much, and expressed compassion and empathy towards her. It still baffles her to this day on how the woman didn't think of her as a monster. But a monster like her does not deserve a happy ending. That faithful day when she came back from one of her trips across the land, had been met with the smell of smoke and ashes. She immediately teleported towards the house. Only to see it burned to the ground. Nothing but ashes. Rage has filled within her. The greenery around her immediately wilts and dies leaving nothing behind, but a void of life. An empty shell. She had never felt so empty. So alone. And for the first time in the span of her 80 years of life. She had cried in agony for her fallen mentor. For the kind hearted woman, who believed no matter how cruel human kind could be. There would always be light in the darkest of hearts.

She snapped her eyes open and stared straight at the empty sockets of the undead dragon. Eyebrows scrunched up, eyes narrowing, and a snarl appearing. She slowly separated her hands away from each other which was in a praying position. A golden hue appears between the gap of her hands which was at shoulder level. And with a strong voice she shouts the words to complete the spell and seal the dragon. "Sil Gro" in a flash the golden hue that was between her palms had grew twice the size of the dragon before her. The Golden hue shines even brighter when it engulfed the undead dragon. Hearing screeches and roars from said dragon. Feeling the dragons soul withdraw from the body into to gem, she quickly clamps her hand together, fingers laced. A bead of sweat has rolled down the side of her face. The lack of magicka starting to take affect, and the dragon resisting her was not helping at all. With a shout she entrapped the dragon in a Black look a like crystal. Said Crystal slowly floated towards her a slight golden hue outlining the gem. And with a grunt the Soul Gem has emerged within her, the gold hue surrounded Falael before disappearing leaving behind a mark on top of her belly button. A tear. How ironic. "My lady!" Ajaar shouts with worry as he slowly fades away. Sensing that she has no more magicka within her to hold herself up. The problem was that they're 100's of feet off the ground. His summoner is going to die, was Ajaars last thought as he faded away. And with that gravity takes its course. Her back towards the ground, hair flailing all over the place. She couldn't feel anything. She feels numb, but she was happy that she has accomplished on sealing the dragon. Maybe thats why she had done it. To feel satisfied that she had done something good for once. So Lisa could be proud of what she did. She's greatful that Lisa had found her then. The time when she was so emersed with Revenge.

She realised that the people who speak and seek for revenge are are never good. In the end its tragic.

She felt a cool surge as she plummited into the cool surface of water. How fortunate. She manage to survive the fall, but now she'll just drown. The murky water engulfes her vision, blocking the light from the surface to reach her. She unconsciously reached towards the surface, but it was futile. As a monster should die. In the pitts of darkness. Where it belongs.
She released her last breath, only for her lungs to be filled with the murky water. Her vision slowly fading as the water filled her lungs, she let a smile grace her face knowing that it would finally be the end. She never got the chance to tell Alucard that she loves him. She felt her body spasm and then suddenly jerk upwards.

Her eyes fluttered shut for the last time.

Death welcoming her with open arms.


Word count- 1655

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